Kinesiology Can Help You Resolve Past Trauma So You Can Live Your Best Life NowπŸ€—

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It doesn't matter what the symptoms, I truly believe the key to lasting healing, is resolving and retuning the cause of your past stresses. I see these past stresses as unresolved blips that got to form in your energy vibration when you were very young.

When this energy blip is left unresolved, it can keep knocking you out of tune, even 40 or 50 years later. In this article I am going to share a regular experience I have with clients that really highlights the importance of getting to retune the cause of your deep energy blips. It is only when you do resolve past stresses and stressed experiences that have lingered in your energy that you can really have lasting healing.

Regular Energy Emergency Calls

I often get calls from what I would call regular clients asking me for an appointment as soon as I could fit them in. I really try to find that client a slot because I know they are in need.

There can be a number of reasons for the urgent need to be seen; a holiday away with slips in eating foods that over load the energy system, clients being overloaded with work or personal events or clients engaging in intense physical activities that have over stressed the body.

While all of the above reasons can and do happen, more often than not, there is a past emotional component involved in the current stressed overladen energy system. Often clients arrive baffled as to what has caused the digestive system to go crazy or the combination of sleepless nights, stomach cramps, irritability and a sense of fatigue.

Lasting Healing Needs The Right Questions To Be Asked

Generally I find I need to make sure to ask the right questions. What changed in your routine or your thinking? Immediate responses can vary but more often than not the first answer is - "nothing". Diet has been good, routine has been good good, nutrition is being taken daily.

Active Listening - The Secret Weapon For Energists

In my work I find that the key skill I need the most is Active Listening. Not just listening to what is being said, but listening for the trigger in what is being said. When your whole digestive system gets upset there is normally a past experience that is still triggering that emotional upset.

Listening For The Trigger

In my experience when a clients energy system goes completely out of sync there is a deeper unresolved trigger. As a Kinesiologist we listen for the energy upset that has come from a past trigger. Quite often many clients may not understand that past trigger but when it gets acknowledged and retuned in the session, the feel the release and relief.

Listening To The Energy With Muscle Testing

This is why muscle energy feedback is such an important tool for Kinesiologists. In Kinesiology I can use this 'muscle energy test' to find out how far back this energy blip goes and then what does the energy system need to help resolve and retune that blip.

I can also check to see if this script is the priority trigger - the key issue that is causing the current upset in the clients whole energy system. When I can find this original blip in the energy system and retune it, every other experience related to this original upset gets freed up to retune also. Once this retuning happens it will allow for a total shift in the clients energy.

Testing The Negative Scripts

When I am checking to find the priority for the client, I get the client to think about all the things the mention as a result of the questions I ask them.
You would be Surprised what can surface as the key unresolved script:

I don't want to go to school.
I hate my parents.
It's my fault that I was left alone (aged 4).
It's my fault I couldn't save my brother (aged 5).
I'm not good enough.
No one likes me.
If I eat food I won't feel sad.

This is just a small example of the trigger thoughts can can cause people to never get over a trauma in their past. At this point I always have to warn that there is no apportioning blame for why the client might have need up believing these things about themselves or others.

Children See the World Differently

As children we see the world through very small eyes. To a child the world is very big and very scary. That child will also believe that they are the problem and nobody else. We take on guilt and blame and when no-one helps us toe reason this out we get to internalise these beliefs about ourselves and the world.

The great news is that even childhood events can be revisited, resolved and retuned through Kinesiology and other energy modalities. So What needs retuned in your energy system so you can get on with living your best life now?

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