Research Says That Stress and Lack of Incentive Prevents You From Getting Into Exercise.Did you know that when you are stressed you will revert back to old thoughts and habits? That is because when you trigger the stress response your body takes the blood from your conscious thinking brain and uses it for energy so you can get out of the way of danger.
This happens all of the time, regardless of where you are or what is going on. This makes it difficult for you to keep up great habits. Another reason we fall away from new habits is lack of incentive. That is why I created Rebound For Wellness Programmes that start you rebounding at just 1 minute a day and build you up so gradually into what I believe is the most effective form of exercise for wellness. You see you don’t need to to be fit, but you do need to be well. In my work as a Kinesiologist I come across lots of people who over exercise. Pushing their bodies to the point of deep fatigue. Stress will also do this. That is because when you are stressed all of your nutrition goes towards helping you to be ready to fight, flight or freeze… So you can imagine if you are overstressed and not aware of it because it has happened over time, then you need to make gradual lifestyle changes that are easy and make you want to do them. Check out this video and then my Rebound For Wellness Programmes: HTTPS:// I also have a page on my website about Menopause Success: HTTPS:// Like, comment and share this video with your friends, they could be very glad that you did. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to link into more of my videos and posts PS This video was originally made in 2021 and discounts may have run out.
Jul 24, 2023