With Rebound For Wellness Programmes You Might Get To Enjoy Your Exercise Every Day.Some years ago, I created Rebound For Wellness Programmes to help get women into daily exercise - that is easy but very effective.
Since then I have had lots of feedback on how the programmes have really made a difference in the lives of many women - mostly in their 50's, 60's and 70's. The programmes are definitely not made in Hollywood, but they will help you get from no exercise to exercising daily - starting at just 1 minute a day and working up so gradually that before you know it, you will be hooked on this amazingly easy exercise. You can learn much more about this programme in this video and then over on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/ At all times you rebound for your wellness at your own risk. If you are under medical supervision please consult your doctors before rebounding. Please like, comment and share this video and SUBSCRIBE to by YouTube Channel for more videos that are not made in Hollywood.
Apr 2, 2023