What Is Stopping You From Rebounding For Your Wellness?If you’re over 40, you need to be getting daily weight bearing exercise.
Rebound gives you all of this plus a lot more.... Improves your lymphatic drainage as well as boosting the whole lymphatic system. Improves muscle tone Improves blood vessel tone Improves bone mineral levels Lowers Blood Pressure Clears toxins from the body Improves bladder control You feel lighter You are more positive You may even lose weight! So why aren’t you rebounding? Yes you need to get a rebounder and you need a programme and you can find out more about this over on my website: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness Please like and share this video cos everyone needs to hear how brilliant Rebound For Wellness can be for them too and it all starts with just 1 minute a day on my Rebouning programmes.
Feb 10, 2021