Do you need to use a rebounding programme?

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People often ask me ‘do you need to get a programme to start rebounding’ and of course the answer is ‘no’.
You can get in a rebounder and do your own thing.

The reason why I created programmes is because of the amount of clients that share how they started rebounding with no programme, just did their own thing and went to fast, too intense and ended up with pains, flu like symptoms old injuries coming back, headaches…

Rebounding For Wellness programmes are not made in Hollywood, they are simple and easy to do programmes that will get you into rebounding very slowly and gently.

You see once you hit menopause, your connective tissue can get soft, and when you do aggressive rebounding you could cause injury to yourself. Where as gently rebounding and building up your practice slowly allows all your tissue to get stronger slowly and gradually - slow and steady wins the race and the programmes are not about getting to the end, but getting into a daily rebound exercise routine for your natural wellness - check out my website for more information: https://retuningme/rebound-wellness/

Exercise doesn’t need to be hard but it does need to be in every day, rebound for wellness programmes will help you get into daily effective exercise that boosts wellness👌👌

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