3 Techniques To Help You Tune From Stress To Success

When it comes to getting yourself from stress to success I have many easy to do techniques. In this post I am going to share just three of these with you.

Why Help Yourself To Get From Stress To Success
When you are not actively setting yourself to frequencies of success, it is very easy to get caught up in someone else's stress. Quite often the unresolved past stresses that you have in your energy system will get triggered. Normally this triggering happens in stressful situations.

There is no way to avoid stressful situations, they are everywhere. But by deliberately setting your energy to frequencies of success everyday you can avoid getting triggered by others.

1st Technique - Your First and Last Thought
Eastern Medicine holds that it is the thought that sets the energy frequency and the blood and body tune to this frequency. The very last thought you have before bed is the thought that vibrates in your energy while you sleep. Just as the first thought you have sets your frequency for the day.

You know those days when you wake up and say things like - I hate Mondays. Well sure enough the universe will offer you lots more opportunities to 'hate Mondays'.

You can get ahead of your day by simply planning what your first and last thoughts will be. Though you may want to keep the same thought for both morning and night, here I offer you different thoughts for both:

Get some post-it's - one colour for morning scripts and another colour for night time scripts.

When you create your own scripts make sure to follow the pattern of: "I truly am ..."

Write scripts like:
I truly bless myself with love
I truly am grateful for this beautiful day
I truly love my life and all the success that comes to me
I truly love my work
I truly I truly bless myself with joy
I truly bless myself with success
I truly seek the positive through my say

You may want to write the same script on a few post-it's
The night before - Put these post-its where your eyes focus when you first wake - like:
on the bathroom mirror
on the door where the cups are in the kitchen
on your steering wheel
where you get your coat

Write the scripts for the night time - they might be similar or different:

I truly am grateful for ... (things that were in your day)
I truly am blessed with great friends
I truly had a great day
I truly am blessed with success

In the morning - Place these post-it's where you eyes fall before you go to sleep.
You may also want to write same script on a few post-its so you see it a few times before bed

Then say or think or even sing your scripts around 10-15 times every time you see it....

You may like to book some 1:1 coaching with me to help you to get the right daily habits for you and indeed to create the right daily positive scripts that will boost your vibrations so you can live your best life always. Https://retuningme.com/book-now/

2nd Technique - Write It Down and Close the Book

This is a technique to help you express the stress, anger, upset, worry that you might have taken on through your day. When you express the stress you have an opportunity to retune it. I suggest you get a book and maybe call it your stress express book. I suggest carrying the book with you, particularly if you find that you can get caught into stress through your day.

When you find yourself able to, get a cuppa, sit at the table and just express all the thoughts and feelings that you are thinking - onto a page in that book. Date it, sign it. But when you have everything written down, finish with - I trust all this stress to the pages of this special energy book for expressing stress and close it away. Then close the book. Don't leave the book lying around.

3rd Technique - Celebrate your Successes

This is the the technique I love doing every day. I do things like:

pat myself on the back and say another great success Nuala, well done.
punch the air and say success
do my dance of success
sing my own chants about my great successes

At night run thought my day honouring all my success, saying I truly am grateful ...

I invite you to think for a moment, would you do to celebrate your success? You don't have to sing your chants out loud, just sing them in your head.

These techniques help me to actively set my energy to vibrations of success each day. I find I reduce my stress levels. It's funny to say that when I do find myself getting stressed, I stop and take a moment - scanning over my day and guess what I notice? Yes, I haven't been doing these and other techniques as much!

I hope you found these techniques helpful. Another great technique for totally turning stressed energy into vibrations of success is Two Meridian Tapping - for more on this click this link: retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/

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