Stressed? Two Meridian Can Help You Turn Your Stress Around, Especially Menopause Stresses

How Stressed Are You?
Where do you feel that stress in your body?
How is it affecting your mind?
What are your symptoms?

These are questions I will ask you when you come for a 1:1 session. I offer many different solutions to the stress management challenge that we all find ourselves in pretty much every single day.
Sometimes we are able to cope better than others, but the reality is that stress is ruining our wellness, causing illness and leading us down a slippery slop of over stressed states like anxiety and depression.

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The other day, I was talking to a client about my rounded approach when it comes to managing the daily stress levels we all find ourselves coping with. I told this client: 'No matter what you come into my clinic with, I will still work with your whole energy system. I will seek to find what is out of balance in your vibrational energy before finding what will help put you back into balance.'

Natural wellness solutions will have the least side effects on your energy system. Bruce Lipton goes even further in his book 'The Biology of Belief' when he says that because you are 99.99999% vibrational engird, the fasted way for us to rebalance our body, mind and soul is through energy fixes such as Tapping, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, etc.. Nutrition through food and supplements comes after that and medication comes further down the line again.

Two Meridian Tapping can help you to bring lasting balance to your whole energy system. Two Meridian Tapping will help you balance your yin/yang meridians which will bring balance to your neurotransmitters which will then balance your hormones.

You can learn more about Two Meridian Tapping on my website:

You can get my book on Two Meridian Tapping here:

Why not try a 1:1 session:

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