5 Minutes Amazing Sea EnergyTake 5! Just take a break from the hustle and bustle and allow yourself to rest into this video.
It’s 5 minutes of sea energy. Like most things, the sound is never as good on a video as it is in reality. I always find that the universe gives us all that we need to rebalance and restore our energy through natural sources. The sea is one of those natural sources… please enjoy these precious 5 minutes. As you sit, perhaps with your eyes closed, breathe in the sea energy allowing the waves to just wash through your spine, energising every vertebrae and nerve, washing away all tension and stress. All dis-ease to be transformed to pure ease. Rest in your souls space. Replay as often as you like. Please subscribe to my channel and share with your friends. We all could do with some soul nourishment and de-stressing. RetuningME.com/
May 13, 2022