Rebounding Through Menopause And BeyondPlease Like share and subscribe - thank you!
It is possible you have a rebounder in your house. It is even possible you once were an avid rebounder, but like most daily habits, you got out go the practice either though going away on holiday or having the family visit and putting the rebounder away. Now is the time! Get that rebounder out and dust it down. But do not jump straight up onto that mean machine and go for it! Remember you are older and wiser now. Start with just 30 seconds to 1 minute daily and work up from there. I have lots of information in this video and on my website. Check it out here: Many thanks for subscribing to my channel here and for your comments and shares. In my opinion gentle rebounding is the best kept wellness tool there is. It helps you get your body working for you. But remember slow and steady wind the race and at all times you rebound at your own risk.
Nov 23, 2023