Drinking Water Is Essential For Menopause SuccessI don't know about you, but I certainly know the days that I haven't drank enough water, especially since I started my menopause journey.
This video is focused on convincing you of the benefits of drinking water through your day. Especially if you are in the menopause or through the menopause. There are some water sources that should not be on the market - in my humble opinion. Putting water in single use plastic bottles should also be banned. Did you know that when plastic heats it leaks oestrogen mimicking toxins into the water and this is what you drink? Buying a good water filtration system for your tap water is probably the best way to get cleaner water for drinking. But today in this video I want to talk more about how you should drink your water and encourage you to thinking about your water drinking habits and perhaps to take the first step in improving your water drinking. Please like, comment and share this video with your friends. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you get more great videos on simple but effective natural wellness habits and techniques. To check out my Online Wellness Programme (mentioned at the end of this video) click this link: retuningme.com/...boost-your-wellness/
Apr 12, 2023