One Big Obstacle to Rebounding is Finding The Time!One of the biggest obstacles to keeping up your exercise regime is finding the time.
Life gets in the way. That is why I always try to get rebounding first thing in the morning before my day kicks off. I have my exercise clothes ready, my trainers ready and my rebounder at the ready. I have water there too, so it is at room temperature. I wake, sip some water, get dressed, visit the bathroom and off I go for my rebound time. What is the best time for you to rebound? If I miss my time in the morning I can find it difficult to slot it in to my busy day. Many people begin the Rebound For Wellness Programmes and are amazed at how easy they are to follow. They also say that the early advice to set the time and stick to it is the best advice in helping them to keep rebounding. You are only going to need to get as far as 20 minutes rebounding daily. Only 20 minutes and you will have enough weight bearing motion for your wellness - least that is what I have found and so have my clients. This is because rebounding is 68% more effective on the energy system than jogging or walking. That means less is more. It is also why Rebound For Wellness Programmes bring you to a max of 20 minutes rebounding daily. For more information please go to:
Jan 7, 2022