Nuala O Connor

Nuala O Connor


Nuala is the author of Β Tap Into Success - Retune the Mind, Body and Soul to Reach Your Greatest Potential. This book contains a Brand New 2 Point Tapping System for retuning your whole meridian energy system - fast. In this Tapping experience you tap 2 different points at the same time - in a certain order - to bring a retuning of all your vibrational energies with lasting effect. For more information go to

Nuala knows the crippling effect stressed states like Anxiety and Panic Attacks on the body and mind. She has been there and has literally written the book. This book contains a step by step guide on how to take those hidden stressed thought patterns and turn them around to become strong positive success focused scripts for your wellness and success. Β 

Nuala has walked the walk and believes this is what guided her to creating the new two-tap system. Β 

Nuala works face to face as well as online. She also works with small and large groups and businesses, gives webinars and seminars as well as being an Inspirational Speaker.



  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified Advanced Ho'oponopono Practitioner
  • Certified Law of Attraction Advanced Practitioner
  • Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
  • EFT Master Practitioner with the Guild of Energists (AMT)
  • Kinesiologist - Diploma in Kinesiology with ASK Ireland
  • Diploma Reflexology
  • Integrated Energy Therapy - Master Instructer
  • Master Reiki Practitioner
  • Trained in Restorative Practices
  • Trained in Conflict Management
  • Trained in Stress Management
  • Trained in Sacred Circle Dancing
  • Current Member of Toastmasters InternationalΒ 
  • Trained in Basic Counselling Skills
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in PAstoral Leadership and Developing Humanities
  • Degree in Education - First Class HonoursΒ 
  • Member of AMT. Association of Meridian Therapies
  • Member of the Association of Systematic Kinesiology Ireland
  • Member of the Irish Reflexology Institute
  • Certificate in Indian Head Massage
  • Certificate in Hopi Ear Candling
  • Holds a current Occupational First Aid Qualification



  • Nuala is the author of Tap into Success - a book that helps you get back to living your best life - naturally.
  • Nuala has worked with individuals, groups, teams, and clients of all ages from young children to pensioners, though she now focuses on women aged over 40.
  • Nuala uses a powerful combination of all her over 25 years of training, education and expertise to provide a truly holistic approach to finding balance and restoring harmony in your life.
  • Nuala helps you to release the blocks that limit you and the emotions that hold you back, allowing you to focus on fulfilling your true potential.
  • Nuala speaks from experience in this field having fallen to a mystery viral illness in her early thirties and non-trigger panic attacks in her 40's. Β While it was a combination of healing therapies that allowed her travel a journey that brought her back to wellness, it was Tapping that retuned the non-trigger panic attacks with lasting effect.Β 
  • Nuala knows only too well the toll that stress brings having suffered non-trigger panic attaacks and anxiety, both of which transformed thanks to Tapping.
  • Nuala, having travelled her own path and knowing first hand how much better life can be, is committed offering you opportunities for wellness and success in your life.



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Nuala O Connor is listed in: Energists in Dublin Energists in Dublin