Help Boost Your Wellness Every Day Just By Minding Your LanguageπŸ€—

Following on from my last post, today I would like to focus on wellness through positive language. When it comes to health and wellness you can get easily convinced that medication is the most important tool. Medication should really be the last tool. Don't get me wrong. There are times when medication and medical intervention are essential, especially in the case of severe trauma and chronic illness.

Chronic Illness doesn't happen over night. There are many steps along the way to becoming chronically ill. Unfortunately thanks to busy lifestyles and high stress levels, you don't always hear or feel the signs and symptoms of illness developing - all the little messages your body and mind are giving you to let you know that your system is overstressed and in need of a life-style change.

For me, the challenge is to live a life that will keep me well, or as well as you can be most of the time. Stress comes into your day, just like waves come in the sea. Even though stress comes, you can still choose to create daily habits that will help you surf that stress.

Essential Wellness Tools
Wellness tools come in the form of thoughts, beliefs, foods, beverages, exercise, sleep, herbs, spices, nutrition, rituals, and you may have more to add to this. From this list you can see how the essential tools for creating and maintaining wellness are within your grasp.

The key challenge is making daily choices that will help you manage life better and perhaps even make life more fun again. When you are stressed that challenge can be really difficult.

My Own Natural Energy Retuning Experiences Get Me Thinking
My work with energy as a Kinesiologist, Tapping Coach and an Energist tells me that everything has a vibration and every vibration has a sound. Every cell in your body is making lots of sounds right now, and you don't generally hear them because they are resonating at a frequency that is either higher or lower than what you can naturally pick up with your ear.

Words Have Vibrations
Every single letter in every word also have vibrations. These vibrations can build you up or knock you down. Just one sentence spoken by someone can set you off into a state of joy or cause you to trigger stress.

Your words Are A Powerful Tool
Every single word is a very powerful energy tool. Good Vibrations are the key to wellness and success. These good vibrations need to be resonating within you and radiating without you too. I call this being in the energy flow.

Sometimes when a door bangs you get a fright, the noise has stressed your system and caused you to go into a stress response. This can be the case with lots of other vibrations but they aren't always that obvious. One word could be louder and cause more harm in your vibrational energy than a lots of doors banging loudly and suddenly.

Find Your Good Vibrations
Everything has a vibration, and the trick is to find the vibrations that enhance your core vibrational frequency. There is another side to this, and that is to avoid the vibrations that cause stress to your vibrational frequency.

Good Vibrations Raise Your Vibration
There can be foods that enhance your frequency and foods that do not. There can be certain types of music that boost you up and other music that really knocks you off balance. For me, Heavy Rock knocks me off and most classical and sacred music tunes me up.

Energy Balance Comes from Within
You have your own innate balancing or energy tuning system and your thoughts are a very big part of that. Every sound within every word, even the sounds of a groan or a yawn will either tune you for wellness or stress.

Focus Your Words And Tune Your Energy For Wellness and Success
Most of the time you are not aware of the thoughts you are thinking, but for the times that you are, it is very important that you are thinking and saying words that bring positive vibrations to your energy and the energy of others.

Two Meridian Tapping Tunes Old Negative Thoughts To New Positive Energy
I use my 2-point Tapping system every day as a way of helping me to really tune my energy for wellness and success. The system is designed to help bring balance to your yin and yang meridians. This in turn brings balance to your neurotransmitter energies.

The thought that you are thinking while Tapping system will be the vibration that your whole energy retunes to. That is why I have you say an 'I truly am...' statement that is positive and in the present tense.

You can learn more about this whole process in my book Tap Into Success. In the book I talk you through my tried and tested step by step process for taking old thoughts and beliefs and retuning them for new strong positive beliefs that will tune your energy for wellness and success.

To get a copy of my book click here:

For 1:1 Tapping click here:

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