How Are You Getting On With Your Easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes?Rebound For Wellness Programmes were created by me for women to help them get into an easy but very effective exercise programme that focuses on your Wellness and not your Fitness - though you will get fitter.
Being a Kinesiologist I am forever hearing women talk about how they were told about the great form of exercise called rebounding, but the experience they had was so negative that they would never go back to it again. Such comments make me very sad and indeed frustrated. I know how effective Rebounding could be for every single person, especially women of menopause time and beyond. What frustrates me is the lack of information out there about how effective rebounding is especially on boosting and clearing the lymphatic system and on working every cell, every muscle in the body. Rebounding is sooo effective that getting on a mini rebounder and going at it too hard and too fast could cos all sorts of old injuries to rear their heads, not to mention cause new ones. You need to start slow and work up so gradually. This is what I do in my Rebound For Wellness Programmes. You can learn more over on my website: Please remember that at all times you rebound at your own risk and I can take neither credit or blame for how you do when you rebound.
Mar 18, 2023