Rebounding the best form of exercise for over 40’sAre you struggling with getting enough exercise?
Here’s what I do - I rebound for my #Wellness. When it comes to a form of exercise where less is more you can’t beat #Rebounding. Watch this video telling you some of the benefits of rebounding for your #wellness. Then go to my website and get my 20 week Rebound for Wellness Basic Programme. I also tell you a little about the two main types of rebounders. Rebounding can do so much for your wellness. It’s works every cell in my body. It’s been found to be 68% more effective than running if in a treadmill. It’s good for: Blood Pressure Bone Mineral Density Muscle tone Strengthening blood vessels Mood Lymphatic drainage It’s also brilliant cos less is more when it comes to rebounding. Every woman could use this their exercise for menopause support. I encourage rebounding for the rest of your life! But! You rebound at your own risk! If attending a medical practitioner, please consult before rebounding. Tell them this programme begins with just one minute gentle walking motion daily for the first week, bringing you through to 20 minutes daily gentle rebounding at 20 weeks. The beauty about having the programme is you can take it at your own pace. If you feel you need three weeks at week four, you can take three weeks. Access doesn’t stop after 20 weeks. For more information and to get my 20 week Rebound for wellness programme go to
Sep 21, 2020