Rebound For Wellness Basic ProgrammeRebound For Wellness Programmes are made to get you exercising for your Wellness everyday for the rest of your active life.
It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you can walk unaided, you can probably manage the Basic Rebound For Wellness Programme. These programmes offer you daily weight bearing motion. That’s what your body needs to keep it active and working. There are three Rebound For Wellness Programmes. You start with the Basic programme. This programme gets you from just 1 minute a day to 20 minutes gentle rebounding on your mini trampoline. Then you move to the Intermediate Rebound For Wellness Programme which adds that little bit more intensity to your rebounding experience, while still offering gentle rebounding experiences. Finally you get the Advanced Rebound For Wellness Programme. This does offer you more intense Rebounding but again less intense than other basic programmes. In this programme you get three different parts to work through. For more on Rebound For Wellness go to: Your body will thank you! Let your friends know about rebound for wellness too, they will defo thank you. Most importantly make the choice to get exercising for your wellness and not your fitness - get Rebounding For Your Wellness.
Dec 1, 2021