Just 5 Minutes Rebounding Can Help You Recover From Exercise FasterBefore You read any further, could I ask you to like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to help me spread my Easy and Effective Healing Ways that bring greater Wellness - Naturally.
I got a bad virus over 30 years ago and from it I was diagnosed with a 'Post Viral Illness State' - another word for this is ME, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia. One of the consequences of this is that I can fatigue very quickly especially if I over do things like exercise too much. You can imagine my delight to have found rebounding back in 2005. One of the benefits of rebounding is that it helps boost lymphatic drainage - which in turn helps clear toxins out of the body quickly. When you exercise too much, too fast you will have a build up of lactic acid in your body. Rebounding helps me to recover from exercise. Even just 5 minutes gentle rebounding can do this. You see, even gentle rebounding is very effective for the body. You can learn more about this and the programmes I created for people over 40 here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Feb 15, 2023