It Can Be Hard to Stay Positive In January and With Good Reason😉Are you struggling to be positive?
Are you easily irritated and do you feel low in yourself? Did you know that January is one of the hardest months to stay positive? There are good reasons for this. Yes, we are heading towards the brightest day, but there is not enough brightness to offer you any natural vitamin d yet. Christmas is a time of 'eating sugar' or 'drinking sugar' in large amounts. This puts your pancreas and digestive system under huge pressure and indeed your adrenal glands too. Being under this level of prolonged stress will lower your energy levels and lead to a feeling of depression. It is cold and wet and dark outside, to get you to stay indoors and rest and sleep, eat little too. That is because you are resting and sleeping, but we don't do that either. We eat loads over Christmas. First step right now is for you to honour that it is naturally difficult to stay positive right now. Then be your own best friend and allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to breathe. most of all allow yourself to be human right now. This will pass. That is a sure thing. Spring is coming, very soon. You can try a little rebounding to help boost your energy, clear toxins and your head leaving you more able to be positive. To learn more click this link: you can also Tap on your lower mood and you can find out more about this here:
Jan 7, 2022