A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Celistina, blessing you with Friendship.When I saw this card coming out of the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy Bag of Blessings, I could feel the gratitude rise in my for all the true friends that I have in my life.
The friends who love you unconditionally - as you are. The friends who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. But there is a greater friend - yourself. I often encourage clients to show up for themselves each day and be their own best friend. This means, being able to sit at the feet of your own life and to like the life you live. To reach in and be compassion to yourself first and then reach out to another. This leads to an even better and more authentic friendships in the long run. Another phrase I use is: The only person we can fool all of the time is ourself! Are you fooling yourself right now? Are you telling yourself scripts that will prevent you from living your best life - honouring your soul’s mission? For support in helping you to listen to your soul’s yearnings and to heal the hurts that are preventing you from truly loving and trusting yourself click on this link: HTTPS://retuningme.com/
Feb 11, 2021