Angels Casiel and Raphael Showering Blessings of Peace and KnowledgeWhat disturbs your peace? Who is disturbing your peace? Where is disturbing your peace - perhaps you have a pain in your body right now?
Peace is an energy state or vibration that you can tune to, but when you are stressed that can be much harder to do. Having past blips and hurst in your energy system will prevent you from reaching that place of deep peace. Watch and reflect on this video and see where it leaves you. Remember that the more you can retune your thoughts the faster the healing of dis-ease in your energy system. What do you need to say to the parts of your self that are blipped and blocked to they can retune to vibrations of peace. You can book 1:1 sessions with me here: You can check out my website here: Please like, share, comment on this video and share it with your friends.. don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos like this.
May 3, 2023