Why I Will Always Recommend Rebounding AS The Best Exercise For Your Natural Wellness Over 50!Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I will always recommend rebounding, but I will also always say, you do this at your own risk cos I don't know your body, I don't live in your body...
Do you rebound? Do you feel you could benefit from rebounding? There are so many benefits to be gained from even the gentlest of rebounding that you would be crazy not to try it. There are some basic ground rules, especially if you are over 50, like me, and you are not into exercising each day. You need to start off slowly and work up gradually. You want to make this easy and effective form of exercise work well for you, so go gently and slowly and work up gradually. When you start slow and work up gradually, you enjoy the process and you also get into the easy daily habit of rebounding seeing it as an 'I can do it' programme. This is how you can build up a good daily habit, by making it easy to achieve and manage. Even though I say I will always recommend rebounding, I also say, please consult your medical team if you have a medical diagnosis before beginning to rebound. If you suffer from vertigo or dizziness, please begin with seated rebounding and have someone there just in case you feel dizzy while on the rebounder or getting off the rebounder. At all times listen to your own body and go with how you are feeling and of course always remember you are choosing to do this, for your wellness and you are going to be wise and go very slowly because while getting your lymphatic system worked is great, you want to do this very slowly and gently.
Jan 20, 2024