I Truly Love You Chant by Nuala O Connor @RetuningME™I love creating chants - just like daily positive scripts, chants are a natural way of retuning your energy vibration.
Before you go any further would you please like this video, share it and subscribe to my channel, thank you. Have you ever hear of the Ho'oponopono ritual of self-actualisation. It's an ancient Hawaiian Ritual where you make right, right again. It holds that you were conceived right. Your vibration was hole. Then you began to absorb stresses, scripts and ways from others that knocked you out of tune. When you have blipped or out of tune energy vibrations, you tend to attract more of the same and get caught in a loop of negative energy, attracting more negative energy all the time.. and you wonder why you can't seem to break the bad relationship trend or fail at job success or even always attract the same type of people into your life that never do you good. Change your scripts, retune your vibrations and you can transform your life. This chant is my version of the ho'oponopono way. You are welcome to chant it, use it and share it as long as you credit the creator at all times. The way is that you are singing these words to the aspect and vibrations of you that are out of tune with your highest good. Some would use the phrase inner child. You are singing to your inner child. I believe it is more than that. It is to every vibration in your energy field that is not in tune with your core sense of right - your unique vibration when you were conceived. This is my version of the Ho'oponopono chant. You are singing it to yourself, you energy being, some would say your inner child. But I tend to see your energy as more than that. The words of the chant are: I truly love you I truly am sorry I truly as for your forgiveness I truly need your help I truly am grateful But most of all I truly am so blessed You are connecting to your source and tell it that you truly love your whole being, you truly are sorry for all the negative and self-sabotaging scripts and ways, you truly ask for forgiveness. Then you truly need the help of your whole energy to turn your vibrations around and retune to better frequencies. You truly are grateful for this experience and of course at all times you truly are blessed. Remembering that your core or source vibration is connected to the Divine source vibration. When you resolve your blipped vibrations you are resolving universal energy blips and reconnecting with Divinity at a whole new level. You can learn more about what I do here on my YouTube Channel or on my SM channels @retuningme or on my website: retuningme.com/ Please share with your friends, like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep me sharing and reaching others so I can offer them opportunities for more rounded and grounded wellness in mind, body and soul.
Jan 25, 2024