Have you heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal?

From 28th July to the 12th August there is a special alignment of our planet earth with the stars.
Earth will align with Orion and Sirius offering us this amazing energy vortex of manifestation and enhancement of energy vibrations.

The climax during this time is this 8th August (8/8). In this video I talk to you about the energy opportunity that awaits you over these two weeks.

What could this energy time of manifestation of dreams and prayers do for you?
This is the time to take some space, reflect on your work, your relationships, the direction of your life and truly answer the questions; 'Am I being true to my souls path? Am I listening and expressing my creative self for my highest good?'

The Universe Is In Control
I actually wasn't asking these questions the night that I was out walking on the beach. I was too caught in the high energy experience I was having. I suppose I could say that I was right in the eye the Lion's Gate Portal and the universe was in total control. I really felt like I was along for the ride and I was loving the experience.

I Had A Thought
Then out of nowhere, a thought became conscious; how am I going to recycle all that Miron Violetglass? I have been storing bottles made of this special glass for the past number of years. If you have been following me you will know that I have been recycling Miron Violet Glass bottles that I get liquid nutrition in.

What is Mion Glass?
I have posted a little about the glass before. The bottles I use are from a company called Miron Violetglass BV in the Netherlands. It has been proven to prolong and enhance the life of what is inside the bottle or jar.

My Long Standing Relationship With Miron Glass
The bottle is made from ultraviolet and infrared colours combined and it can enhance the energy of what is in the bottle. What could this positive ultraviolet and infrared energy do if it is sitting in my energy field?

Being honest, I had had this thought for a number of years, but I had never been able to find the right person for recycling the glass. The time wasn't right! Least no until this Lion's gate Portal opened!

This brings me back to that August night during the Lion's Gate Energy Portal. While I was walking along, the thought had come into my head about how was I going to get this Miron Glass recycled and what could be made from it. Then, almost immediately, I heard this voice in my head say, 'do it yourself Nuala'.

Do It Yourself
There was a part of me that was immediately responding, 'do you know my life'? Where was I going to find the time to do anything with the glass! Yet the energy pull was great.

There was a really deep truth to this experience. I had such a strong sense of wanting to re-use this glass. I could not bring myself to throw it out because of the strong energy vibration in the glass. But, I was a kinesiologist, a Tapping coach, wellness coach... need I go on! Yet, everything happens for a reason, doesn't it!

Be Careful What You Think In The Portal
My conclusion is, be very careful what you are thinking about from the 28th July to the 12th August because it will get manifested. Least it certainly did for me! No sooner had that voice said do it yourself, than pretty much everything I needed to know to get started just appeared in my path.

I was on YouTube the very next day from being on that beach when a video came up about fusing glass. I had the materials ordered and was smashing a bottle to try it out within a few days. Then I saw a post on SM about the Mind Body Experience in the RDS mid September and before I knew it, I was booked in to exhibit my pendants.

The Lion's Gate portal is here and you can make a conscious choice to be ready to surf its high energy wave. Ask yourself; what is it that needs attention in my life? What energy vibrations are stuck and need shifting?

Once you have acknowledged what needs attention then imagine you have a magic wand that you can wave and anything is possible. What is your dream outcome? What do you want your stuck energy vibrations to tune to? Imagine your new outcome, even put an image on it or words like; I truly love my life of .... or I truly am blessed in my new career as .....

Feel what it would be like to be in this new vibration and then be open to whatever images, voices, SM posts, etc come your way... and dare to go with that flow.

Where will you be for the Lion's Gate Portal? What Ritual will you perform?

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If you would like to work on shifting your energy blips then you can book your first session here: