What Are You Doing To Connect To your Soul Space This Summer Solstice?I’m really big on creative energy and taking all opportunities to celebrate our natural life. My whole YouTube channel @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME is so full of natural healing vibrations and natural wellness ways.
What we focus on we get. With all the negativity in your life, the challenge is to focus on as much positive energy as you can and allow that energy to really boost you up. Summer solstice is the time of year to celebrate light and how light over comes darkness and that can be very difficult for us all at times. Energy flows where your attention goes and right now there are lots of negative things to catch your attention. Perhaps you could manage to sit in the light for a whole each day, walk in the light. Go visit an ancient site and connect into the great natural energy. Or just make a time to sit with a friend and enjoy good company. Remember vitamin D is a natural consequence of the longer brighter days and by getting outside around mid-day you can help you body naturally synthesise vitamin d. Vitamin d keeps your immune system working better, don’t we all need that. Please like and subscribe to my channel and perhaps visit my website at RetuningME.com/
Jun 15, 2022