A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Michael blessing you with SafetySafety can bring up lots of images in your head - putting on a seatbelt before driving, or following the Green Cross Code when crossing the road. Being safe is something you want to teach your children as you were taught.
But what about the times when you didn’t feel safe as a child. They happen and if they don’t get resolved and retuned then they lead to dis-ease in your energy field. This dis-ease will eventually become disease in your physical and mental body. Retuning the dis-ease can happen at any time. I use a combination of what I see are the best parts of all the therapies I have trained in to help you resolve and retune those past blips in your energy field so you can feel truly safe and get on with living your best life NOW. For more on how I can help you resolve and retune your energy, go to retuningme.com
Feb 22, 2021