Why You Need To Love Your Body Into WellnessIn this video I talk about the choices you need to be making every day to love your body into wellness, so you can get on with living your best life because I truly believe that is what you were put on this earth to do - LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!
Living your best live needs to start now. You change as you grow and you also reap what you sow! The thoughts you think, the food you eat, the water you drink and the exercise you take all have a huge affect in your wellness and what you are attracting into your life. Wellness coaching can be the difference in you succeeding or failing when it comes to making the choices you need to make for your wellness. Take pain, who wants to be in pain? Pain medications can only do so much. But when you are in pain, you are in stress. You are triggering a stress response. How can you ease that pain and that stress? By listening to your mind, your body and starting with where you are at. Have a watch of this video and then have a read of the written post that goes with it over on my website: retuningme.com/...-body-into-wellness/ Please like and share and of course subscribe for more great content.
Feb 12, 2025