Chanting Positive Scripts To Raise Your Energy VibrationDid you know that there are easy ways to help you rebalance your energy.
You can retune negative scripts to positive ones just by changing the thought you think. Tapping helps you to retune negative thoughts at a much deeper level and with lasting effect. When you can’t Tap, you can Chant. Just saying a positive phrase is a great beginning to changing and retuning your vibrational energy from stress to wellness. Chanting helps to raise that vibration even further. Chanting phrases really lifts my energy. Have a watch if this video and see what chants you can make for retuning your own energy. Of course Tapping will get into an even deeper negative script and retune it for lasting effect. You can learn more about that in my book: Tap Into Success. My book can be purchased at For more on my work go to
Aug 17, 2021