The Journey From Darkness To Light- Step 6This is step 6 of 8 on the Journey from Darkness To Light. It would be best to begin with step 1 as these videos form a process that will bring you from the darkness to the light.
I recorded these videos live on Facebook and hence the little piece at the beginning about going into a Vigil to remember two men who had been brutally murdered in Sligo, Ireland some days ago. If you're struggling to make sense of your world right now, and battling illness, stress, depression, anxiety, feeling stuck and lacking a connection to your deep inner Soul Space, then this 8 step process is for you. The term darkness has been used to describe how it feels to be caught in unresolved trauma and stress. Depression, Anxiety, Constant Worry, Fears and Phobias are all part of this dark place. I know what it is like to live in this place of darkness. I know how it feels to be caught in darkness for months and years. I also know how to resolve and retune that darkness for vibrations of light and love. Holy Week can be a great time for taking a journey, especially a journey from darkness to light. Come with me on this journey. This video is the 6th of 8 videos that will be between 15 and 20 minutes long. Continue to allow yourself to take a step a day, even if you are using this process at another time. Go gently with yourself as you journey. Today I talk focus on the vibration of love. Please let me know how you are finding this process of journeying from darkness to light. You can book 1:1 sessions with me Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Retuningme.
Apr 15, 2022