
Why You Need To Love Your Body Into Wellness

In this video I talk about the choices you need to be making every day to love your body into wellness, so you can get on with living your best life because I truly believe that is what you were put on this earth to do - LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Living your best live needs to start now. You change as you grow and you also reap what you sow! The thoughts you think, the food you eat, the water you drink and the exercise you take all have a huge affect in your wellness and what you are attracting into your life. Wellness coaching can be the difference in you succeeding or failing when it comes to making the choices you need to make for your wellness. Take pain, who wants to be in pain? Pain medications can only do so much. But when you are in pain, you are in stress. You are triggering a stress response. How can you ease that pain and that stress? By listening to your mind, your body and starting with where you are at. Have a watch of this video and then have a read of the written post that goes with it over on my website: Please like and share and of course subscribe for more great content.

Do You Struggle To Be Positive In January? Perhaps You Struggle To Be Positive All The Time

I know what it is like to struggle. I was that person who struggled all of the time. I know now that the reason I struggled so much was because I was over stressed and hyper vigilant. I was so critical of myself and others. How do you know you are struggling? Check out this video and even pop over to the written blog post on my website where there are lots of links to services I offer and others offer that can help you feel better and manage better every single day. #barbaraoneill #positivevibes #positivethinking #beingpositiveinwinter #bluemonday #retuningme #kinesiology4u #kinesiology #mentalwellness #mentalwellnesscoach

23 December 2024

Are you setting yourself up for Success with your New Years Resolutions and News Years Goals? Christmas day is just over and already you could be planning your New Years Resolution. Perhaps you over sugared, drank too much, ate too much, maybe you got a flu and you really want to clean up your act for the new year and beyond. How many times have you set out on January 1st to transform yourself only to fail in the first week. This is because you are expecting yourself to be able to be at 100% achievement on January 1st and this is not always the best way to go about setting or achieving your resolutions and goals. I have created a short programme on goal setting and it is free for you to use - here is the link: You will have to sign into me website to use the programme, but other than that you are welcome to use this programme. Let me know how you get on. Please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel

I truly Love You Chant

Before you begin can I ask you to subscribe to my channel and when you have finished can you like, share and perhaps post a comment, many thanks. Have you heard of the ancient Ho'ponopono ritual of self-actualisation? It is an ancient Hawaiian ritual. In this chant I have developed the original chant to turn it into a truth chant which, I believe, helps to embed it deeper into your energy system. The words are: I truly love you, I truly am sorry, I truly ask for your forgiveness, I truly need your help, I truly am grateful, but most of all I truly am so blessed. The whole idea is that the conscious adult you is chanting this to your inner past energy aspects that are stuck in a stressful and traumatic vibration. Whatever you are vibrating at, the universe is gifting you with more of that vibration. Eastern Medicine holds that your thoughts set your vibration and the blood and the body will tune to that frequency. 95% of your thinking is subconscious and automatic coming from the deep seated positive and mostly negative truths you inherited from others, when you were very very young. These truths can also come from trauma times and experiences. You keep attracting negative people and bad situations into your life, because there are negative vibrations in your subconscious energy system that need to be retuned. Call Forward Before you begin this chant, it is a good idea to call forward all energy vibrations in your that are out of tune with your highest good and your highest healing. Then through this chant you are telling them what they never got to hear way back then. You are saying that you truly love them, (I truly love you) as you are, worts and all. In doing this you stop fighting with yourself. This is an unconditional love. Next, you are saying that you truly are sorry for all the thoughts beliefs actions and habits that you have in your energy system that are preventing your energy being from living your best life here and now (I truly am sorry). Then you are truly asking for forgiveness cos you have genuinely being doing the best you can, but also a lot of the vibrations you have inherited from others while you were very young (I truly ask for your forgiveness). Next, you tell your younger energy aspects that you really need their help, because without their help you cannot retune these hurt and stuck negative energy vibrations to better more positive frequencies (I truly need your help). Then show how grateful you are for this process and for their help and for the opportunity to change this energy (I truly am grateful) Finishing with how blessed you are in your energy vibration of you - you are perfection and whole and you are not broken and lost. Truly believe that when you vibrate at frequencies of blessing and gratitude you are indeed pure universal blessing - (but most of all I truly am so blessed) I wish you blessings of success with this chant and hope it brings much peace to you. You can learn more about me over on my website: #mentalhealthawareness #barbaraoneill #womenswisdom #healingvibrations #hooponopono #healingmusic #healingsounds #healingchants #retuningme #tapintosuccess #reboundforwellness #kinesiology4u

Healing sound of nature in County Kerry, Ireland.

We are made up of vibrational energy. Many things can knock your energy out of tune. Natural energy vibrations can help to de-stress your energy system and enable you to retune to more positive frequencies. Here is a video I took in Co Kerry early summer time, you can hear animals, birds, water, - enjoy the nourishing energy. Please subscribe to my channel and share with your friends, cos we could all do with some good vibrations. My name is Nuala O Connor and I am committed to helping others retune their stressed and blipped energy vibrations to frequencies that promote natural wellness and success, because we all deserve to live our best lives and natural ways have least side effects. You can learn more about me and all that I do over on my website:

Honouring Your Grief & Loss Through November

When someone you love dies, there is a very big hole in your heart. The emptiness is real, the grief is enormous. Sometimes it is so tough that all you want to do is avoid it. You get very busy with life. Or you just want to hide away, hibernate, hope that people will leave you alone. I find that rituals are great in helping me to cope everyday with grief and loss, but especially in the month of November. I think November has always been the month that I allow myself to process my grief and loss a little more. I light candles, go to special places, write cards, make some stained glass pieces, or art pieces. I do what I need to do to help me ritualise what I need to at this time. What do you do with your grief and loss? There is no one size fits all when it comes to grief and loss. There is no time limit on grief, no rule book, no-one to guide you through the day to day, but you! You can help yourself be creating little rituals, finding someone to talk to, reading up on some of the latest research into grief and loss because it could help you to understand and accept yourself a little more. You can read the full article that goes with this video here: You can book on to one of my creative soul days here: Please like, comment, share and of course subscribe to my channel, thank you.

Do you need to use a rebounding programme?

Please like share and subscribe🙏 People often ask me ‘do you need to get a programme to start rebounding’ and of course the answer is ‘no’. You can get in a rebounder and do your own thing. The reason why I created programmes is because of the amount of clients that share how they started rebounding with no programme, just did their own thing and went to fast, too intense and ended up with pains, flu like symptoms old injuries coming back, headaches… Rebounding For Wellness programmes are not made in Hollywood, they are simple and easy to do programmes that will get you into rebounding very slowly and gently. You see once you hit menopause, your connective tissue can get soft, and when you do aggressive rebounding you could cause injury to yourself. Where as gently rebounding and building up your practice slowly allows all your tissue to get stronger slowly and gradually - slow and steady wins the race and the programmes are not about getting to the end, but getting into a daily rebound exercise routine for your natural wellness - check out my website for more information: https://retuningme/rebound-wellness/ Exercise doesn’t need to be hard but it does need to be in every day, rebound for wellness programmes will help you get into daily effective exercise that boosts wellness👌👌 #reboundforwellness #easyeffectiveexercise #exerciseformenopause #retuningme #barbaraoneill #menopauselife #menopausewellness

Wellness In The Work Place

We all strive for states of wellness. We all want to live our best life. Then there comes the buts and the ifs! 'But if only I didn't have to work with..., or 'if I hadn't got that manager..'. There is a lot in the world that can cause us to focus on the negative and there is a lot in our world that can help us to focus on the positive. I love to talk about what our focus is doing to us and then how we can change that focus so we get to live better lives. Each day we have a choice, stress or success, illness or wellness, and it is all set in motion through the thoughts we think and the actions we take. I offer specific and focused wellness programmes that enable participants to focus on the positive, tune to the positive, be the positive. Let me work with your team to create and deliver the right programme that will enable everyone to manage their daily stress differently with easy and effective daily tips and technologies. You can learn more here: Please subscribe to this channel and like, share and comment. #workplacewellness #workshop #workplacewellbeing #workplacewellness #retuningme #workplacestress

Success Energy Coaching with Nuala O’Connor

Stress has an energy vibration that you will tune to when you are in a stressed state. Your thoughts and beliefs are what determine what vibration you you tune to. The good news is that your thoughts and beliefs create your energy environment, and your thoughts and beliefs can be changed. You can literally retune your whole energy system when you find and fix your out of tune energy vibrations whether they be in your thoughts or in your cellular memory. Success Energy coaching offers you a creative way of looking at life and indeed dealing with life so that you can turn your stressed energy into vibrations of success. Then you get to live your best life in every aspect of your life. Have a watch of this video. please like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more videos, and to get working on your Success Energy book your first session here:

Minding Your Mental Wellness Through Menopause and Beyond

Minding your mental wellness is always key to your overall state of wellbeing at any time through your life. During menopause mental wellness is of even more importance. When you come into the menopause already stressed your hormones will be totally out of whack. Being over stressed your adrenals will be fatigued and your endocrine system is already suffering. In this video I talk about some things you might find helpful in calming stress and managing your mental wellness better. You can ready more by clicking this link: You can book an online or face to face consultation with me (Dublin 15, Ireland) by clicking this link: Like this video, please let me know by commenting on it, liking, sharing and subscribing to my channel, thank you. #barbaraoneill #stresstosuccess #menopause #menopauselife #menopausewellness #retuningme #tapintosuccess #reboundforwellness

Good Nutritional Support Through Menopause Is Essential For Wellness

You may be surprised to hear me say that nutritional support is essential through the menopause. Have a look at this video and read of my post on my website: and then see if what I say makes sense for you as you journey through the menopause. Natural wellness habits have the least side effects on your body and your wellbeing. This is why I tend to always go natural first. In this video I share some of the natural nutritional supports I have in my cupboard and what they can do to help me as I journey. I will also suggest you go see a Systematic Kinesiologist who can help you to find exactly what nutritional support you do need at this time, rather than taking loads and wasting money putting your body under more stress to cope with the nutrition that you do not need. As well as watching what nutritional support you take, you also need to be aware of the things you are eating, including processed sugar food and drink. Life can be easier when we make the better choices for our wellness and some of those choices will mean making touch choices. This may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear! Check out my post, and watch this video and then if you can get an appointment with a systematic kinesiologist near you or I also do online sessions. If you do get nutrition from Epigenetics in the UK, please let them know I recommended them to you. Their website is: Please like and share this video and subscribe to my channel for more on what I do - cos I do a lot on natural wellness.

Menopause Awareness - Post on Exercising Through The Menopause.

This video was created for a blog post on my website. I'm sharing it here as it might just help you realise that there are easy forms of exercise that could really help you manage your menopause better. During the Menopause your wellness and your life can get challenged even more than it was before. You might notice that while you get off with a lot when you are younger - like going out late, eating sugary foods, eating processed foods, drinking sugary drinks, not exercising. From my experience, you get off with nothing when you hit the menopause! In fact I think everything begins to catch up with you at this time of your life. Did you know that exercise is a must at this time of menopause. Exercise is a must for everyone because our human body needs our lymphatic system to be working at clearing away toxins and getting energy to your muscles and organs. Some really effective forms of exercise are Rebounding, swimming, aqua-jogging, jogging and cycling. Yoga and Pilates are also really good for getting your body into a less stressed and more relaxed state. I think one of the most effective forms of exercise for women heading into and through the menopause is Rebounding. Even gentle rebounding will work your whole lymphatic system. Aggressive rebounding can bring on a massive clearance of the lymphatic system and trust me when I say you don't want that to happen. Because of the huge benefits of rebounding, even gentle rebounding, you don't need to be too aggressive on the rebounder, in fact just some gentle rebounding will bring about so many wellness benefits for you at this time in your life. To learn more about how Rebounding could help you through your menopause and beyond, click this link: #menopauselife #stresstosuccess #barbaraoneill #retuningme #reboundforwellness #menopausewellness #menopause #menopausesymptoms #menopausesuccess #menopauseawareness #menopauseawarenessmonth #menopauseandexercise #easyexerciseforwomenathome #managingmenopausemayhem

The Sip, Swivel, Swallow Water Drinking Method

How you drink water can determine how much of that water you can absorb and how much gets to just flow straight through you. If you like what you see and hear please subscribe, comment, like... thank you while I don't mention it in this video, you do need to take a serious look at what water you are drinking. It is always important to drink water that is clean, but not so clean that all the goodness has also been taken out of it. Plastic water bottles can have been left in hot spaces for long periods of time and this means that elements of the plastic have seeped into the water. Drinking Water When you drink water, you want to get the most from it. Barbara O Neill talks about taking some organic sea salt when drinking water to get your trace minerals. These minerals should be in your water, but quite often they have been cleansed in the cleaning process. When you drink your water you want to absorb as much as possible and this is why I talk about the SSS or sip, swivel, swallow method. In this video I demo sipping, swivelling and swallowing your water through the day. I also recommend you drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water daily to keep yourself re-hydrated. Drinking water before bed, not a lot, but some using the SSS method will help to keep you hydrated as you sleep allowing for better sleep through the night. Subscribe to my channel to get more videos on natural wellness. You might also like to check me out on Social media - @retuningme and on my website: #retuningme #tapintosuccess #naturalwellness #menopausewellness #menopauselife

Going with the Natural Flow Through The Celtic Seasons

If you like what you see please like, subscribe, comment and share. The Seasons are one way to help you tune into natural energy flows. I follow the Celtic Calendar with the first of August being the first of Autumn. Autumn is a great time to talk about the flow of the seasons, with great visible signs of the changing seasons such as; stormy weather, leaves beginning to change colour, days shortening, gardens bringing forth fruit and vegetables, etc. Sensing Your Energy Flow I love sharing my thoughts about the Natural Energy Flow. Now more than ever I feel I need to be sharing this focus more and more. EVERYTHING has an energy or vibrational frequency. You have five main senses: your eyes don't see things, they actually see and interpret vibrations. Your ears sense sound vibrations, your skin, your nose, your tongue all sense vibrations. We call these seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. The key word is sensing. You Make Vibrational Choices Vibrations have measurable frequencies, which you are constantly processing. You don't really need to know what those actual frequencies are, but you do need to know what is working to enhance your vibration and what is not. Then you can make choices as to what you expose your energy to and what to stay away from. Get Out Of The Way Or Go With The Flow? When an environmental vibration is much stronger than yours, you need to assess if you would be best to get out of its way or go with its flow. There are lots of natural vibrations that are part of your natural flow, but due to stress, trauma, loss and fear, you don't always go with that natural flow. Stress can cause you to go against your natural flow. Stress can block your natural flow. The Natural Energy Flow It naturally follows that you should have more energy when you are awake and less as you approach sleep. This is because the natural environment works with your natural environment. In winter time you are naturally inclined to want to sleep more because it is darker for longer. In summer you are naturally inclined to sleep less because of the longer and brighter days. Regardless you should still be able to sleep well if you are exposed to natural daylight and natural darkness. For Everything There Is A Time Did you know you have a natural body clock - called the meridian body clock. When you are in your natural right flow, or in balance, you will be tired in the evening and more alert in the morning. When you are not in that natural flow, you can experience alertness at night and exhaustion in the morning. Anything that causes you stress can knock your body clock out of balance. When you Meridian Body Clock is out your neurotransmitters are out of balance and this causes your hormones to be out of balance - causing more stress! Kinesiology Brings Balance Attending a Kinesiologist every couple of months can help you to keep your body clock in balance. Kinesiology helps find what energy is out of balance in your body and then what will help you retune that energy for your highest good so you can live your best life. Two Meridian Tapping Resets Your Natural Body Clock I also have a specific Meridian Body Clock Two Meridian Tapping sequence that I use with clients to help them rebalance all meridians, neurotransmitters and hormones. This will be the content my second Tapping Book! However should you like to try some online or in person Two Meridian Tapping for balancing your Body Clock rhythms click this link to book your first session. #barbaraoneill #retuningme #tapintosuccess #twomeridiantapping #reboundforwellness #menopause #menopausetips #menopauselife

Why I say Rebound For Wellness Has The Goldilocks Effect When It Comes To Exercising after 50.

If you like what you see and hear please subscribe to my channel, like and comment on this video and of course please share with your friends. Mu name is Nuala O Connor, I created some very easy to do Rebound For Wellness Programmes that offer you easy and effective daily exercise that you can do and that you will like doing because of all the wellness benefits you will get. While no one needs to be exercising for fitness, everyone needs to be exercising every day. Exercise is 'Daily Weight Bearing Motion'. Rebounding allows you to use your own body weight against yourself in a very good way. Watch this video and the many more videos on this channel that talk about rebounding for your wellness and then head over to my website and gently get yourself into rebounding for your wellness. Many ask me about the rebounder I use. I have a foldable bungee rebounder and it comes from They also have a non-folding version that is a little cheaper. If you are younger and you fancy starting slowly but then getting into more aggressive rebounding, then you might want to go for the steel sprung rebounders. Here is a link to all the rebounders at : You might even have a rebounder stored away in the house, get it out and get on it, but please, please begin with just 1 minute daily especially if you are going through or are beyond the menopause. #reboundforwellness #menopausewellness #retuniungme #barbaraoneill #exerciseforwellness #exerciseformenopause

Help Boost Your Wellness Every Day Just By Minding Your Language🤗

Following on from my last post, today I would like to focus on wellness through positive language. When it comes to health and wellness you can get easily convinced that medication is the most important tool. Medication should really be the last tool. Don't get me wrong. There are times when medication and medical intervention are essential, especially in the case of severe trauma and chronic illness. Chronic Illness doesn't happen over night. There are many steps along the way to becoming chronically ill. Unfortunately thanks to busy lifestyles and high stress levels, you don't always hear or feel the signs and symptoms of illness developing - all the little messages your body and mind are giving you to let you know that your system is overstressed and in need of a life-style change. For me, the challenge is to live a life that will keep me well, or as well as you can be most of the time. Stress comes into your day, just like waves come in the sea. Even though stress comes, you can still choose to create daily habits that will help you surf that stress. Essential Wellness Tools Wellness tools come in the form of thoughts, beliefs, foods, beverages, exercise, sleep, herbs, spices, nutrition, rituals, and you may have more to add to this. From this list you can see how the essential tools for creating and maintaining wellness are within your grasp. The key challenge is making daily choices that will help you manage life better and perhaps even make life more fun again. When you are stressed that challenge can be really difficult. My Own Natural Energy Retuning Experiences Get Me Thinking My work with energy as a Kinesiologist, Tapping Coach and an Energist tells me that everything has a vibration and every vibration has a sound. Every cell in your body is making lots of sounds right now, and you don't generally hear them because they are resonating at a frequency that is either higher or lower than what you can naturally pick up with your ear. Words Have Vibrations Every single letter in every word also have vibrations. These vibrations can build you up or knock you down. Just one sentence spoken by someone can set you off into a state of joy or cause you to trigger stress. Your words Are A Powerful Tool Every single word is a very powerful energy tool. Good Vibrations are the key to wellness and success. These good vibrations need to be resonating within you and radiating without you too. I call this being in the energy flow. Sometimes when a door bangs you get a fright, the noise has stressed your system and caused you to go into a stress response. This can be the case with lots of other vibrations but they aren't always that obvious. One word could be louder and cause more harm in your vibrational energy than a lots of doors banging loudly and suddenly. Find Your Good Vibrations Everything has a vibration, and the trick is to find the vibrations that enhance your core vibrational frequency. There is another side to this, and that is to avoid the vibrations that cause stress to your vibrational frequency. Good Vibrations Raise Your Vibration There can be foods that enhance your frequency and foods that do not. There can be certain types of music that boost you up and other music that really knocks you off balance. For me, Heavy Rock knocks me off and most classical and sacred music tunes me up. Energy Balance Comes from Within You have your own innate balancing or energy tuning system and your thoughts are a very big part of that. Every sound within every word, even the sounds of a groan or a yawn will either tune you for wellness or stress. Focus Your Words And Tune Your Energy For Wellness and Success Most of the time you are not aware of the thoughts you are thinking, but for the times that you are, it is very important that you are thinking and saying words that bring positive vibrations to your energy and the energy of others. Two Meridian Tapping Tunes Old Negative Thoughts To New Positive Energy I use my 2-point Tapping system every day as a way of helping me to really tune my energy for wellness and success. The system is designed to help bring balance to your yin and yang meridians. This in turn brings balance to your neurotransmitter energies. The thought that you are thinking while Tapping system will be the vibration that your whole energy retunes to. That is why I have you say an 'I truly am...' statement that is positive and in the present tense. You can learn more about this whole process in my book Tap Into Success. In the book I talk you through my tried and tested step by step process for taking old thoughts and beliefs and retuning them for new strong positive beliefs that will tune your energy for wellness and success. To get a copy of my book click here: For 1:1 Tapping click here: Please Like, share and subscribe. #menopause

3 Techniques To Help You Tune From Stress To Success

When it comes to getting yourself from stress to success I have many easy to do techniques. In this post I am going to share just three of these with you. Why Help Yourself To Get From Stress To Success When you are not actively setting yourself to frequencies of success, it is very easy to get caught up in someone else's stress. Quite often the unresolved past stresses that you have in your energy system will get triggered. Normally this triggering happens in stressful situations. There is no way to avoid stressful situations, they are everywhere. But by deliberately setting your energy to frequencies of success everyday you can avoid getting triggered by others. 1st Technique - Your First and Last Thought Eastern Medicine holds that it is the thought that sets the energy frequency and the blood and body tune to this frequency. The very last thought you have before bed is the thought that vibrates in your energy while you sleep. Just as the first thought you have sets your frequency for the day. You know those days when you wake up and say things like - I hate Mondays. Well sure enough the universe will offer you lots more opportunities to 'hate Mondays'. You can get ahead of your day by simply planning what your first and last thoughts will be. Though you may want to keep the same thought for both morning and night, here I offer you different thoughts for both: Get some post-it's - one colour for morning scripts and another colour for night time scripts. When you create your own scripts make sure to follow the pattern of: "I truly am ..." Write scripts like: I truly bless myself with love I truly am grateful for this beautiful day I truly love my life and all the success that comes to me I truly love my work I truly I truly bless myself with joy I truly bless myself with success I truly seek the positive through my say You may want to write the same script on a few post-it's The night before - Put these post-its where your eyes focus when you first wake - like: on the bathroom mirror on the door where the cups are in the kitchen on your steering wheel where you get your coat Write the scripts for the night time - they might be similar or different: I truly am grateful for ... (things that were in your day) I truly am blessed with great friends I truly had a great day I truly am blessed with success In the morning - Place these post-it's where you eyes fall before you go to sleep. You may also want to write same script on a few post-its so you see it a few times before bed Then say or think or even sing your scripts around 10-15 times every time you see it.... You may like to book some 1:1 coaching with me to help you to get the right daily habits for you and indeed to create the right daily positive scripts that will boost your vibrations so you can live your best life always. Https:// 2nd Technique - Write It Down and Close the Book This is a technique to help you express the stress, anger, upset, worry that you might have taken on through your day. When you express the stress you have an opportunity to retune it. I suggest you get a book and maybe call it your stress express book. I suggest carrying the book with you, particularly if you find that you can get caught into stress through your day. When you find yourself able to, get a cuppa, sit at the table and just express all the thoughts and feelings that you are thinking - onto a page in that book. Date it, sign it. But when you have everything written down, finish with - I trust all this stress to the pages of this special energy book for expressing stress and close it away. Then close the book. Don't leave the book lying around. 3rd Technique - Celebrate your Successes This is the the technique I love doing every day. I do things like: pat myself on the back and say another great success Nuala, well done. punch the air and say success do my dance of success sing my own chants about my great successes At night run thought my day honouring all my success, saying I truly am grateful ... I invite you to think for a moment, would you do to celebrate your success? You don't have to sing your chants out loud, just sing them in your head. These techniques help me to actively set my energy to vibrations of success each day. I find I reduce my stress levels. It's funny to say that when I do find myself getting stressed, I stop and take a moment - scanning over my day and guess what I notice? Yes, I haven't been doing these and other techniques as much! I hope you found these techniques helpful. Another great technique for totally turning stressed energy into vibrations of success is Two Meridian Tapping - for more on this click this link: Please share with your friends, and of course, like, comment and subscribe.

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder. I have been rebounding for a long time. You may have already seen some of my videos here on this channel and others also have lots of information on YouTube including the amazing @Barbara O Neill who has always championed rebounding for natural wellness. But in my experience women who are around menopause stage and beyond need to approach rebounding slowly and gently. Besides even gentle rebounding is so effective and brings so many benefits for wellness that going easy will do you just as much good as going hard, especially if your connective tissue has lost its strength, you want to be bringing that back gentlely. I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences. If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: In this video I am comparing the two rebounders by rebounding on each of them for 5 minutes. Please do not try this at home especially if you are not used to being on the rebounder. In my basic programme I talk about how to get on and off the rebounder and how to rebound safely for your wellness. Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two. Many thanks Keep tuned for the next video

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder. I have been rebounding for a long time. I even went a trained in rebounding for fitness. But, what I have found from my reading, training and research is that you do not need to do a lot on a rebounder to get a lot of benefit for your body, mind and soul. I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences. If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: In this video I am comparing the rebounding experience on both rebounders. Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two. Many thanks Keep tuned for the next video

Have you heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal?

From 28th July to the 12th August there is a special alignment of our planet earth with the stars. Earth will align with Orion and Sirius offering us this amazing energy vortex of manifestation and enhancement of energy vibrations. The climax during this time is this 8th August (8/8). In this video I talk to you about the energy opportunity that awaits you over these two weeks. What could this energy time of manifestation of dreams and prayers do for you? This is the time to take some space, reflect on your work, your relationships, the direction of your life and truly answer the questions; 'Am I being true to my souls path? Am I listening and expressing my creative self for my highest good?' The Universe Is In Control I actually wasn't asking these questions the night that I was out walking on the beach. I was too caught in the high energy experience I was having. I suppose I could say that I was right in the eye the Lion's Gate Portal and the universe was in total control. I really felt like I was along for the ride and I was loving the experience. I Had A Thought Then out of nowhere, a thought became conscious; how am I going to recycle all that Miron Violetglass? I have been storing bottles made of this special glass for the past number of years. If you have been following me you will know that I have been recycling Miron Violet Glass bottles that I get liquid nutrition in. What is Mion Glass? I have posted a little about the glass before. The bottles I use are from a company called Miron Violetglass BV in the Netherlands. It has been proven to prolong and enhance the life of what is inside the bottle or jar. My Long Standing Relationship With Miron Glass The bottle is made from ultraviolet and infrared colours combined and it can enhance the energy of what is in the bottle. What could this positive ultraviolet and infrared energy do if it is sitting in my energy field? Being honest, I had had this thought for a number of years, but I had never been able to find the right person for recycling the glass. The time wasn't right! Least no until this Lion's gate Portal opened! This brings me back to that August night during the Lion's Gate Energy Portal. While I was walking along, the thought had come into my head about how was I going to get this Miron Glass recycled and what could be made from it. Then, almost immediately, I heard this voice in my head say, 'do it yourself Nuala'. Do It Yourself There was a part of me that was immediately responding, 'do you know my life'? Where was I going to find the time to do anything with the glass! Yet the energy pull was great. There was a really deep truth to this experience. I had such a strong sense of wanting to re-use this glass. I could not bring myself to throw it out because of the strong energy vibration in the glass. But, I was a kinesiologist, a Tapping coach, wellness coach... need I go on! Yet, everything happens for a reason, doesn't it! Be Careful What You Think In The Portal My conclusion is, be very careful what you are thinking about from the 28th July to the 12th August because it will get manifested. Least it certainly did for me! No sooner had that voice said do it yourself, than pretty much everything I needed to know to get started just appeared in my path. I was on YouTube the very next day from being on that beach when a video came up about fusing glass. I had the materials ordered and was smashing a bottle to try it out within a few days. Then I saw a post on SM about the Mind Body Experience in the RDS mid September and before I knew it, I was booked in to exhibit my pendants. The Lion's Gate portal is here and you can make a conscious choice to be ready to surf its high energy wave. Ask yourself; what is it that needs attention in my life? What energy vibrations are stuck and need shifting? Once you have acknowledged what needs attention then imagine you have a magic wand that you can wave and anything is possible. What is your dream outcome? What do you want your stuck energy vibrations to tune to? Imagine your new outcome, even put an image on it or words like; I truly love my life of .... or I truly am blessed in my new career as ..... Feel what it would be like to be in this new vibration and then be open to whatever images, voices, SM posts, etc come your way... and dare to go with that flow. Where will you be for the Lion's Gate Portal? What Ritual will you perform? Please Like and Share and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel to support me in my soul journey. If you would like to work on shifting your energy blips then you can book your first session here:

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder. I have been rebounding for a long time. I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences. If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: Recapping on a few differences and taking a look at the legs and feet of both rebounders. Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two. There are lots of videos on this channel about rebounding and how it could really help you get into easy to do, daily weight bearing motion for your wellness. Many thanks Keep tuned for the next video

Stressed? Two Meridian Can Help You Turn Your Stress Around, Especially Menopause Stresses

How Stressed Are You? Where do you feel that stress in your body? How is it affecting your mind? What are your symptoms? These are questions I will ask you when you come for a 1:1 session. I offer many different solutions to the stress management challenge that we all find ourselves in pretty much every single day. Sometimes we are able to cope better than others, but the reality is that stress is ruining our wellness, causing illness and leading us down a slippery slop of over stressed states like anxiety and depression. Before we go any further could you like, comment and subscribe to my channel and of course share with your friends. The other day, I was talking to a client about my rounded approach when it comes to managing the daily stress levels we all find ourselves coping with. I told this client: 'No matter what you come into my clinic with, I will still work with your whole energy system. I will seek to find what is out of balance in your vibrational energy before finding what will help put you back into balance.' Natural wellness solutions will have the least side effects on your energy system. Bruce Lipton goes even further in his book 'The Biology of Belief' when he says that because you are 99.99999% vibrational engird, the fasted way for us to rebalance our body, mind and soul is through energy fixes such as Tapping, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, etc.. Nutrition through food and supplements comes after that and medication comes further down the line again. Two Meridian Tapping can help you to bring lasting balance to your whole energy system. Two Meridian Tapping will help you balance your yin/yang meridians which will bring balance to your neurotransmitters which will then balance your hormones. You can learn more about Two Meridian Tapping on my website: You can get my book on Two Meridian Tapping here: Why not try a 1:1 session: #twomeridiantapping #menopausehealth #menopause #kinesiology #postmenopause #retuningme #tapintosuccess #tapintosuccesswithnuala #barbaraoneill #kinesiology4u #stress #stressrelief #anxietytips #anxiety #depression #depressionrelief

#4 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder. I have been rebounding for a long time. I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences. If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: In this video I am comparing the number of steel springs versus the number of bungee straps. Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two. Many thanks Keep tuned for the next video

Kinesiology Can Help You Resolve Past Trauma So You Can Live Your Best Life Now🤗

Once you have read and watched, I'd be grateful if you could like, share, comment and subscribe! It doesn't matter what the symptoms, I truly believe the key to lasting healing, is resolving and retuning the cause of your past stresses. I see these past stresses as unresolved blips that got to form in your energy vibration when you were very young. When this energy blip is left unresolved, it can keep knocking you out of tune, even 40 or 50 years later. In this article I am going to share a regular experience I have with clients that really highlights the importance of getting to retune the cause of your deep energy blips. It is only when you do resolve past stresses and stressed experiences that have lingered in your energy that you can really have lasting healing. Regular Energy Emergency Calls I often get calls from what I would call regular clients asking me for an appointment as soon as I could fit them in. I really try to find that client a slot because I know they are in need. There can be a number of reasons for the urgent need to be seen; a holiday away with slips in eating foods that over load the energy system, clients being overloaded with work or personal events or clients engaging in intense physical activities that have over stressed the body. While all of the above reasons can and do happen, more often than not, there is a past emotional component involved in the current stressed overladen energy system. Often clients arrive baffled as to what has caused the digestive system to go crazy or the combination of sleepless nights, stomach cramps, irritability and a sense of fatigue. Lasting Healing Needs The Right Questions To Be Asked Generally I find I need to make sure to ask the right questions. What changed in your routine or your thinking? Immediate responses can vary but more often than not the first answer is - "nothing". Diet has been good, routine has been good good, nutrition is being taken daily. Active Listening - The Secret Weapon For Energists In my work I find that the key skill I need the most is Active Listening. Not just listening to what is being said, but listening for the trigger in what is being said. When your whole digestive system gets upset there is normally a past experience that is still triggering that emotional upset. Listening For The Trigger In my experience when a clients energy system goes completely out of sync there is a deeper unresolved trigger. As a Kinesiologist we listen for the energy upset that has come from a past trigger. Quite often many clients may not understand that past trigger but when it gets acknowledged and retuned in the session, the feel the release and relief. Listening To The Energy With Muscle Testing This is why muscle energy feedback is such an important tool for Kinesiologists. In Kinesiology I can use this 'muscle energy test' to find out how far back this energy blip goes and then what does the energy system need to help resolve and retune that blip. I can also check to see if this script is the priority trigger - the key issue that is causing the current upset in the clients whole energy system. When I can find this original blip in the energy system and retune it, every other experience related to this original upset gets freed up to retune also. Once this retuning happens it will allow for a total shift in the clients energy. Testing The Negative Scripts When I am checking to find the priority for the client, I get the client to think about all the things the mention as a result of the questions I ask them. You would be Surprised what can surface as the key unresolved script: I don't want to go to school. I hate my parents. It's my fault that I was left alone (aged 4). It's my fault I couldn't save my brother (aged 5). I'm not good enough. No one likes me. If I eat food I won't feel sad. This is just a small example of the trigger thoughts can can cause people to never get over a trauma in their past. At this point I always have to warn that there is no apportioning blame for why the client might have need up believing these things about themselves or others. Children See the World Differently As children we see the world through very small eyes. To a child the world is very big and very scary. That child will also believe that they are the problem and nobody else. We take on guilt and blame and when no-one helps us toe reason this out we get to internalise these beliefs about ourselves and the world. The great news is that even childhood events can be revisited, resolved and retuned through Kinesiology and other energy modalities. So What needs retuned in your energy system so you can get on with living your best life now? You can learn more about Kinesiology here: To book a session click here: Review me on google here:

Just While I'm On The Maximus Pro Rebounder

Please like share and comment and if you wouldn't mind subscribing to my channel, thank you. I have been posting videos that compare the Fitbounce Pro Bungee rebounder with the Maximus Pro Steel Sprung rebounder. One thing to note is the Maximus Pro comes with a bar. The Maximus Pro comes with a bar as standard while the Fitbounce Pro does not. If you want a bar for your Fitbounce pro you will have to order it from I don't recommend the use of a bar when rebounding unless you are a bit unsteady and you want some support. The Rebound For Wellness Programmes start you off so gently and slowly that you won't feel the need for a bar. How and ever, some people do need that little bit of support for them to feel confident enough to get onto the rebounder in the first place. To check out the Fitbounce Pro click this link: To Check out all the rebounders and the steel sprung Maximus Pro click this link: To check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes that are specifically for women who are either coming into, going through or are beyond the menopause click here: Remember you do not have to be killing yourself with weights and cardio when you have something like rebounding because rebounding uses your own body weight so you can literally be gently moving on the rebounder like on my Basic Programme and you will be still working every cell in your body, every muscle, every organ and your whole lymphatic system. This is also the reason why to begin so slowly. As we age and our oestrogen levels drop our connective tissue loses its tone also. When you rebound too quickly and too intensely from never having rebounded you do run the risk of causing prolapse and concussion - another reason to follow the Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme: Dont forget to tell your friends about rebounding for their wellness, they'll be glad you did. #menopausehealth #earlymenopause #reboundforwellness #retuningme #barbaraoneill #exerciseforwellness #menopause #easyexerciseforwomenathome #easyexerciseformenopause #mindbodyexperience #tapintosuccess

#3 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

This is the 3rd video in the series of comparing a steel sprung and bungee sprung rebounder, especially for women who are in, around or beyond the menopause time of their lives. I got into rebounding before I hit into my menopause journey and I can tell you that rebounding has definitely been my saviour for sure. You can learn all about that in my other videos in this YouTube Channel. For today I would like to talk to you about why I think this folding steel sprung rebounder is worth its money. Have a look at this video and note how the steel springs are not directly attached to the frame, they are attached to rivets. This makes sure that the frame of the rebounder is not being compromised every time you rebound. To learn more subscribe to this channel and keep an eye out for the videos that will be coming along telling you more differences between the bungee and steel rebounders. You can check out the rebounders at Rebound Fitness here: This link will take you to the bungee rebounders: And to learn more about the very easy to do Rebound For Your Wellness Programmes click this link: Please remember to like, share, comment and do all the other great things that will help others to get to know about Rebound For Wellness because every woman needs to be dong some daily weight bearing motion (exercise) but it doesn't have to be hard!

Kinesiology Helps You To Naturally Manage Your Menopause Mayhem 👌

Are you going through the menopause? Perhaps some of your friend and family are. Kinesiology offers a natural energy balancing system that offers your natural solutions when it comes to managing your menopause mayhem 💪 We women need to show up and be our own best friend when it comes to our health and wellness and that means listening to your system before it gets too stressed and you end up sick! Have a watch of this video and perhaps you would like to read the post that goes with it: To book a face to face or online session click this link: Please subscribe to my channel and tell your friends about it. If you have already benefited from Kinesiolgy please do share on this post.

#2 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

This is the second video comparing bungee and steel rebounders. If you like what I do please subscribe to my channel, like and comment on this video and of course share with your friends. One of the key things that drives me to do what I do is the need for natural and easy options when it comes to wellness for women who are journeying to, through and beyond the menopause. I am often asked why I use a bungee rebounder and what are the differences between bungee and steel rebounders? These videos are my attempt to look at some of the differences in two rebounders from Rebound Fitness in the UK. You can check out their rebounders here: All rebounders Use the code 'nuala' in the discount box on the website and they might just give you some discount. To learn more about the Rebound For Wellness Programme that I have have created for women like me who are in or around menopause and after it, please click this link: Enjoy this playlist on some of the differences I have come across... #menopausehealth #menopause #retuningme #barbaraoneill #reboundforwellness #reboundforhealth #rebounding #comparerebounders

#1 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

I get a lot of people asking me questions about the differences in steel sprung rebounders and bungee sprung rebounders and really I cannot comment because it is a long time since I have been on a steel rebounder. Given my bungee rebounder is from Rebound Fitness, I asked them if I could get a steel sprung rebounder to compare the two. Because I already had a folding bungee rebounder they very kindly gifted me with a folding steel rebounder. This is the first video in a series of videos comparing different aspects of the two rebounders. I will look at obvious differences before hopping up on the rebounder. Regardless of which rebounder you get, it is really important to make sure that you ease yourself into rebounding for your wellness, especially if you are going through or are already through the menopause. I explain more about this over on my website: If you are interested in purchasing one of these rebounders I have got a little bit of discount from Rebound Fitness that I am passing on to you. Click this link to learn more and make sure to use my first name: Nuala in the discount box: All rebounders Please comment, like and share and of course subscribe to the channel so you can get easier access to my videos and see the next difference between the two rebounders. #RetuningME #rebounding #reboundforwellness #menopause #menopausehealth #easyexerciseforwomenathome #exerciseforwellness #barbaraoneill

You Need Daily Weight Bearing Motion (exercise) Every Single Day, Especially The Older You Get

Yes, you do need daily weight bearing motion every day to keep your body working for you, but you do not need to be killing yourself exercising. When you exercise for your wellness and focus on doing enough to work every cell in your body, you listen to your body and you work towards better wellness. Fitness is a fad, and normally it pushes you too far and you will not stick at it! Rebound For Wellness Programmes are created to help you start exercising for your wellness. The programmes are easy to do, slow, steady and help you to win the race. You can check out the programmes here: Want to know more about the rebounder I use? Click this link and make sure to use my name in the discount code box and hopefully you will get some discount: - just bungee rebounders Please like, share, comment on this video and subscribe to my channel oh and please tell your friends about Rebound For Wellness, they'll be glad you did!