A Little Bit Of SoulTime with Angels Showering Blessings Of Courage Empowerment and JoyHere @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I like to nourish mind, body and especially your soul - It’s all part of my Rounded and Grounded Energy Approach.
In appreciation of all the work it takes to create and post these videos I ask that you don’t forget to like, comment and share this post with your friends. It would be really great if you could also SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel - that way you get access to videos when they come along. Today Angels Micheal, Sarah and Celestina offer you blessings of Courage, Empowerment and Joy. What a great combination of energies and blessings to have available in your life. And you do have these energies available but more often than not you can’t always access them because you are caught in stressed energy states. Watch this video and please call foward from your energy the vibrations of courage, joy and empowerment. To learn more about me, please head over to my website: retuningme.com Have a truly joyful day with lots of courage to step into your true power and really reap the benefits of being a successful energy vibration.
Apr 19, 2023