Going with the Natural Flow Through The Celtic Seasons

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The Seasons are one way to help you tune into natural energy flows. I follow the Celtic Calendar with the first of August being the first of Autumn.

Autumn is a great time to talk about the flow of the seasons, with great visible signs of the changing seasons such as; stormy weather, leaves beginning to change colour, days shortening, gardens bringing forth fruit and vegetables, etc.

Sensing Your Energy Flow

I love sharing my thoughts about the Natural Energy Flow. Now more than ever I feel I need to be sharing this focus more and more. EVERYTHING has an energy or vibrational frequency. You have five main senses: your eyes don't see things, they actually see and interpret vibrations. Your ears sense sound vibrations, your skin, your nose, your tongue all sense vibrations. We call these seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. The key word is sensing.

You Make Vibrational Choices

Vibrations have measurable frequencies, which you are constantly processing. You don't really need to know what those actual frequencies are, but you do need to know what is working to enhance your vibration and what is not. Then you can make choices as to what you expose your energy to and what to stay away from.

Get Out Of The Way Or Go With The Flow?

When an environmental vibration is much stronger than yours, you need to assess if you would be best to get out of its way or go with its flow. There are lots of natural vibrations that are part of your natural flow, but due to stress, trauma, loss and fear, you don't always go with that natural flow. Stress can cause you to go against your natural flow. Stress can block your natural flow.

The Natural Energy Flow

It naturally follows that you should have more energy when you are awake and less as you approach sleep. This is because the natural environment works with your natural environment. In winter time you are naturally inclined to want to sleep more because it is darker for longer. In summer you are naturally inclined to sleep less because of the longer and brighter days.

Regardless you should still be able to sleep well if you are exposed to natural daylight and natural darkness.

For Everything There Is A Time

Did you know you have a natural body clock - called the meridian body clock. When you are in your natural right flow, or in balance, you will be tired in the evening and more alert in the morning. When you are not in that natural flow, you can experience alertness at night and exhaustion in the morning.

Anything that causes you stress can knock your body clock out of balance. When you Meridian Body Clock is out your neurotransmitters are out of balance and this causes your hormones to be out of balance - causing more stress!

Kinesiology Brings Balance

Attending a Kinesiologist every couple of months can help you to keep your body clock in balance. Kinesiology helps find what energy is out of balance in your body and then what will help you retune that energy for your highest good so you can live your best life.

Two Meridian Tapping Resets Your Natural Body Clock
I also have a specific Meridian Body Clock Two Meridian Tapping sequence that I use with clients to help them rebalance all meridians, neurotransmitters and hormones. This will be the content my second Tapping Book! However should you like to try some online or in person Two Meridian Tapping for balancing your Body Clock rhythms click this link to book your first session.

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