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Why You Need To Love Your Body Into Wellness

Why You Need To Love Your Body Into Wellness

In this video I talk about the choices you need to be making every day to love your body into wellness, so you can get on with living your best life because I truly believe that is what you were put on this earth to do - LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!

Living your best live needs to start now. You change as you grow and you also reap what you sow! The thoughts you think, the food you eat, the water you drink and the exercise you take all have a huge affect in your wellness and what you are attracting into your life.

Wellness coaching can be the difference in you succeeding or failing when it comes to making the choices you need to make for your wellness.

Take pain, who wants to be in pain? Pain medications can only do so much. But when you are in pain, you are in stress. You are triggering a stress response. How can you ease that pain and that stress? By listening to your mind, your body and starting with where you are at.

Have a watch of this video and then have a read of the written post that goes with it over on my website: retuningme.com/...-body-into-wellness/

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Do You Struggle To Be Positive In January? Perhaps You Struggle To Be Positive All The Time

Do You Struggle To Be Positive In January? Perhaps You Struggle To Be Positive All The Time

I know what it is like to struggle. I was that person who struggled all of the time. I know now that the reason I struggled so much was because I was over stressed and hyper vigilant. I was so critical of myself and others.

How do you know you are struggling? Check out this video and even pop over to the written blog post on my website where there are lots of links to services I offer and others offer that can help you feel better and manage better every single day.


#barbaraoneill #positivevibes #positivethinking #beingpositiveinwinter #bluemonday #retuningme #kinesiology4u #kinesiology #mentalwellness #mentalwellnesscoach
23 December 2024

23 December 2024

Are you setting yourself up for Success with your New Years Resolutions and News Years Goals?

Christmas day is just over and already you could be planning your New Years Resolution. Perhaps you over sugared, drank too much, ate too much, maybe you got a flu and you really want to clean up your act for the new year and beyond.

How many times have you set out on January 1st to transform yourself only to fail in the first week. This is because you are expecting yourself to be able to be at 100% achievement on January 1st and this is not always the best way to go about setting or achieving your resolutions and goals. I have created a short programme on goal setting and it is free for you to use - here is the link:


You will have to sign into me website to use the programme, but other than that you are welcome to use this programme.

Let me know how you get on.
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I truly Love You Chant

I truly Love You Chant

Before you begin can I ask you to subscribe to my channel and when you have finished can you like, share and perhaps post a comment, many thanks.

Have you heard of the ancient Ho'ponopono ritual of self-actualisation? It is an ancient Hawaiian ritual. In this chant I have developed the original chant to turn it into a truth chant which, I believe, helps to embed it deeper into your energy system.

The words are: I truly love you, I truly am sorry, I truly ask for your forgiveness, I truly need your help, I truly am grateful, but most of all I truly am so blessed.

The whole idea is that the conscious adult you is chanting this to your inner past energy aspects that are stuck in a stressful and traumatic vibration. Whatever you are vibrating at, the universe is gifting you with more of that vibration.

Eastern Medicine holds that your thoughts set your vibration and the blood and the body will tune to that frequency.

95% of your thinking is subconscious and automatic coming from the deep seated positive and mostly negative truths you inherited from others, when you were very very young.

These truths can also come from trauma times and experiences.

You keep attracting negative people and bad situations into your life, because there are negative vibrations in your subconscious energy system that need to be retuned.

Call Forward
Before you begin this chant, it is a good idea to call forward all energy vibrations in your that are out of tune with your highest good and your highest healing. Then through this chant you are telling them what they never got to hear way back then.

You are saying that you truly love them, (I truly love you) as you are, worts and all. In doing this you stop fighting with yourself. This is an unconditional love.

Next, you are saying that you truly are sorry for all the thoughts beliefs actions and habits that you have in your energy system that are preventing your energy being from living your best life here and now (I truly am sorry).

Then you are truly asking for forgiveness cos you have genuinely being doing the best you can, but also a lot of the vibrations you have inherited from others while you were very young (I truly ask for your forgiveness).

Next, you tell your younger energy aspects that you really need their help, because without their help you cannot retune these hurt and stuck negative energy vibrations to better more positive frequencies (I truly need your help).

Then show how grateful you are for this process and for their help and for the opportunity to change this energy (I truly am grateful)
Finishing with how blessed you are in your energy vibration of you - you are perfection and whole and you are not broken and lost. Truly believe that when you vibrate at frequencies of blessing and gratitude you are indeed pure universal blessing - (but most of all I truly am so blessed)

I wish you blessings of success with this chant and hope it brings much peace to you. You can learn more about me over on my website: retuningme.com/

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Healing sound of nature in County Kerry, Ireland.

Healing sound of nature in County Kerry, Ireland.

We are made up of vibrational energy. Many things can knock your energy out of tune. Natural energy vibrations can help to de-stress your energy system and enable you to retune to more positive frequencies.

Here is a video I took in Co Kerry early summer time, you can hear animals, birds, water, - enjoy the nourishing energy.

Please subscribe to my channel and share with your friends, cos we could all do with some good vibrations.

My name is Nuala O Connor and I am committed to helping others retune their stressed and blipped energy vibrations to frequencies that promote natural wellness and success, because we all deserve to live our best lives and natural ways have least side effects.

You can learn more about me and all that I do over on my website: retuningme.com
Honouring Your Grief & Loss Through November

Honouring Your Grief & Loss Through November

When someone you love dies, there is a very big hole in your heart. The emptiness is real, the grief is enormous. Sometimes it is so tough that all you want to do is avoid it. You get very busy with life. Or you just want to hide away, hibernate, hope that people will leave you alone.

I find that rituals are great in helping me to cope everyday with grief and loss, but especially in the month of November. I think November has always been the month that I allow myself to process my grief and loss a little more.

I light candles, go to special places, write cards, make some stained glass pieces, or art pieces. I do what I need to do to help me ritualise what I need to at this time.

What do you do with your grief and loss? There is no one size fits all when it comes to grief and loss. There is no time limit on grief, no rule book, no-one to guide you through the day to day, but you! You can help yourself be creating little rituals, finding someone to talk to, reading up on some of the latest research into grief and loss because it could help you to understand and accept yourself a little more.

You can read the full article that goes with this video here: retuningme.com/wp-admin/post.php

You can book on to one of my creative soul days here: retuningme.com/...ul-retreat-workshop/

Please like, comment, share and of course subscribe to my channel, thank you.
Do you need to use a rebounding programme?

Do you need to use a rebounding programme?

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People often ask me ‘do you need to get a programme to start rebounding’ and of course the answer is ‘no’.
You can get in a rebounder and do your own thing.

The reason why I created programmes is because of the amount of clients that share how they started rebounding with no programme, just did their own thing and went to fast, too intense and ended up with pains, flu like symptoms old injuries coming back, headaches…

Rebounding For Wellness programmes are not made in Hollywood, they are simple and easy to do programmes that will get you into rebounding very slowly and gently.

You see once you hit menopause, your connective tissue can get soft, and when you do aggressive rebounding you could cause injury to yourself. Where as gently rebounding and building up your practice slowly allows all your tissue to get stronger slowly and gradually - slow and steady wins the race and the programmes are not about getting to the end, but getting into a daily rebound exercise routine for your natural wellness - check out my website for more information: https://retuningme/rebound-wellness/

Exercise doesn’t need to be hard but it does need to be in every day, rebound for wellness programmes will help you get into daily effective exercise that boosts wellness👌👌

#reboundforwellness #easyeffectiveexercise #exerciseformenopause #retuningme #barbaraoneill #menopauselife #menopausewellness
Wellness In The Work Place

Wellness In The Work Place

We all strive for states of wellness. We all want to live our best life.
Then there comes the buts and the ifs! 'But if only I didn't have to work with..., or 'if I hadn't got that manager..'.

There is a lot in the world that can cause us to focus on the negative and there is a lot in our world that can help us to focus on the positive.

I love to talk about what our focus is doing to us and then how we can change that focus so we get to live better lives.

Each day we have a choice, stress or success, illness or wellness, and it is all set in motion through the thoughts we think and the actions we take. I offer specific and focused wellness programmes that enable participants to focus on the positive, tune to the positive, be the positive.

Let me work with your team to create and deliver the right programme that will enable everyone to manage their daily stress differently with easy and effective daily tips and technologies.

You can learn more here:

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Success Energy Coaching with Nuala O’Connor

Success Energy Coaching with Nuala O’Connor

Stress has an energy vibration that you will tune to when you are in a stressed state. Your thoughts and beliefs are what determine what vibration you you tune to.
The good news is that your thoughts and beliefs create your energy environment, and your thoughts and beliefs can be changed.
You can literally retune your whole energy system when you find and fix your out of tune energy vibrations whether they be in your thoughts or in your cellular memory.
Success Energy coaching offers you a creative way of looking at life and indeed dealing with life so that you can turn your stressed energy into vibrations of success. Then you get to live your best life in every aspect of your life.

Have a watch of this video. please like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more videos, and to get working on your Success Energy book your first session here:

Minding Your Mental Wellness Through Menopause and Beyond

Minding Your Mental Wellness Through Menopause and Beyond

Minding your mental wellness is always key to your overall state of wellbeing at any time through your life.
During menopause mental wellness is of even more importance. When you come into the menopause already stressed your hormones will be totally out of whack.
Being over stressed your adrenals will be fatigued and your endocrine system is already suffering.
In this video I talk about some things you might find helpful in calming stress and managing your mental wellness better.

You can ready more by clicking this link:

You can book an online or face to face consultation with me (Dublin 15, Ireland) by clicking this link:

Like this video, please let me know by commenting on it, liking, sharing and subscribing to my channel, thank you.

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Good Nutritional Support Through Menopause Is Essential For Wellness

Good Nutritional Support Through Menopause Is Essential For Wellness

You may be surprised to hear me say that nutritional support is essential through the menopause. Have a look at this video and read of my post on my website: retuningme.com/...elps-with-menopause/ and then see if what I say makes sense for you as you journey through the menopause.

Natural wellness habits have the least side effects on your body and your wellbeing. This is why I tend to always go natural first. In this video I share some of the natural nutritional supports I have in my cupboard and what they can do to help me as I journey.

I will also suggest you go see a Systematic Kinesiologist who can help you to find exactly what nutritional support you do need at this time, rather than taking loads and wasting money putting your body under more stress to cope with the nutrition that you do not need.

As well as watching what nutritional support you take, you also need to be aware of the things you are eating, including processed sugar food and drink. Life can be easier when we make the better choices for our wellness and some of those choices will mean making touch choices.

This may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear!

Check out my post, and watch this video and then if you can get an appointment with a systematic kinesiologist near you or I also do online sessions. If you do get nutrition from Epigenetics in the UK, please let them know I recommended them to you.

Their website is: epigenetics-international.com/...ules/

Please like and share this video and subscribe to my channel for more on what I do - cos I do a lot on natural wellness.
Menopause Awareness - Post on Exercising Through The Menopause.

Menopause Awareness - Post on Exercising Through The Menopause.

This video was created for a blog post on my website. I'm sharing it here as it might just help you realise that there are easy forms of exercise that could really help you manage your menopause better.

During the Menopause your wellness and your life can get challenged even more than it was before.

You might notice that while you get off with a lot when you are younger - like going out late, eating sugary foods, eating processed foods, drinking sugary drinks, not exercising. From my experience, you get off with nothing when you hit the menopause! In fact I think everything begins to catch up with you at this time of your life.

Did you know that exercise is a must at this time of menopause. Exercise is a must for everyone because our human body needs our lymphatic system to be working at clearing away toxins and getting energy to your muscles and organs.

Some really effective forms of exercise are Rebounding, swimming, aqua-jogging, jogging and cycling.

Yoga and Pilates are also really good for getting your body into a less stressed and more relaxed state.

I think one of the most effective forms of exercise for women heading into and through the menopause is Rebounding.

Even gentle rebounding will work your whole lymphatic system. Aggressive rebounding can bring on a massive clearance of the lymphatic system and trust me when I say you don't want that to happen.

Because of the huge benefits of rebounding, even gentle rebounding, you don't need to be too aggressive on the rebounder, in fact just some gentle rebounding will bring about so many wellness benefits for you at this time in your life.

To learn more about how Rebounding could help you through your menopause and beyond, click this link: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

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The Sip, Swivel, Swallow Water Drinking Method

The Sip, Swivel, Swallow Water Drinking Method

How you drink water can determine how much of that water you can absorb and how much gets to just flow straight through you.

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while I don't mention it in this video, you do need to take a serious look at what water you are drinking.

It is always important to drink water that is clean, but not so clean that all the goodness has also been taken out of it.

Plastic water bottles can have been left in hot spaces for long periods of time and this means that elements of the plastic have seeped into the water.

Drinking Water
When you drink water, you want to get the most from it. Barbara O Neill talks about taking some organic sea salt when drinking water to get your trace minerals. These minerals should be in your water, but quite often they have been cleansed in the cleaning process.

When you drink your water you want to absorb as much as possible and this is why I talk about the SSS or sip, swivel, swallow method.

In this video I demo sipping, swivelling and swallowing your water through the day. I also recommend you drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water daily to keep yourself re-hydrated.

Drinking water before bed, not a lot, but some using the SSS method will help to keep you hydrated as you sleep allowing for better sleep through the night.

Subscribe to my channel to get more videos on natural wellness. You might also like to check me out on Social media - @retuningme and on my website: retuningme.com

#retuningme #tapintosuccess #naturalwellness #menopausewellness #menopauselife
Going with the Natural Flow Through The Celtic Seasons

Going with the Natural Flow Through The Celtic Seasons

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The Seasons are one way to help you tune into natural energy flows. I follow the Celtic Calendar with the first of August being the first of Autumn.

Autumn is a great time to talk about the flow of the seasons, with great visible signs of the changing seasons such as; stormy weather, leaves beginning to change colour, days shortening, gardens bringing forth fruit and vegetables, etc.

Sensing Your Energy Flow

I love sharing my thoughts about the Natural Energy Flow. Now more than ever I feel I need to be sharing this focus more and more. EVERYTHING has an energy or vibrational frequency. You have five main senses: your eyes don't see things, they actually see and interpret vibrations. Your ears sense sound vibrations, your skin, your nose, your tongue all sense vibrations. We call these seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. The key word is sensing.

You Make Vibrational Choices

Vibrations have measurable frequencies, which you are constantly processing. You don't really need to know what those actual frequencies are, but you do need to know what is working to enhance your vibration and what is not. Then you can make choices as to what you expose your energy to and what to stay away from.

Get Out Of The Way Or Go With The Flow?

When an environmental vibration is much stronger than yours, you need to assess if you would be best to get out of its way or go with its flow. There are lots of natural vibrations that are part of your natural flow, but due to stress, trauma, loss and fear, you don't always go with that natural flow. Stress can cause you to go against your natural flow. Stress can block your natural flow.

The Natural Energy Flow

It naturally follows that you should have more energy when you are awake and less as you approach sleep. This is because the natural environment works with your natural environment. In winter time you are naturally inclined to want to sleep more because it is darker for longer. In summer you are naturally inclined to sleep less because of the longer and brighter days.

Regardless you should still be able to sleep well if you are exposed to natural daylight and natural darkness.

For Everything There Is A Time

Did you know you have a natural body clock - called the meridian body clock. When you are in your natural right flow, or in balance, you will be tired in the evening and more alert in the morning. When you are not in that natural flow, you can experience alertness at night and exhaustion in the morning.

Anything that causes you stress can knock your body clock out of balance. When you Meridian Body Clock is out your neurotransmitters are out of balance and this causes your hormones to be out of balance - causing more stress!

Kinesiology Brings Balance

Attending a Kinesiologist every couple of months can help you to keep your body clock in balance. Kinesiology helps find what energy is out of balance in your body and then what will help you retune that energy for your highest good so you can live your best life.

Two Meridian Tapping Resets Your Natural Body Clock
I also have a specific Meridian Body Clock Two Meridian Tapping sequence that I use with clients to help them rebalance all meridians, neurotransmitters and hormones. This will be the content my second Tapping Book! However should you like to try some online or in person Two Meridian Tapping for balancing your Body Clock rhythms click this link to book your first session.

#barbaraoneill #retuningme #tapintosuccess #twomeridiantapping #reboundforwellness #menopause #menopausetips #menopauselife
Why I say Rebound For Wellness Has The Goldilocks Effect When It Comes To Exercising after 50.

Why I say Rebound For Wellness Has The Goldilocks Effect When It Comes To Exercising after 50.

If you like what you see and hear please subscribe to my channel, like and comment on this video and of course please share with your friends.

Mu name is Nuala O Connor, I created some very easy to do Rebound For Wellness Programmes that offer you easy and effective daily exercise that you can do and that you will like doing because of all the wellness benefits you will get.

While no one needs to be exercising for fitness, everyone needs to be exercising every day. Exercise is 'Daily Weight Bearing Motion'. Rebounding allows you to use your own body weight against yourself in a very good way.

Watch this video and the many more videos on this channel that talk about rebounding for your wellness and then head over to my website and gently get yourself into rebounding for your wellness.


Many ask me about the rebounder I use. I have a foldable bungee rebounder and it comes from rebound.fitness:
They also have a non-folding version that is a little cheaper.

If you are younger and you fancy starting slowly but then getting into more aggressive rebounding, then you might want to go for the steel sprung rebounders. Here is a link to all the rebounders at rebound.fitness :

You might even have a rebounder stored away in the house, get it out and get on it, but please, please begin with just 1 minute daily especially if you are going through or are beyond the menopause.

#reboundforwellness #menopausewellness #retuniungme #barbaraoneill #exerciseforwellness #exerciseformenopause
Help Boost Your Wellness Every Day Just By Minding Your Language🤗

Help Boost Your Wellness Every Day Just By Minding Your Language🤗

Following on from my last post, today I would like to focus on wellness through positive language. When it comes to health and wellness you can get easily convinced that medication is the most important tool. Medication should really be the last tool. Don't get me wrong. There are times when medication and medical intervention are essential, especially in the case of severe trauma and chronic illness.

Chronic Illness doesn't happen over night. There are many steps along the way to becoming chronically ill. Unfortunately thanks to busy lifestyles and high stress levels, you don't always hear or feel the signs and symptoms of illness developing - all the little messages your body and mind are giving you to let you know that your system is overstressed and in need of a life-style change.

For me, the challenge is to live a life that will keep me well, or as well as you can be most of the time. Stress comes into your day, just like waves come in the sea. Even though stress comes, you can still choose to create daily habits that will help you surf that stress.

Essential Wellness Tools
Wellness tools come in the form of thoughts, beliefs, foods, beverages, exercise, sleep, herbs, spices, nutrition, rituals, and you may have more to add to this. From this list you can see how the essential tools for creating and maintaining wellness are within your grasp.

The key challenge is making daily choices that will help you manage life better and perhaps even make life more fun again. When you are stressed that challenge can be really difficult.

My Own Natural Energy Retuning Experiences Get Me Thinking
My work with energy as a Kinesiologist, Tapping Coach and an Energist tells me that everything has a vibration and every vibration has a sound. Every cell in your body is making lots of sounds right now, and you don't generally hear them because they are resonating at a frequency that is either higher or lower than what you can naturally pick up with your ear.

Words Have Vibrations
Every single letter in every word also have vibrations. These vibrations can build you up or knock you down. Just one sentence spoken by someone can set you off into a state of joy or cause you to trigger stress.

Your words Are A Powerful Tool
Every single word is a very powerful energy tool. Good Vibrations are the key to wellness and success. These good vibrations need to be resonating within you and radiating without you too. I call this being in the energy flow.

Sometimes when a door bangs you get a fright, the noise has stressed your system and caused you to go into a stress response. This can be the case with lots of other vibrations but they aren't always that obvious. One word could be louder and cause more harm in your vibrational energy than a lots of doors banging loudly and suddenly.

Find Your Good Vibrations
Everything has a vibration, and the trick is to find the vibrations that enhance your core vibrational frequency. There is another side to this, and that is to avoid the vibrations that cause stress to your vibrational frequency.

Good Vibrations Raise Your Vibration
There can be foods that enhance your frequency and foods that do not. There can be certain types of music that boost you up and other music that really knocks you off balance. For me, Heavy Rock knocks me off and most classical and sacred music tunes me up.

Energy Balance Comes from Within
You have your own innate balancing or energy tuning system and your thoughts are a very big part of that. Every sound within every word, even the sounds of a groan or a yawn will either tune you for wellness or stress.

Focus Your Words And Tune Your Energy For Wellness and Success
Most of the time you are not aware of the thoughts you are thinking, but for the times that you are, it is very important that you are thinking and saying words that bring positive vibrations to your energy and the energy of others.

Two Meridian Tapping Tunes Old Negative Thoughts To New Positive Energy
I use my 2-point Tapping system every day as a way of helping me to really tune my energy for wellness and success. The system is designed to help bring balance to your yin and yang meridians. This in turn brings balance to your neurotransmitter energies.

The thought that you are thinking while Tapping system will be the vibration that your whole energy retunes to. That is why I have you say an 'I truly am...' statement that is positive and in the present tense.

You can learn more about this whole process in my book Tap Into Success. In the book I talk you through my tried and tested step by step process for taking old thoughts and beliefs and retuning them for new strong positive beliefs that will tune your energy for wellness and success.

To get a copy of my book click here: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

For 1:1 Tapping click here: retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/

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3 Techniques To Help You Tune From Stress To Success

3 Techniques To Help You Tune From Stress To Success

When it comes to getting yourself from stress to success I have many easy to do techniques. In this post I am going to share just three of these with you.

Why Help Yourself To Get From Stress To Success
When you are not actively setting yourself to frequencies of success, it is very easy to get caught up in someone else's stress. Quite often the unresolved past stresses that you have in your energy system will get triggered. Normally this triggering happens in stressful situations.

There is no way to avoid stressful situations, they are everywhere. But by deliberately setting your energy to frequencies of success everyday you can avoid getting triggered by others.

1st Technique - Your First and Last Thought
Eastern Medicine holds that it is the thought that sets the energy frequency and the blood and body tune to this frequency. The very last thought you have before bed is the thought that vibrates in your energy while you sleep. Just as the first thought you have sets your frequency for the day.

You know those days when you wake up and say things like - I hate Mondays. Well sure enough the universe will offer you lots more opportunities to 'hate Mondays'.

You can get ahead of your day by simply planning what your first and last thoughts will be. Though you may want to keep the same thought for both morning and night, here I offer you different thoughts for both:

Get some post-it's - one colour for morning scripts and another colour for night time scripts.

When you create your own scripts make sure to follow the pattern of: "I truly am ..."

Write scripts like:
I truly bless myself with love
I truly am grateful for this beautiful day
I truly love my life and all the success that comes to me
I truly love my work
I truly I truly bless myself with joy
I truly bless myself with success
I truly seek the positive through my say

You may want to write the same script on a few post-it's
The night before - Put these post-its where your eyes focus when you first wake - like:
on the bathroom mirror
on the door where the cups are in the kitchen
on your steering wheel
where you get your coat

Write the scripts for the night time - they might be similar or different:

I truly am grateful for ... (things that were in your day)
I truly am blessed with great friends
I truly had a great day
I truly am blessed with success

In the morning - Place these post-it's where you eyes fall before you go to sleep.
You may also want to write same script on a few post-its so you see it a few times before bed

Then say or think or even sing your scripts around 10-15 times every time you see it....

You may like to book some 1:1 coaching with me to help you to get the right daily habits for you and indeed to create the right daily positive scripts that will boost your vibrations so you can live your best life always. Https://retuningme.com/book-now/

2nd Technique - Write It Down and Close the Book

This is a technique to help you express the stress, anger, upset, worry that you might have taken on through your day. When you express the stress you have an opportunity to retune it. I suggest you get a book and maybe call it your stress express book. I suggest carrying the book with you, particularly if you find that you can get caught into stress through your day.

When you find yourself able to, get a cuppa, sit at the table and just express all the thoughts and feelings that you are thinking - onto a page in that book. Date it, sign it. But when you have everything written down, finish with - I trust all this stress to the pages of this special energy book for expressing stress and close it away. Then close the book. Don't leave the book lying around.

3rd Technique - Celebrate your Successes

This is the the technique I love doing every day. I do things like:

pat myself on the back and say another great success Nuala, well done.
punch the air and say success
do my dance of success
sing my own chants about my great successes

At night run thought my day honouring all my success, saying I truly am grateful ...

I invite you to think for a moment, would you do to celebrate your success? You don't have to sing your chants out loud, just sing them in your head.

These techniques help me to actively set my energy to vibrations of success each day. I find I reduce my stress levels. It's funny to say that when I do find myself getting stressed, I stop and take a moment - scanning over my day and guess what I notice? Yes, I haven't been doing these and other techniques as much!

I hope you found these techniques helpful. Another great technique for totally turning stressed energy into vibrations of success is Two Meridian Tapping - for more on this click this link: retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/

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Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder.

I have been rebounding for a long time. You may have already seen some of my videos here on this channel and others also have lots of information on YouTube including the amazing @Barbara O Neill who has always championed rebounding for natural wellness.

But in my experience women who are around menopause stage and beyond need to approach rebounding slowly and gently. Besides even gentle rebounding is so effective and brings so many benefits for wellness that going easy will do you just as much good as going hard, especially if your connective tissue has lost its strength, you want to be bringing that back gentlely.

I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences.

If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/

In this video I am comparing the two rebounders by rebounding on each of them for 5 minutes. Please do not try this at home especially if you are not used to being on the rebounder.

In my basic programme I talk about how to get on and off the rebounder and how to rebound safely for your wellness.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two.

Many thanks
Keep tuned for the next video
Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder.

I have been rebounding for a long time. I even went a trained in rebounding for fitness. But, what I have found from my reading, training and research is that you do not need to do a lot on a rebounder to get a lot of benefit for your body, mind and soul.

I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences.

If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/

In this video I am comparing the rebounding experience on both rebounders.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two.

Many thanks
Keep tuned for the next video
Have you heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal?

Have you heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal?

From 28th July to the 12th August there is a special alignment of our planet earth with the stars.
Earth will align with Orion and Sirius offering us this amazing energy vortex of manifestation and enhancement of energy vibrations.

The climax during this time is this 8th August (8/8). In this video I talk to you about the energy opportunity that awaits you over these two weeks.

What could this energy time of manifestation of dreams and prayers do for you?
This is the time to take some space, reflect on your work, your relationships, the direction of your life and truly answer the questions; 'Am I being true to my souls path? Am I listening and expressing my creative self for my highest good?'

The Universe Is In Control
I actually wasn't asking these questions the night that I was out walking on the beach. I was too caught in the high energy experience I was having. I suppose I could say that I was right in the eye the Lion's Gate Portal and the universe was in total control. I really felt like I was along for the ride and I was loving the experience.

I Had A Thought
Then out of nowhere, a thought became conscious; how am I going to recycle all that Miron Violetglass? I have been storing bottles made of this special glass for the past number of years. If you have been following me you will know that I have been recycling Miron Violet Glass bottles that I get liquid nutrition in.

What is Mion Glass?
I have posted a little about the glass before. The bottles I use are from a company called Miron Violetglass BV in the Netherlands. It has been proven to prolong and enhance the life of what is inside the bottle or jar.

My Long Standing Relationship With Miron Glass
The bottle is made from ultraviolet and infrared colours combined and it can enhance the energy of what is in the bottle. What could this positive ultraviolet and infrared energy do if it is sitting in my energy field?

Being honest, I had had this thought for a number of years, but I had never been able to find the right person for recycling the glass. The time wasn't right! Least no until this Lion's gate Portal opened!

This brings me back to that August night during the Lion's Gate Energy Portal. While I was walking along, the thought had come into my head about how was I going to get this Miron Glass recycled and what could be made from it. Then, almost immediately, I heard this voice in my head say, 'do it yourself Nuala'.

Do It Yourself
There was a part of me that was immediately responding, 'do you know my life'? Where was I going to find the time to do anything with the glass! Yet the energy pull was great.

There was a really deep truth to this experience. I had such a strong sense of wanting to re-use this glass. I could not bring myself to throw it out because of the strong energy vibration in the glass. But, I was a kinesiologist, a Tapping coach, wellness coach... need I go on! Yet, everything happens for a reason, doesn't it!

Be Careful What You Think In The Portal
My conclusion is, be very careful what you are thinking about from the 28th July to the 12th August because it will get manifested. Least it certainly did for me! No sooner had that voice said do it yourself, than pretty much everything I needed to know to get started just appeared in my path.

I was on YouTube the very next day from being on that beach when a video came up about fusing glass. I had the materials ordered and was smashing a bottle to try it out within a few days. Then I saw a post on SM about the Mind Body Experience in the RDS mid September and before I knew it, I was booked in to exhibit my pendants.

The Lion's Gate portal is here and you can make a conscious choice to be ready to surf its high energy wave. Ask yourself; what is it that needs attention in my life? What energy vibrations are stuck and need shifting?

Once you have acknowledged what needs attention then imagine you have a magic wand that you can wave and anything is possible. What is your dream outcome? What do you want your stuck energy vibrations to tune to? Imagine your new outcome, even put an image on it or words like; I truly love my life of .... or I truly am blessed in my new career as .....

Feel what it would be like to be in this new vibration and then be open to whatever images, voices, SM posts, etc come your way... and dare to go with that flow.

Where will you be for the Lion's Gate Portal? What Ritual will you perform?

Please Like and Share and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel to support me in my soul journey.
If you would like to work on shifting your energy blips then you can book your first session here:
Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Comparing Differences in Rebounders for Women Journeying To, Through and Beyond The Menopause

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder.

I have been rebounding for a long time.

I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences.

If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/

Recapping on a few differences and taking a look at the legs and feet of both rebounders.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two. There are lots of videos on this channel about rebounding and how it could really help you get into easy to do, daily weight bearing motion for your wellness.

Many thanks
Keep tuned for the next video
Stressed? Two Meridian Can Help You Turn Your Stress Around, Especially Menopause Stresses

Stressed? Two Meridian Can Help You Turn Your Stress Around, Especially Menopause Stresses

How Stressed Are You?
Where do you feel that stress in your body?
How is it affecting your mind?
What are your symptoms?

These are questions I will ask you when you come for a 1:1 session. I offer many different solutions to the stress management challenge that we all find ourselves in pretty much every single day.
Sometimes we are able to cope better than others, but the reality is that stress is ruining our wellness, causing illness and leading us down a slippery slop of over stressed states like anxiety and depression.

Before we go any further could you like, comment and subscribe to my channel and of course share with your friends.

The other day, I was talking to a client about my rounded approach when it comes to managing the daily stress levels we all find ourselves coping with. I told this client: 'No matter what you come into my clinic with, I will still work with your whole energy system. I will seek to find what is out of balance in your vibrational energy before finding what will help put you back into balance.'

Natural wellness solutions will have the least side effects on your energy system. Bruce Lipton goes even further in his book 'The Biology of Belief' when he says that because you are 99.99999% vibrational engird, the fasted way for us to rebalance our body, mind and soul is through energy fixes such as Tapping, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, etc.. Nutrition through food and supplements comes after that and medication comes further down the line again.

Two Meridian Tapping can help you to bring lasting balance to your whole energy system. Two Meridian Tapping will help you balance your yin/yang meridians which will bring balance to your neurotransmitters which will then balance your hormones.

You can learn more about Two Meridian Tapping on my website: retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/

You can get my book on Two Meridian Tapping here: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Why not try a 1:1 session:

#twomeridiantapping #menopausehealth #menopause #kinesiology #postmenopause #retuningme #tapintosuccess #tapintosuccesswithnuala #barbaraoneill #kinesiology4u
#stress #stressrelief #anxietytips #anxiety #depression #depressionrelief
#4 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

#4 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

Hi Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and this Playlist for more information on some of the differences between a bungee and steel rebounder.

I have been rebounding for a long time. I have created programmes for women who are going through and beyond the menopause because while we all need to be exercising, with rebounding you actually don't need to be doing a lot! You can check these out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Many women ask me what the differences are between a steel and bungee rebounder and so I have created a series of short videos to show you some differences.

If you are new to rebounding and you would like to explore the two rebounders that I have in this video click this link: rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/

In this video I am comparing the number of steel springs versus the number of bungee straps.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about all my videos and please take some time to explore my YouTube Channel. All I ask is you maybe throw me a like, and subscribe and a comment or two.

Many thanks
Keep tuned for the next video
Kinesiology Can Help You Resolve Past Trauma So You Can Live Your Best Life Now🤗

Kinesiology Can Help You Resolve Past Trauma So You Can Live Your Best Life Now🤗

Once you have read and watched, I'd be grateful if you could like, share, comment and subscribe!

It doesn't matter what the symptoms, I truly believe the key to lasting healing, is resolving and retuning the cause of your past stresses. I see these past stresses as unresolved blips that got to form in your energy vibration when you were very young.

When this energy blip is left unresolved, it can keep knocking you out of tune, even 40 or 50 years later. In this article I am going to share a regular experience I have with clients that really highlights the importance of getting to retune the cause of your deep energy blips. It is only when you do resolve past stresses and stressed experiences that have lingered in your energy that you can really have lasting healing.

Regular Energy Emergency Calls

I often get calls from what I would call regular clients asking me for an appointment as soon as I could fit them in. I really try to find that client a slot because I know they are in need.

There can be a number of reasons for the urgent need to be seen; a holiday away with slips in eating foods that over load the energy system, clients being overloaded with work or personal events or clients engaging in intense physical activities that have over stressed the body.

While all of the above reasons can and do happen, more often than not, there is a past emotional component involved in the current stressed overladen energy system. Often clients arrive baffled as to what has caused the digestive system to go crazy or the combination of sleepless nights, stomach cramps, irritability and a sense of fatigue.

Lasting Healing Needs The Right Questions To Be Asked

Generally I find I need to make sure to ask the right questions. What changed in your routine or your thinking? Immediate responses can vary but more often than not the first answer is - "nothing". Diet has been good, routine has been good good, nutrition is being taken daily.

Active Listening - The Secret Weapon For Energists

In my work I find that the key skill I need the most is Active Listening. Not just listening to what is being said, but listening for the trigger in what is being said. When your whole digestive system gets upset there is normally a past experience that is still triggering that emotional upset.

Listening For The Trigger

In my experience when a clients energy system goes completely out of sync there is a deeper unresolved trigger. As a Kinesiologist we listen for the energy upset that has come from a past trigger. Quite often many clients may not understand that past trigger but when it gets acknowledged and retuned in the session, the feel the release and relief.

Listening To The Energy With Muscle Testing

This is why muscle energy feedback is such an important tool for Kinesiologists. In Kinesiology I can use this 'muscle energy test' to find out how far back this energy blip goes and then what does the energy system need to help resolve and retune that blip.

I can also check to see if this script is the priority trigger - the key issue that is causing the current upset in the clients whole energy system. When I can find this original blip in the energy system and retune it, every other experience related to this original upset gets freed up to retune also. Once this retuning happens it will allow for a total shift in the clients energy.

Testing The Negative Scripts

When I am checking to find the priority for the client, I get the client to think about all the things the mention as a result of the questions I ask them.
You would be Surprised what can surface as the key unresolved script:

I don't want to go to school.
I hate my parents.
It's my fault that I was left alone (aged 4).
It's my fault I couldn't save my brother (aged 5).
I'm not good enough.
No one likes me.
If I eat food I won't feel sad.

This is just a small example of the trigger thoughts can can cause people to never get over a trauma in their past. At this point I always have to warn that there is no apportioning blame for why the client might have need up believing these things about themselves or others.

Children See the World Differently

As children we see the world through very small eyes. To a child the world is very big and very scary. That child will also believe that they are the problem and nobody else. We take on guilt and blame and when no-one helps us toe reason this out we get to internalise these beliefs about ourselves and the world.

The great news is that even childhood events can be revisited, resolved and retuned through Kinesiology and other energy modalities. So What needs retuned in your energy system so you can get on with living your best life now?

You can learn more about Kinesiology here: retuningme.com/...success/kinesiology/

To book a session click here: retuningme.com/book-now/

Review me on google here: https://g.page/r/CaGF1NfeLpsgEBM/review
Just While I'm On The Maximus Pro Rebounder

Just While I'm On The Maximus Pro Rebounder

Please like share and comment and if you wouldn't mind subscribing to my channel, thank you.

I have been posting videos that compare the Fitbounce Pro Bungee rebounder with the Maximus Pro Steel Sprung rebounder.

One thing to note is the Maximus Pro comes with a bar.

The Maximus Pro comes with a bar as standard while the Fitbounce Pro does not. If you want a bar for your Fitbounce pro you will have to order it from www.rebound.fitness.

I don't recommend the use of a bar when rebounding unless you are a bit unsteady and you want some support.

The Rebound For Wellness Programmes start you off so gently and slowly that you won't feel the need for a bar.

How and ever, some people do need that little bit of support for them to feel confident enough to get onto the rebounder in the first place.

To check out the Fitbounce Pro click this link:

To Check out all the rebounders and the steel sprung Maximus Pro click this link:

To check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes that are specifically for women who are either coming into, going through or are beyond the menopause click here:

Remember you do not have to be killing yourself with weights and cardio when you have something like rebounding because rebounding uses your own body weight so you can literally be gently moving on the rebounder like on my Basic Programme and you will be still working every cell in your body, every muscle, every organ and your whole lymphatic system.

This is also the reason why to begin so slowly. As we age and our oestrogen levels drop our connective tissue loses its tone also. When you rebound too quickly and too intensely from never having rebounded you do run the risk of causing prolapse and concussion - another reason to follow the Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme:

Dont forget to tell your friends about rebounding for their wellness, they'll be glad you did.

#menopausehealth #earlymenopause #reboundforwellness
#retuningme #barbaraoneill #exerciseforwellness #menopause #easyexerciseforwomenathome #easyexerciseformenopause #mindbodyexperience
#3 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

#3 Comparing Differences in Bungee and Steel Rebounders

This is the 3rd video in the series of comparing a steel sprung and bungee sprung rebounder, especially for women who are in, around or beyond the menopause time of their lives.

I got into rebounding before I hit into my menopause journey and I can tell you that rebounding has definitely been my saviour for sure.

You can learn all about that in my other videos in this YouTube Channel. For today I would like to talk to you about why I think this folding steel sprung rebounder is worth its money.

Have a look at this video and note how the steel springs are not directly attached to the frame, they are attached to rivets. This makes sure that the frame of the rebounder is not being compromised every time you rebound.

To learn more subscribe to this channel and keep an eye out for the videos that will be coming along telling you more differences between the bungee and steel rebounders.

You can check out the rebounders at Rebound Fitness here:

This link will take you to the bungee rebounders:

And to learn more about the very easy to do Rebound For Your Wellness Programmes click this link:

Please remember to like, share, comment and do all the other great things that will help others to get to know about Rebound For Wellness because every woman needs to be dong some daily weight bearing motion (exercise) but it doesn't have to be hard!
Kinesiology Helps You To Naturally Manage Your Menopause Mayhem 👌

Kinesiology Helps You To Naturally Manage Your Menopause Mayhem 👌

Are you going through the menopause?
Perhaps some of your friend and family are.
Kinesiology offers a natural energy balancing system that offers your natural solutions when it comes to managing your menopause mayhem 💪

We women need to show up and be our own best friend when it comes to our health and wellness and that means listening to your system before it gets too stressed and you end up sick!

Have a watch of this video and perhaps you would like to read the post that goes with it:

To book a face to face or online session click this link: retuningme.com/book-now/

Please subscribe to my channel and tell your friends about it.

If you have already benefited from Kinesiolgy please do share on this post.
#2 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

#2 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

This is the second video comparing bungee and steel rebounders.

If you like what I do please subscribe to my channel, like and comment on this video and of course share with your friends.

One of the key things that drives me to do what I do is the need for natural and easy options when it comes to wellness for women who are journeying to, through and beyond the menopause.

I am often asked why I use a bungee rebounder and what are the differences between bungee and steel rebounders?

These videos are my attempt to look at some of the differences in two rebounders from Rebound Fitness in the UK.

You can check out their rebounders here:
rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/. All rebounders

Use the code 'nuala' in the discount box on the website and they might just give you some discount.

To learn more about the Rebound For Wellness Programme that I have have created for women like me who are in or around menopause and after it, please click this link: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Enjoy this playlist on some of the differences I have come across...

#menopausehealth #menopause #retuningme
#barbaraoneill #reboundforwellness
#rebounding #comparerebounders
#1 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

#1 Comparing Bungee and Steel Sprung Rebounders

I get a lot of people asking me questions about the differences in steel sprung rebounders and bungee sprung rebounders and really I cannot comment because it is a long time since I have been on a steel rebounder.

Given my bungee rebounder is from Rebound Fitness, I asked them if I could get a steel sprung rebounder to compare the two. Because I already had a folding bungee rebounder they very kindly gifted me with a folding steel rebounder.

This is the first video in a series of videos comparing different aspects of the two rebounders. I will look at obvious differences before hopping up on the rebounder.

Regardless of which rebounder you get, it is really important to make sure that you ease yourself into rebounding for your wellness, especially if you are going through or are already through the menopause.

I explain more about this over on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

If you are interested in purchasing one of these rebounders I have got a little bit of discount from Rebound Fitness that I am passing on to you. Click this link to learn more and make sure to use my first name: Nuala in the discount box: rebound.fitness/...ategory/rebounders/. All rebounders

Please comment, like and share and of course subscribe to the channel so you can get easier access to my videos and see the next difference between the two rebounders.

#RetuningME #rebounding #reboundforwellness #menopause #menopausehealth #easyexerciseforwomenathome #exerciseforwellness
You Need Daily Weight Bearing Motion (exercise) Every Single Day, Especially The Older You Get

You Need Daily Weight Bearing Motion (exercise) Every Single Day, Especially The Older You Get

Yes, you do need daily weight bearing motion every day to keep your body working for you, but you do not need to be killing yourself exercising.

When you exercise for your wellness and focus on doing enough to work every cell in your body, you listen to your body and you work towards better wellness. Fitness is a fad, and normally it pushes you too far and you will not stick at it!

Rebound For Wellness Programmes are created to help you start exercising for your wellness. The programmes are easy to do, slow, steady and help you to win the race.

You can check out the programmes here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Want to know more about the rebounder I use? Click this link and make sure to use my name in the discount code box and hopefully you will get some discount: rebound.fitness/ - just bungee rebounders

Please like, share, comment on this video and subscribe to my channel oh and please tell your friends about Rebound For Wellness, they'll be glad you did!
Mind Body Experience in the RDS 20th - 22nd September 2024

Mind Body Experience in the RDS 20th - 22nd September 2024

Delighted to be sharing with you all that will be on offer at the Mind Body Experience in the RDS from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd of September 2024.

Make sure to save the date and share this video to let all your friends know about this fabulous fair.

Over the weekend I will be giving a workshop on Tapping Into Wellness To, Through and Beyond The Menopause.

Positive Energy Pendants
I recycle bio-photonic Miron Violet Glass bottles to make Positive Energy Pendants, Sun Catchers, and I also include some of this amazing glass in my Stained glass Brigids Crosses, Hearts and Angels.

I’ll be muscle testing your Positive Energy Pendant into your energy system to help raise your vibrations.

Bio-Photonic Miron Violet Glass has around 60% infrared vibrations and 40% ultra-violet vibrations making it a really strong energy glass that has been proven to prolong and enhance the shelf life of foods, herbs and oils.

My question was "if the glass is this good for what is inside the bottle or jar, what could it do for your vibrational energy".

I tested this by creating some pendants and then testing them on clients. Would you believe it, every single person that I have done this technique on, since I began creating the pendants in August 2022, has tested positive. That means the pendant has strengthened their stressed energy vibrations.

While the vibration of the glass is strong in and of itself, when natural daylight hits the glass it boosts the vibrations into the bottle, so surely it also boosts the vibration into our energy field when we are wearing a pendant or are in the vicinity of the miron glass.

When you're wearing one of these pendants your vibration will be raised, especially when I do some muscle testing with you, tuning your stressed and out of tune vibrations into the frequency of the pendant. This is a Kinesiology muscle testing system that I use with the pendants because once your low energy vibrations get tuned into the pendant and then locked into that frequency, your energy will automatically rise to that frequency every time you wear the pendant.

You can also get one of these pendants for your family and fiends and they don't have to be with you. I can tune this pendant through you for them, it's like you sending them positive energy through the pendant.

I also do some stained glass work and add a little of the Miron Violet Glass into these pieces. I will be bringing some stained glass Brigid's Crosses, Hearts and Angels with me to the Mind Body Experience and all Holistic Fairs that I will be attending.

I love taking old ways and transforming them into New Technologies to give you a rounded and grounded wellness and experience.

Wellness is your ultimate success. When your are truly well your are vibrating at higher frequencies and the universe gifts you with more and more opportunities to keep vibrating at these wellness frequencies which will bring more and more success into your life.

I’ll also be selling my book - Tap Into Success and signing it just for you. In this book I bring you step by step through another new technology - Two Meridian Tapping.

This system is yet again a coming together of many energy trainings and practices.
It helps bring a balance to stresses energy and retune old negative thoughts to new positive ones that will again help to raise your energy vibrations for more and more success.

So if your in Dublin, Ireland from 20th-22nd September why not come visit me on Stand 119 in Hall 4 - it’s free admission and there are lots and lots of great therapies available, as well as talks, workshops, yoga sessions, and other great things happening throughout the weekend.

See you there at stand 119👌 - please like and share this with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Challenging Yourself to get out into Summer even when you don’t feel like it!

Challenging Yourself to get out into Summer even when you don’t feel like it!

This video goes along with a blog post on my website site on this theme. The video and post initially started out talking about the importance of getting out into the midday sun or even daylight, and ended up shifting to how difficult it can be for someone who is struggling with depression or anxiety to get out to even think about getting out into summer.

There is a whole winter going on within and summer is the last place you want to be! I know this place, I have been in this place for long bouts and now I celebrate the summer and dont even mind when the winter comes around.

Awareness is key in this whole process. Awareness with self-compassion is a must - I call it showing up and being your own best friend.

Be kind to yourself, acknowledge that even there is a strong part of you struggling with darkness, right now you are going to choose to go into the daylight even just for 5 minutes and begin with that.

You can check out my blog post here: retuningme.com/...s-can-be-a-struggle/

If this post resonates with you please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel and you might also like to Book your 1:1 session online or in person with me here: retuningme.com/book-now/

#depression #summer #retuningme #anxiety #naturalsolutions #naturalmenopausesuccess
#naturalmenopauseways #menopausehealth
Is anxiety a symptom of the menopause or a symptom of stress?

Is anxiety a symptom of the menopause or a symptom of stress?

This is like the chicken and egg question!

In my personal experience and my Kinesiology practice I would have to say that stress comes long before menopause.

If you're not aware of how stressed you are before the menopause, you will certainly become aware as you head towards and into the menopause.

Have a listen to see if you can find yourself and your symptoms in what I am talking about. Please, please hear me say that there is no judgement in what I say, we all do the best we can with what we have.

I just know that as human beings when it comes to our wellness, natural solutions carry the least side effects.

If you are really stressed at this time and you would like to try and work on rebalancing your stressed energies then you might think about having a consultation or two with me or any kinesiology practitioner in your area.

I also have some online programmes that might well help you on your journey, like Rebound For Wellness, which offers you a very easy and effective exercise system for wellness.
There is also an online Anxiety programme and a stressed eating programme.

You can check them all out here:

To book a face to face or online session click this link:

You can also get me on FB, Insta and TikTok @retuningme

Please like and share and subscribe to my channel, were you can find lots of more videos on natural wellness and natural stress solutions.
A Little Bit of SoulTime for Good Friday, with Angel Ariel Blessing you with Hope

A Little Bit of SoulTime for Good Friday, with Angel Ariel Blessing you with Hope

Firstly, like what you are watching, please thank me by liking, commenting, sharing, and subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

It was Good Friday (Christian Day) when I recorded this reflection. Regardless of when you watch it I do hope you find a soul connection at some level and blessings as you walk your soul journey.

You can check me out on SM @retuningME
On International Women's Day, Don't Just Inspire Inclusion, Aspire To Inclusion!

On International Women's Day, Don't Just Inspire Inclusion, Aspire To Inclusion!

Please subscribe to my Channel and share with your friends.

Each Year I wrote a Blog about #internationalwomensday. I am always talking about how it's not good enough that we have this hype for one day a year and then treat women terribly for the rest of the time...
The theme this year is 'Inspire Inclusion'.
I don't think this goes far enough.
We need to be actively Aspiring to Inclusion - not just paying lip service to a phrase, but actioning change throughout the world.
Challenging leaders, especially in war torn countries to make the changes that need to be made so women are respected and accept as equals.
Those who abuse women need proper sentencing that reflects their horrific crimes.
Those who murder women and children need to be 'put away' for the rest of their natural lives.
But more than this, women need to celebrate their value and also need to be reminding respect and change. Women need to be helping other women, especially women in authority.
We have great women offering us practical ideas about natural wellness like Barbara O'Neill, yet this same woman who champions natural wellness has been banned from speaking in her own country!

It is very unfortunate when women put other women down.
Women are so stressed from all they have to manage and endure in their lives.
Have a read of my Blog Post:

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Let me know what you think
Most important - celebrate your life this International Womens Day. Celebrate and boost your self-esteem in some small or big way.

No one is going to champion women's causes more than us. We owe it to ourselves to build ourselves and each other up this day and every day.

My Positive Energy Journey continues in 2024

My Positive Energy Journey continues in 2024

My focus at RetuningME is to offer you ways to help you retune your stressed energy vibrations for greater wellness and success. Another way of putting this is, I provide you with lots of opportunities to turn to Positive Energy Vibes every single day.

I seek to do this using natural therapies and a variety of natural daily habits. This is because natural ways have less side effects on your energy system. Natural ways that work with your natural energy vibrations tend to boost your wellness and hour energy levels.

My focus at RetuningME is to offer you ways to help you retune your stressed energy vibrations for greater wellness and success. Another way of putting this is, I provide you with lots of opportunities to turn to Positive Energy Vibes every single day.

I seek to do this using natural therapies and a variety of natural daily habits. This is because natural ways have less side effects on your energy system. Natural ways that work with your natural energy vibrations tend to boost your wellness and hour energy levels.

Positive Energy Brigid's Crosses
Brigid's Day saw many orders for my stained Glass Positive Energy Brigid's Crosses coming in. These orders have come locally, nationally and the internationally. I am still working on filling some of the requests as well as keeping supply going for the Fairs.

If you would like to get a Positive Energy Brigid's Cross please message me on Facebook or Instagram or by email.

Nourishing Soul Vibrations

I have to confess that this work, like all my work, keeps my own soul vibration highly nourished. I truly love what I do and am so grateful for all the blessings I am receiving through my work.

Meeting you at a soul connection also nourishes me. I always tell groups that I do this work for my wellness and my greatest good and healing. This is my truth. What is your truth? What helps you to nourish your soul vibration? And the bigger question is, are you taking time for soul nourishment?

Coming Fairs For RetuningME

As of today here is a list of the next Fairs that I will be attending. I will be bringing, my Positive Energy Pendants, Positive Energy Brigids Crosses and of course copies of my book. I look forward to seeing you along the way:

11th February - Holistic Fair in The Talbot Hotel, Carlow

25th February - Holistic Fair in The Pillo Hotel, The Rath, Ashbourne, Co. Meath

03rd March - Holistic Fair in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip. Co Kildare

9th & 10th March - Crafty Crab Market in the Howth Sea Angling Club, Howth, Co Dublin

14th April - Holistic Fiar in The Maldron Hotel, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24

19th May - Holistic Fair in the Osprey Hotel, Devoy Quarter, Naas, Co. Kildare

9th June - Holistic Fair in the City North Hotel, Junction 7, M1, Gormanston, Co Meath

I will update you on the rest of the year at a later date. Needless to say I will be back at the Mind Body Experience in Dublin in September.

Amazing Feedback

As always your feedback continues to be so amazing and humbling. Working with recycled bio-photonic Miron Violet Glass, and tuning energy vibrations of dis-ease, distrust, trauma and stress to the frequencies of the miron violet glass is bringing so many blessings into my life.

The Positive Energy Journey Continues

I didn't realise the journey I would be taken on through working with this high energy Miron Violet glass. I have been to numerous holistic fairs in Ireland. I had this sense that it was only as holistic fairs that my pendants and work would be sought. I was wrong on that front. I have only been to two craft fairs so far. Both these fairs have shown me that it doesn't matter were I go with the Positive Energy Pendants and the Positive Energy Brigid's Crosses, they are always well received.

I have loved talking with fellow energists and healers. More over I love to hear your stories. It is through story that we learn so much about ourselves and others.

Tuning in the energy of people to the frequency of the Miron Glass has brought support to many stressed, grieving, searching and hurt people.

I also offer 1:1 online and in person sessions (Dublin Ireland) combining all my therapies to help raise your energy to more positive frequencies. I have online programmes too, some using Two Meridian Tapping to help you retune your stressed energy vibrations, naturally.
I have my Rebound For Wellness Programmes also, getting you into easy daily exercise for your wellness.

To learn more about what I do please head over to my website - retuningme.com
I’m So Humbled By The Stories About Why People Are Attracted To My Positive Energy Brigid’s Cross

I’m So Humbled By The Stories About Why People Are Attracted To My Positive Energy Brigid’s Cross

Please like share and subscribe to my YouTube Channel

In This video I share about how humbled I have been by the people that have come to get their Positive Energy Brigid's Cross. The stories are soul stories, and the energy runs deep.

I really hope that you have or will take some time to tap into the Divine Feminine that is Brigid, the goddess or the saint and more than both... we have this Divine Feminine energy in our land and we so need to be raising this vibration here and in our whole universe because there is such a need for it.

Please tap into your Divine Feminine Energy and nourish it in some way this first of spring in the Celtic Calendar. Let go of the old and welcome in the new. Do a pilgrim walk. Find a Brigid's Well. Visit someone who is called Brigid and celebrate their connection through name.

Most importantly nourish your soul at this time and take your first step into spring, the season of new beginnings, new seeds of life, or love of yourself. Accept yourself, care for yourself and most of all celebrate you for the Divine vibration that you are.

Blessings of Brigid to you.
If you would like to know more about the Brigids Crosses, please do get in touch.
My email is nuala@retuningme.com or message me on this post.

Blessings of Brigid on your health, your wealth and your joyful living.
Some Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - How Do Your Support Yourself Through Illness Treatment?

Some Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - How Do Your Support Yourself Through Illness Treatment?

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I was out for a walk recently and I bumped into a lady who began to tell me how my Two Meridian Tapping system was helping her through her cancer treatments. You can check out my Two Meridian Tapping system here on YouTube.

This lady also mentioned that she was hoping to begin to rebound again. I suggested she talk with here care team about this, mentioning that the Rebound For Wellness way is to begin so slowly (just 30 seconds / 1 minute) and then build up really slowly too.

Because rebounding is so effective on the lymphatic system it is always a great idea to be very careful if you are going through treatment for a lymph related cancer. Consult your medical team at all times.

You may also like to check out Kelly Turners work on Radical Remissions that have taken place for many. Kelly is a psychotherapist and researcher who discovered some years ago that there were lots of people who were having these radical remissions from terminal illness.

She wanted to know what they were doing. So she asked them and recorded what she heard. You can check her out on www.radicalremission.com she also has some books - Radical Remission and Radical Hope. In these books she talks about exercise being a key part of recovery and for some that was rebounding.

You can also check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes over on my website and of course remember that at all times, you rebound for your wellness at your own risk.

If you would like to work on your wellness I do online Wellness Coaching as well as online Tapping Sessions : retuningme.com/book-now/
Question? Where is your Rebounder right now?

Question? Where is your Rebounder right now?

Where is your rebounder?
That’s if you have a rebounder🫣

Perhaps your rebounder is out and you are using it every day for your wellness👌

Or perhaps it gotput away cos you had visitors coming, or you had got out of your daily rebounding habit🫣

It happens! It’s really worth your while to pull your rebounder out and get back into Reboinding for your wellnss👌👌

You see, the only thing you need to exercise for, is your wellness, thats all, fitness, well most people who are exercise for fitness, tend to over do it and give up or injure themselves or just give up!

So, let’s get the rebouner out, clean it off and get back into daily rebounding remembering to start very getlyn and work up gradually👍

If you don’t have a rebounder then perhaps your rebounder is still in the shop awaiting your arrival 🥰

Head over to my website to read all about how rebounding could really help your whole being✋


I also have more videos on rebounding on this YouTube channel.

Please like, share and comment on this video to help me expand my organic reach and of course subscribe to my YouTube channel so you see more of my content 👌👌
I Truly Love You Chant  by Nuala O Connor @RetuningME™

I Truly Love You Chant by Nuala O Connor @RetuningME™

I love creating chants - just like daily positive scripts, chants are a natural way of retuning your energy vibration.

Before you go any further would you please like this video, share it and subscribe to my channel, thank you.

Have you ever hear of the Ho'oponopono ritual of self-actualisation. It's an ancient Hawaiian Ritual where you make right, right again.
It holds that you were conceived right. Your vibration was hole. Then you began to absorb stresses, scripts and ways from others that knocked you out of tune.

When you have blipped or out of tune energy vibrations, you tend to attract more of the same and get caught in a loop of negative energy, attracting more negative energy all the time.. and you wonder why you can't seem to break the bad relationship trend or fail at job success or even always attract the same type of people into your life that never do you good.
Change your scripts, retune your vibrations and you can transform your life.

This chant is my version of the ho'oponopono way. You are welcome to chant it, use it and share it as long as you credit the creator at all times.

The way is that you are singing these words to the aspect and vibrations of you that are out of tune with your highest good.

Some would use the phrase inner child. You are singing to your inner child. I believe it is more than that. It is to every vibration in your energy field that is not in tune with your core sense of right - your unique vibration when you were conceived.

This is my version of the Ho'oponopono chant.
You are singing it to yourself, you energy being, some would say your inner child. But I tend to see your energy as more than that.

The words of the chant are:
I truly love you
I truly am sorry
I truly as for your forgiveness
I truly need your help
I truly am grateful
But most of all I truly am so blessed

You are connecting to your source and tell it that you truly love your whole being, you truly are sorry for all the negative and self-sabotaging scripts and ways, you truly ask for forgiveness. Then you truly need the help of your whole energy to turn your vibrations around and retune to better frequencies. You truly are grateful for this experience and of course at all times you truly are blessed.

Remembering that your core or source vibration is connected to the Divine source vibration. When you resolve your blipped vibrations you are resolving universal energy blips and reconnecting with Divinity at a whole new level.

You can learn more about what I do here on my YouTube Channel or on my SM channels @retuningme or on my website: retuningme.com/

Please share with your friends, like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep me sharing and reaching others so I can offer them opportunities for more rounded and grounded wellness in mind, body and soul.
I would love your review and feedback🙏

I would love your review and feedback🙏

Any business no matter how big or small will tell you that their best form of advertising is word of mouth recommendations.

Today online reviews are a great way for others who are searching online to learn about a service or technique or skill or person.

To this end I would be grateful for your review on google, Facebook or my website.

Perhaps you have read my book, or read my blog, attended an online or face to face session, taken an online programme or been present at a workshop or talk that I have given.
You maybe have purchased some of my Positive Energy Pendants, or Positive Energy Brigid’s Crosses.

I truly would be so grateful if you could take just a minute or two to leave me some feedback.

Google: https://g.page/r/CaGF1NfeLpsgEBM/review

Facebook: FB.com/retuningme/reviews

Website testimonial: retuningme.com/testimonials/

If you like my videos and posts, please like, share and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see more of me in your life.
Why I Will Always Recommend Rebounding AS The Best Exercise For Your Natural Wellness Over 50!

Why I Will Always Recommend Rebounding AS The Best Exercise For Your Natural Wellness Over 50!

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I will always recommend rebounding, but I will also always say, you do this at your own risk cos I don't know your body, I don't live in your body...

Do you rebound? Do you feel you could benefit from rebounding?
There are so many benefits to be gained from even the gentlest of rebounding that you would be crazy not to try it.

There are some basic ground rules, especially if you are over 50, like me, and you are not into exercising each day. You need to start off slowly and work up gradually. You want to make this easy and effective form of exercise work well for you, so go gently and slowly and work up gradually.

When you start slow and work up gradually, you enjoy the process and you also get into the easy daily habit of rebounding seeing it as an 'I can do it' programme. This is how you can build up a good daily habit, by making it easy to achieve and manage.

Even though I say I will always recommend rebounding, I also say, please consult your medical team if you have a medical diagnosis before beginning to rebound.

If you suffer from vertigo or dizziness, please begin with seated rebounding and have someone there just in case you feel dizzy while on the rebounder or getting off the rebounder.

At all times listen to your own body and go with how you are feeling and of course always remember you are choosing to do this, for your wellness and you are going to be wise and go very slowly because while getting your lymphatic system worked is great, you want to do this very slowly and gently.
Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - Inflamed Knee After Rebounding Time

Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - Inflamed Knee After Rebounding Time

Why might your knee be inflaming?

There can be many reasons for this happening, it is good to get your knee checked out by your doctor or physical therapist, or indeed a Kinesiologist.

One thing that could cause inflammation in the knee could be that your are over pronating while rebounding. Check your rebounder is in good condition and is adequate for your weight.

A good quality rebounder will have a good quality bounding surface and bungee straps or steel springs. If you are over pronating, wear support trainers as you rebounding and also check your posture while rebounding.

Gut health can contribute to knee inflammation, as can wear and tear. Dehydration and an over acidic diet can also be part of the issue. Taking lots of medications can upset your acid levels in your body and this again can have a knock on affect.

Being a Kinesiologist and Wellness Coach, I tend to find that many people who have digestive issues can also tend to have knee and hip issues. When you have an over acidic system you will have problems with inflammation and your joints are the place where the acid will lodge.

That's probably over simplifying it, but that is generally what happens. This can happen at any age. The challenge is to get the diet clean of refined sugars, and trans fats and up the water intake, lowering coffee and alcohol and of course the carbonated drinks, white bread, etc..

There are natural ways to help reduce inflammation, and a Kinesiologist will help you with this.

I have online and face to face consultations - retuningme.com/book-now/

Back to the rebounding - if you are finding that you are having issues with joints or muscles, it could be because they are getting worked/cleared. Pull back on your rebounding time and intensity. You might want to check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes on my website. I tend to give lots of little bits of information each week as I rebound.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and keep following my videos for more information and encouragement about rebounding for your wellness.
Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions 50+ - What happens when you rebound too hard and too fast?

Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions 50+ - What happens when you rebound too hard and too fast?

I get lots of comments on my videos. One is from Kerry who follows me here on YouTube, she told me how she felt she had a cold after 5 minutes of rebounding.

Kerry didn't start with just 1 minute and work up. She went straight in at 5 minutes and had this cleaning of her lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system has got lots of lymph nodes all through it. These are like little processing mechanisms along your lymph system and if they don't get a bit of pumping through you doing the right exercise, they can get clogged up.

Even gentle rebounding will get your lymph nodes working better. This means any toxins will begin to clear. You really want this clearing to be slow and steady, causing you the least stress.

This is why I created the Rebound For Wellness Programmes - to help you go at a slow and steady pace - making rebounding your easy to do daily exercise programme.


Check out the programmes here and done forget to like and subscribe to this channel.
Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - I've no cartilage in my hip, can I rebound?

Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - I've no cartilage in my hip, can I rebound?

If you haven't yet done this could you please subscribe to @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 , like and comment too.

You can also rate and review me on google: https://g.page/r/CaGF1NfeLpsgEBM/review

I have been asked about rebounding for someone who has no cartilage in their hip. Given that the rebounder absorbs so much of the impact that your joints would get and given the impact is spread over all the joints evenly you might find your hip fairs better when you are on a rebounder.

Because rebounding really works the mitochondria of the cells, you could find that your hips begin to get stronger. I should also mention that there are certain nutritional supplements that can help your body help itself with it comes to the production of cartilage.

You might want to consult a Kinesiologist about this.

Remember at all times, that you rebound at your own risk, please consult your medical team if you are concerned about your ability to rebound, even doing the gentlest of rebounding and make sure to tell them you will be starting to rebound at just 1 minute a day to begin with.

Check out Rebound For Wellness here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - Finding The Rebounder I Can Afford

Rebounding Frequently Asked Questions - Finding The Rebounder I Can Afford

I have had a comment here on YouTube from someone seeking a more affordable rebounder. Here is some advice on what to look for when buying a rebounder and if you search on this channel you will find some more videos on rebounders.

But also remember you get what you pay for when it comes to quality. Poor quality bungee straps or steel springs will break and can also cause over-pronation, as does a poorly maintained rebounder.

It is also good to have a high quality rebounding mat that won't give when you are on it, also contributing to over pronation. Good trainers with foot support can also help when you are rebounding.

Being an energy therapist, I would also suggest you put it out to the universe that you are truly grateful for your high quality rebounder and the abundance to acquire it with ease.

Please subscribe to my channel, like, share and comment on this video, thanks so much.

You can find out more about my programmes over on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
The Ups and Downs of Christmas with Natural Solutions

The Ups and Downs of Christmas with Natural Solutions

This video was recorded December 2020 - a time when there were lots of added stressors in our lives. Pretty much all of the video can apply to everyone at Christmas time regardless of the year.

The many pressures and stresses in your life can make Christmas even more stressful. Especially given the lack of day light and lowered opportunity to get natural vitamin synthesis.

Kinesiology and RetuningME sessions can help you manage your Christmas experience better.

For more information you can visit my website - retuningme.com.

There are so many tips for you in this video. I suggest you watch it a few times and take note of the things you can take on board this year and then maybe revisit next year and you might chose to work on other ideas.

Please like, comment and share this video and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Here's a Comment I Got About Rebounding

Here's a Comment I Got About Rebounding

This person commented that they were miserable from starting to rebounding too quickly!

With my videos and my Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme there is no reason for you to over do it. You can follow my programme (at your own risk of course) and help yourself to get into one of the easiest and most effective forms of exercise for your wellness.

Please subscribe to my channel and if you are someone who needs support and needs to follow a programme, please head over to my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Tell your friends, too. Exercise doesn't need to be difficult. You don't need to be over doing it and over stressing your body too much when exercising - commit to exercising for your wellness and start today.
Why Do I Encourage You To Get On That Rebounder

Why Do I Encourage You To Get On That Rebounder

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I am always telling people to get rebounding.
There is a reason for this! Rebounding is the most effective form of exercise that you could be doing for your wellness.

Your wellness is worth the effort and you are worth the effort.

Please subscribe to my channel, like, share and comment, thank you.

You can learn more about my rebound for wellness programmes on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Take Action Against Anxiety Because You Are Worth It

Take Action Against Anxiety Because You Are Worth It

Women, why do we tend to feel we can cope with everything, and anything. Maybe it's not even that we can cope, but we feel we have to cope!

Well you need to stop! You need to stop allowing yourself to get overstressed all the time as you try to manage everyone else.

I'm a Kinesiologist, Tapping Coach, Wellness Coach, Success Energy Coach, and I offer 1:1 sessions and online programmes that can help you take action against anxiety NOW!

The issue is being over stressed. Calm that stress response and then retune your life so you can get on with living your best life - that is what I want to help you do, before it's too late and your over stressed body begins to fight against itself causing autoimmune issues, cancers and much more.

Check out my online anxiety programme:


Like what you see and hear, please thank me by commenting and sharing and subscribing to my YouTube channel - thank you.
On Bungee Rebounders - some that are out there  - Nov 23

On Bungee Rebounders - some that are out there - Nov 23

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, as it keeps me incentivised to do more.

In this video I browse google for bungee sprung rebounders and just mention a few that come up. They range in price from over €400 to under €100.

Let me also say that the pricing on these rebounders may change from time to time. I recorded this video around Black Friday time and prices will change.

I can't recommend any of them except the one I use. Do a little research and genuinely seek the one that fits your pocket at this time.

Bottom line is you need a rebounder. Perhaps you feel you are not sure if this way of exercising will stick for you. the cheaper option may get you into rebounding, and then when you are more sure of your self and your commitment to rebounding you can treat yourself to something better.

I would also welcome your own experience of using the rebounder you have, You can comment here, or let me know on Facebook @retuningme or by emailing me: nuala@retuningme.com

You can check out my Rebound For Wellness information and Programme here on YouTube or on my website - retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

The rebounder I have is the fitbounce pro from www.rebound.fitness and if you use my name in their discount code box you might well get some discount (but maybe not if they have a deal on).
Rebounding Through Menopause And Beyond

Rebounding Through Menopause And Beyond

Please Like share and subscribe - thank you!

It is possible you have a rebounder in your house. It is even possible you once were an avid rebounder, but like most daily habits, you got out go the practice either though going away on holiday or having the family visit and putting the rebounder away.

Now is the time! Get that rebounder out and dust it down. But do not jump straight up onto that mean machine and go for it! Remember you are older and wiser now.

Start with just 30 seconds to 1 minute daily and work up from there.

I have lots of information in this video and on my website. Check it out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Many thanks for subscribing to my channel here and for your comments and shares. In my opinion gentle rebounding is the best kept wellness tool there is. It helps you get your body working for you. But remember slow and steady wind the race and at all times you rebound at your own risk.
A Little Bit of SoulTime with blessings of Success From Angel Micheal

A Little Bit of SoulTime with blessings of Success From Angel Micheal

Firstly, can I ask, if you like what you watch, can you please show your appreciation by hitting the like, share and comment buttons. It would be great if you could also subscribe to my channel to get more of my posts as they go up.

As you watch if you have a friend who you think would benefit from hearing this, please send them the link to the video or share on your social media.

In the last Angel video I posted I was focusing on the blessing of opportunity and today comes the blessing of success - Meant to be reinforced and if you haven't seen the previous video go look for it in the SoulTime Playlist.

Celebrate your success, because that is why we were born, to be successful that success is an energy vibration, not a money thing.

Do no harm. Intend to be successful. Get into the vibration of success from now by choosing to look on the aspects of your life that are already successful and go from there...

You can follow me on FB and Insta - @returningofmeganentv3555ningme or you can get me on my website retuningme.com/
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Raphael offering your blessings of Opportunity

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Raphael offering your blessings of Opportunity

Like what you watch? Can you please show your appreciation by hitting the like, share and comment buttons. It would be great if you could also subscribe to my channel to get more of my posts as they go up.

As you watch if you have a friend who you think would benefit from hearing this, please send them the link to the video or share on your social media.

Throughout your day there are so many opportunities to tune your vibration to the frequency of success, but do you see them or even think these simple opportunities are successful.

You have so many opportunities for wellness and success each and every day.

Seeing success as a vibrational energy, and every single one of us has the potential to tune our frequency to the vibration of success - a truly positive and vibrant frequency.

Have a listen to this video about all the opportunities that are in your day and see how you might refocus your energy and your day.

You can follow me on social media @RetuningME and you can subscribe to my weekly blog over on my website: retuningme.com/testimonials/
Today My Job Is To Convince You To Get Rebounding For Your Wellness! You will be glad you did!

Today My Job Is To Convince You To Get Rebounding For Your Wellness! You will be glad you did!

Please, like, share, comment, and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

This video gives away a lot of my secrets but it also offers you many great reasons for getting into Rebounding For Your Wellness.

There are so many reasons for you to get into rebounding but the best one is always the benefits to the lymphatic system.

I should also mention how easy your rebounding session can be and of course the great benefits of easy exercise on the muscles and joints.

But always remember that you rebound at your own risk and if you have any medial issues check them out with your health practitioner.

Check out my Easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Kinesiology is also great for helping you to listen to your energy system and make natural wellness choices.

You can book an app with me here: retuningme.com/book-now/
I'm Totally committed To Offering You Easy Ways To Wellness

I'm Totally committed To Offering You Easy Ways To Wellness

Being a Kinesiologist I am always keen to help people find easy ways to maintain a vibration of wellness.

I created easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes to help women get into very effective and easy exercise - Also known as daily weight bearing motion 👌 and well need this 🙏

I created online programmes to help you get into habits for your wellness.

I created a new Tapping System that really brings your whole meridian and neurotransmitter energies into greater balance.

I run small group workshops on helping you to get creative with your stress or grief.

Life throws so many obstacles your way - but when you have easy habits you can do each day, that will help you retune your stress for success, then you have a winning plan.

For more information on what I do please visit my website : retuningme.com/

Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more videos.
A Little Bit OF SoulTime with Angel Sarah blessing your soul with EASE!

A Little Bit OF SoulTime with Angel Sarah blessing your soul with EASE!

Firstly, in appreciation for all the videos on my site and in the energy of blessing, could I please ask you to like, share, comment, and subscribe to my Youtube Channel - thank you.

Words are very powerful - the vibration each word holds can set you up for wellness and success or knock you into dis-ease and worry!

What words do you speak each day, to yourself and to others?

Here is a reflection on words and their vibrational frequency, brought through Angel Sarah with the word EASE.

Let me know act you think.

Please like and share.
Have You Heard About Rebound For Wellness?

Have You Heard About Rebound For Wellness?

Firstly please like, share, comment, and of course subscribe to my channel, thank you.

Here is a 10 minute video about gentle rebounding. I have created some Rebound For Wellness Programmes combining my Kinesiology, and Rebounding training.

You see when it comes to exercise you only need to exercise for your wellness - and not your fitness!

Rebounding is one of the best forms of exercise for you to get your whole system working in a short amount of time and it is so easy and effective too.

Check out my video here and then pop over to my website and have a look at what I say there, probably all that I am saying here in this video!

Words, Vibrations and Angel Sarah blessings you with ease

Words, Vibrations and Angel Sarah blessings you with ease

Firstly do you like what you watch, can you please show your appreciation by hitting the like, share and comment buttons. It would be great if you could also subscribe to my channel to get more of my posts as they go up.

As you watch if you have a friend who you think would benefit from hearing this, please send them the link to the video or share on your social media.

Words are so important to your wellness and your success - every word you think, say, mutter, they all count.

According to Eastern Medicine, words set your vibrational frequency and then your blood and your body tune to that frequency.

The Angel Card that picked me today was that of Angel Sarah with the blessing of Ease.

Stress and Ease are like opposites and they create two totally different energy vibrations.
What image comes to you when you think of stress? What colour, what sense do you get in your body?

Then what image comes when you think of ease? What colour and sense in your body.

Let me know what you think of this video

You can follow me here or on SM @RetuningME and of course there is my website - retuningme.com/
A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Ariel and Sarah offering soul blessings to you.

A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Ariel and Sarah offering soul blessings to you.

Firstly if you like what you see please, help me continue my work by liking, commenting, sharing and subscribing - thank you.

We are Should Beings on this human journey but sometimes we can get lost in the human side of this journey and forget our soul connection.

Stress can do that. Stress can block our soulful connectedness.

Have a listen and let me know what you think, and I hope you feel blessings from Angels Ariel and Sarah on your soul journey.
A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Daniel offering blessings of sweetness and kindness.

A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Daniel offering blessings of sweetness and kindness.

Firstly if you like this video. could you thank me by liking, sharing, even commenting and subscribing to my YouTube Channel, thank you .

When I picked the first card in this video, I had a bit of a reaction, but the second card brought me to a deeper understanding. Check out the video and see what you think.

I am adding a little Two Meridian Tapping with this reflection. You can learn more about Two Meridian Tapping here on my YouTube Channel or over on my website (retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/)

I run an online monthly Two Meridian Tapping Group every third Monday of the month (online) - click here to book your place.


Let me know what you think of this video and the Tapping system. I have a book all about this system offering a step by step guide - retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Tapping Into An Easier Menopause

Tapping Into An Easier Menopause

Why I Like To Create Positive Energy Stained Glass Brigid’s Crosses

Why I Like To Create Positive Energy Stained Glass Brigid’s Crosses

Angel Ariel Blesses You With Purpose - With Some Two Meridian Tapping To Help Tune In To Purpose.

Angel Ariel Blesses You With Purpose - With Some Two Meridian Tapping To Help Tune In To Purpose.

In this video I use Two Meridian Tapping to help you retune stress so you can tune into your Souls Purpose.

Angel Ariel is the Head Angel of the Integrated Energy Therapy system.

Please Tap along with this video and see how you feel at the end of the Tapping experience.

Like, comment and share and of course SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel so you can get more videos from my site. I have plenty of Playlists @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 to help you have a Rebound and Grounded Wellness experience.

To get a copy of my book: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

To book some 1:1 sessions click here: retuningme.com/book-now/
5 Daily Wellness Habits that could change your life.

5 Daily Wellness Habits that could change your life.

Daily Wellness habits don’t have to be hard to do, but they do take a slight shift in your mindset and that is were Two Meridian Tapping can come in.

These habits aren’t new. They aren’t hard either! But they will take you lowering your stress levels, committing to new ways and daily practice and that is where Two Meridian Tapping can help.

To learn more about my online programmes click here: retuningme.com/online-programmes/

You can email me on nuala@retuningme.com
Combining Two Meridian Tapping And Meditation Techniques for Greater Wellness and Success

Combining Two Meridian Tapping And Meditation Techniques for Greater Wellness and Success

This video links to my 10 week live Tap Into Meditation Programme that you can sign up to here: retuningme.com/...-meditation-success/

These programmes are live and run every 10 weeks if you missed the beginning of the programme mentioned in this video, you can sign up to the next 10 week programme which will be listed in the product page (link is above).
Angels Faith and Celestina bless you with Joy and Balance.

Angels Faith and Celestina bless you with Joy and Balance.

@nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I offer A Little Bit of SoulTime.

These are reflections I have using the Healing Angel Cards from Integrated Energy Therapy.

Today the Angels blessed me and you with Joy and Balance - when I truly have balance in my life I do feel pure joy.

When you ache with Stress you are prevented from being able to find joy or balance in yourself or your life.

Please like, share, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

You can learn more about me over on my website: retunignme.com

You can also book 1:1 sessions with me: retuningme.com/book-now

You can get a copy of my book here: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

I pray blessings of peace, balance and joy in your life.
Do you struggle to meditate?

Do you struggle to meditate?

Do you struggle to meditate?

Do you find that no matter what you try, you just can’t seem to settle yourself?

I struggled for many years and now I know why! I was triggering a stress response that was keeping me hyper vigilant and there is no way you’ll succeed to meditate when you’re in that state.

By using Two Meridian Tapping before meditation I can help you get into make meditation easy.

I’m running a 10 week programme starting in 7th September at 8pm Irish time.

Click this link to learn more: retuningme.com/...-meditation-success/

Please subscribe to my channel and share this with your friends
Wellness And Fitness - Which Do You Focus On?

Wellness And Fitness - Which Do You Focus On?

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I encourage you to focus on your Wellness especially when it comes to exercising.

I talk about this in my video.

Please like, share and comment.

You can also head over to my website and check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
Research Says That Stress and Lack of Incentive Prevents You From Getting Into Exercise.

Research Says That Stress and Lack of Incentive Prevents You From Getting Into Exercise.

Did you know that when you are stressed you will revert back to old thoughts and habits? That is because when you trigger the stress response your body takes the blood from your conscious thinking brain and uses it for energy so you can get out of the way of danger.

This happens all of the time, regardless of where you are or what is going on.

This makes it difficult for you to keep up great habits.

Another reason we fall away from new habits is lack of incentive. That is why I created Rebound For Wellness Programmes that start you rebounding at just 1 minute a day and build you up so gradually into what I believe is the most effective form of exercise for wellness.

You see you don’t need to to be fit, but you do need to be well.

In my work as a Kinesiologist I come across lots of people who over exercise. Pushing their bodies to the point of deep fatigue. Stress will also do this. That is because when you are stressed all of your nutrition goes towards helping you to be ready to fight, flight or freeze… So you can imagine if you are overstressed and not aware of it because it has happened over time, then you need to make gradual lifestyle changes that are easy and make you want to do them.

Check out this video and then my Rebound For Wellness Programmes:

I also have a page on my website about Menopause Success:


Like, comment and share this video with your friends, they could be very glad that you did. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to link into more of my videos and posts

PS This video was originally made in 2021 and discounts may have run out.
Menopause can really push all your Stress buttons. But There are Natural Solutions Available.

Menopause can really push all your Stress buttons. But There are Natural Solutions Available.

In this video I talk about some of the things I do and lots of other women are now doing to help them naturally manage their menopause journey.

Exercise is one way - you do need daily weight bearing motion, but you do not need to be beating the roads. If you're like me and can get aches and pains in your muscles and joints, you might like to know about my Rebound For Wellness Programmes which will get you into what I think is the most effective form of exercise for women over 40.

Even if you run, walk, swim, cycle, a little rebounding each day will offer you so many wellness benefits that you would be crazy not to try it.

The reason I decided to create these programmes is because rebounding can be so effective that it can cause you to have a massive clearance in your Lymphatic system. This can leave you never wanting to rebound again.

Also because rebounding worked every single muscle, you can over do it very quickly when you go from no exercise to rebounding. This is why I created the Rebound For Wellness Programmes: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Go check it out over on my website and of course I would be grateful if you could like, share, comment on this post and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
A Little Bit Of SoulTime With Nuala O Connor and the Healing Angels of The Integrated Energy Field

A Little Bit Of SoulTime With Nuala O Connor and the Healing Angels of The Integrated Energy Field

I like to offer you a Rounded and Grounded Approach to Your Wellness here at @nualaoconnorretuningme8989. That is because we are such amazing energy beings that need to be nourishing our selves at so many levels.

In this video I reflect on life and how to have soulful success through the inspiration of Angels Faith, Micheal and Raphael offering us serenity, success and illumination.

Allow this reflection and experience to sink into your energy vibrations and see what emerges from your Soul space.

Please like and share this video and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

You can learn more about me over on my website: retuningme.com/
What Happens To Your Hormones When Menopause Hits and How Exercise Helps

What Happens To Your Hormones When Menopause Hits and How Exercise Helps

Here at @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I am always talking about the benefits of easy rebound exercise for women over 40.

In this video I talk about where you naturally get your oestrogen from as your ovaries and womb begin reducing in oestrogen.

Did you know that the main reason you drop so low in oestrogen during the menopause is down to you being over stressed before menopause hits.

I talk about it all in the video.

Please like and share with your friends and subscribe to my channel.

You can learn more about Menopause success on my website: retuningme.com/...ess-the-natural-way/

And to check out my Rebound For Wellness Programmes click here:
Rebounding Is 68% More Effective Than Jogging

Rebounding Is 68% More Effective Than Jogging

@nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I am a broken record when it comes to telling people about Rebound For Wellness.

The benefits are so many and so great - NASA scientists discovering that rebounding is 68% more effective than running or jogging on a treadmill.

When I hear research like that I have to share it and if you have been watching the videos on my channel on Rebounding, you will know that I always talk about the benefits of even gentle rebounding.

That is why I class rebounding as the most effective form of exercise for women over 50.

If you would like to know more - pop over to my website:

Please like, comment and share
You Don't Need to Exercise for Fitness - But - You Do Need To Exercise For Your Wellness!

You Don't Need to Exercise for Fitness - But - You Do Need To Exercise For Your Wellness!

I often raise heads when I tell people that they don't need to exercise for their fitness but they do need to exercise for wellness.

You see fitness is a fad! When you exercise for fitness - who's fitness are you reaching? Also you can decide when I don't need to be fit and you drop out because the programme is too hard and too intense.

But when you turn the focus on to your wellness - you do need to be well. Wellness takes daily work! It takes you exercising every day and also being active every day for your whole physical body to be kept in a natural healthy state of wellness.

Of course exercising for your wellness is only one part of your daily wellness plan - there also needs a to be a healthy and nutritious diet, sleep pattern, a positive mental attitude and state and a good work, life balance...

You might like to look at a few programmes I have over on my website:

Exercise - retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Wellness Programme: retuningme.com/...boost-your-wellness/

Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more videos.
Are You Over 50? Aches & Pains? Not Exercising?

Are You Over 50? Aches & Pains? Not Exercising?

Are you someone who struggles to exercise and then when you do, you have aches and pains and don't get very far?

Watch this video about easy but very effective rebounding. I have created very easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes that will get you into this amazing and very effective form of exercise that will work every single cell in your body.

You can learn more over on my website: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness

Please like, share and comment on my videos and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.
Angels Daniel, Ariel and Celestina bless you with Kindness, Miracles and Friendship.

Angels Daniel, Ariel and Celestina bless you with Kindness, Miracles and Friendship.

This Angel reflection brought me very deeply, that I found it difficult to put words on it.

I hope you also find this reflection triggers you into deep contemplation and reflection and gratitude for your true friends - your family of choosing.

Perhaps contact some good friends and let them know how much they mean to you.

Please like and share this video with your friends and subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos like this one.
Strugging to Exercise? Ever Heard of Rebounding?

Strugging to Exercise? Ever Heard of Rebounding?

If you struggle to exercise have a watch of this video. Gentle Rebounding can do so much for your mental, emotional and physical self that it really is a no brainer when it comes to meeting your need for daily weight bearing motion.

You will find lots of videos on my YouTube Channel saying the same thing over and over again - the benefits from even gentle rebounding are so many and so great for us all that it's worth looking into and even trying.

head over to my website and check out the Basic Rebound For Wellness Programme that I have created. It might just be what you have been looking for all your life - least that is what many other women have told me over the years.

These Programmes are not made in Hollywood but the will get you into Rebounding for Your Wellness and the experience will tell you more than I can.

Remember that at all times you decide to rebound for your wellness and at your own risk.


Please like and share this post with your friends and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel - thank you.
It’s My Birthday - And It's Discount Time

It’s My Birthday - And It's Discount Time

As is customary at this time of year, I’m having a birthday discount for my 1:1 and online programmes.

You don’t need a code to get 15% off all 1:1 sessions or online programmes because the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Book now for July, August or even September and further away… book for a friend, get a voucher for them and tell them about the discount offer…

Looking forward to celebrating with you as you avail of this brilliant offer 👌👌


Retuning Stress So You Can Get Back To Trusting Your Intuition

Retuning Stress So You Can Get Back To Trusting Your Intuition

Stress prevents you from being able to access or trust your intuition, that part of you that truly has all the answers.

I help guide people through the stress to places of calm so they can easily access and trust their deep inner knowing.

I’ll be at the Riverside Hotel, Sligo on Thursday 22nd June @ 7:30.

You may know someone who could do with attending this session so feel free to share this event.

You can learn more about me and what I do on my website @retuningme and you can book your place on the 22nd in the Riverside Hotel here:

Over Exercising Can Cause Great Problems That Rebounding Could Solve

Over Exercising Can Cause Great Problems That Rebounding Could Solve

In my Kinesiology Clinic I see many people who over-exert themselves exercising causing harm to their mind and body.

When you over exercise you put your body under a lot of stress, but do you then feed up your body on nutritional supplements so you are able to meet your exercising needs?

Have a listen to this video where I put the case for ditching the severe exercise regimes. Given the research on rebounding - even gentle rebounding will meet your needs for daily weight bearing motion -which is what you need for your physical wellness.

Please like, comment on and share this video - and SUBSCRIBE to my Channel - thank you.

Angel Daniel Blessing with Sweetness and Kindness - with some Two Meridian Tapping.

Angel Daniel Blessing with Sweetness and Kindness - with some Two Meridian Tapping.

Initially I had difficulty with the blessing of sweetness so I picked another blessing and it was Kindness.

Perhaps it's the sweetness of being kind to yourself even in times of stress. To taste and see the sweetness of life rather than the harshness and hardness of life.

I decided to do some Tapping with these blessings.

Have a go and please like, comment and share.

You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

You can learn more about me on my website: retuningme.com/

You can book some 1:1 sessions with me here: retuningme.com/book-now/
What Do You Do To Cope With and Retune Your Stress? I Use Two Meridian Tapping.

What Do You Do To Cope With and Retune Your Stress? I Use Two Meridian Tapping.

Stress comes at you all the time.

I work with people online using a combination of my new Tapping System, Kinesiology techniques, Law of Attraction practices, Ho'oponopono and Energy Coaching to help my clients retune their stressed vibrations for frequencies of wellness and success.

Check out this video for more on some thoughts I had in between some clients one day.

To get a copy of my book go to: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

To book some 1:1 sessions - retuning.me.com/book-now/

To get more videos subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Please like, comment and share.
Two Meridian Tapping on Forgiveness

Two Meridian Tapping on Forgiveness

I work with the Healing Angels of The Integrated Energy Field and I was reflecting on Angel Daniels call to Forgiveness.

Here's 1 round of Two Meridian Tapping to help you resolve and retune vibrations that are caught in this blipped energy of forgiveness.

Like what you see, please let me know by liking, commenting, and sharing this video.

You can also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel to make sure you have easier access to my videos

To book your online or face to face session with me click this link: retuningme.com/book-now.
My Take on Stress and 1 Round of Two Meridian To Show You How It Can Help You Reduce Your Stress.

My Take on Stress and 1 Round of Two Meridian To Show You How It Can Help You Reduce Your Stress.

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I like to give you ways that you can use each day to reduce your stress naturally and effectively.

This is what my Two Meridian Tapping can do for you.

In this video, after talking a little on stress, I demonstrate one round of the Tapping system and how it works on overstressed states.

Try it out for your self. Like, comment and share with your friends. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Most important is that you will hopefully feel your stress levels reduce and if just 1 round help a little imagine what a whole session would do, or indeed using this system everyday.

You can get a copy of my book here: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

You can book 1:1 sessions (online or face to face) here: retuningme.com/book-now/
The Convenience of Rebounding, For Me, is Key to Making Rebounding a Daily Success

The Convenience of Rebounding, For Me, is Key to Making Rebounding a Daily Success

you live in a world that is all about convenience and fast with easy solutions - NOW!

I don't know about you, but I have learnt the hard way that such solutions rarely last and end up leaving a path of side effects in their wake.

The key to success in later life is finding solutions that are natural with very little side effects (if any) and that last so you don't have to keep going down the same road all the time..

I try to make my rebounding very convenient for me to do each day. I also bought a rebounder that I can take with me wherever I go - it folds and packs away small.

I'm very luck that my rebounder can remain unpacked in my family home and it is in a space where I am safe to rebound whenever I want or can.

Exercise - or Daily Weight Bearing Motion is something you and I need to be doing every single day of our lives. Exercise helps us to maintain a level of wellness. Exercise works best with other wellness habits like drinking water, sleeping early, posture, good diet and good nutritional supplementation.

As I always say, you rebound at your own risk and I take no responsibility for your success.

To learn more about Rebound For Wellness - please click this link: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Please, like, comment and share this video and thank you for SUBSCRIBING to my YouTube Channel - that way you get to see more videos as I post them.
Yet Another Video on Menopause, Stress and Rebounding among other things.

Yet Another Video on Menopause, Stress and Rebounding among other things.

If you are already stressed going into the menopause you are in for a bumpy ride.

I have other videos on this channel and in this playlist that probably say something similar to the information here. Repetition is key to helping you learn and take on new ways of living - so forgive my attempts at repetition.

I explain it all in this short video. Please feel free to like share and comment and remember I never offer medical advice - I work as a Kinesiologist always seeking to retune Stressed or overloaded energies for vibrations of wellness and success.

I have over 20 years Experience in doing this work as well as my own personal experiences or natural wellness.

You can learn more about me through my YouTube Channel and on my SM pages (retuningme)

You can also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel to receive more videos like this.

Angels Casiel and Raphael Showering Blessings of Peace and Knowledge

Angels Casiel and Raphael Showering Blessings of Peace and Knowledge

What disturbs your peace? Who is disturbing your peace? Where is disturbing your peace - perhaps you have a pain in your body right now?

Peace is an energy state or vibration that you can tune to, but when you are stressed that can be much harder to do.

Having past blips and hurst in your energy system will prevent you from reaching that place of deep peace.

Watch and reflect on this video and see where it leaves you.

Remember that the more you can retune your thoughts the faster the healing of dis-ease in your energy system.

What do you need to say to the parts of your self that are blipped and blocked to they can retune to vibrations of peace.

You can book 1:1 sessions with me here: retuningme.com/book-now/

You can check out my website here:

Please like, share, comment on this video and share it with your friends.. don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos like this.
Menopause Solutions and Rebounding

Menopause Solutions and Rebounding

Are you going through the menopause, or feel you have never got out of that transition time.

Menopause is meant to bring life and opportunity for women, but with so many stresses on our system before we even get to the menopause it is no surprise that all the menopause actually does is add a pretty big stressor on top of everything else.

Have a watch of this video and see what you think. Like, comment and share with your friends and of course, go over to my website and the page I have about Natural Menopause Success: retuningme.com/...ess-the-natural-way/

While the menopause is meant to be a transition, if you body, mind and soul are too stressed to begin with it can become a permanent state. You need to be doing the natural supportive things you can be doing and they will need some of your time and focus.

Like what you watch and read - please SUBSCRIBE to my channel.
The Benefits of Starting Your Rebounding Exercising Slowly

The Benefits of Starting Your Rebounding Exercising Slowly

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I am always singing the benefits of starting rebound exercising very slowly and working up gradually. This is why I created the (Not made in Hollywood) Rebound For Wellness Programmes.

I wanted to offer women something they could follow that would get them into an easy to do exercise regime that encourages wellness and not fitness - though you will get fitter as a result of rebounding for your wellness.

Please like, share and comment on my videos - I love to hear your feedback. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel so I can increase my organic reach and get as many women as possible Rebounding for their wellness.

The benefits of even gentle rebounding are so great that every single women on this planet should be hearing about this well kept secret.

Boosts lymphatic drainage, boosts transport of essential nutrients around the body, boosts mood, wellness, works every cell, every muscle and even tones bladder muscles...

I love my rebound time and really feel a difference in my body when I don't get out on my rebounder.

To learn more about the Rebound For Wellness Programmes - head over to my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
A Little Bit Of SoulTime with Angels Showering Blessings Of Courage Empowerment and Joy

A Little Bit Of SoulTime with Angels Showering Blessings Of Courage Empowerment and Joy

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I like to nourish mind, body and especially your soul - It’s all part of my Rounded and Grounded Energy Approach.

In appreciation of all the work it takes to create and post these videos I ask that you don’t forget to like, comment and share this post with your friends. It would be really great if you could also SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel - that way you get access to videos when they come along.

Today Angels Micheal, Sarah and Celestina offer you blessings of Courage, Empowerment and Joy.
What a great combination of energies and blessings to have available in your life.

And you do have these energies available but more often than not you can’t always access them because you are caught in stressed energy states.

Watch this video and please call foward from your energy the vibrations of courage, joy and empowerment.

To learn more about me, please head over to my website: retuningme.com

Have a truly joyful day with lots of courage to step into your true power and really reap the benefits of being a successful energy vibration.
I Got Some Feedback That I Want To Share With You

I Got Some Feedback That I Want To Share With You

Creating online programmes can be a lonely journey. When you are not live or in person there can be a lack of interaction and feedback. So, you can imagine how grateful I am to receive some feedback.

In this video I share that feedback and I also remind you of how to rebound, gently for your wellness each day.

Have a watch, like, comment and share - then if you're new to Rebound For Wellness, head over to my website where you can learn a lot more about this great set of programmes: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

SUBSCRIBE to this channel to have better access to all the playlists...
Drinking Water Is Essential For Menopause Success

Drinking Water Is Essential For Menopause Success

I don't know about you, but I certainly know the days that I haven't drank enough water, especially since I started my menopause journey.

This video is focused on convincing you of the benefits of drinking water through your day. Especially if you are in the menopause or through the menopause.

There are some water sources that should not be on the market - in my humble opinion. Putting water in single use plastic bottles should also be banned.

Did you know that when plastic heats it leaks oestrogen mimicking toxins into the water and this is what you drink?

Buying a good water filtration system for your tap water is probably the best way to get cleaner water for drinking.

But today in this video I want to talk more about how you should drink your water and encourage you to thinking about your water drinking habits and perhaps to take the first step in improving your water drinking.

Please like, comment and share this video with your friends. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you get more great videos on simple but effective natural wellness habits and techniques.

To check out my Online Wellness Programme (mentioned at the end of this video) click this link: retuningme.com/...boost-your-wellness/
Rebounding once you start - don’t stop!

Rebounding once you start - don’t stop!

Please like, share and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to help me spread the word about rebounding for your wellness.

I'm forever telling people about the benefits of gentle rebounding like the rebounding that is in my Rebound For Wellness Programmes: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

One thing I forget to mention is that once you start rebounding please don't stop. Even gentle rebounding is so helpful to your lymphatic system and brings such great benefits for you.

Because the lymphatic system has no pump mechanism, it relies on your daily weight bearing motion. When you don't rebound you are stopping that extra support to your lymph system. Don't stop!

Even 5 to 10 minutes a day will help your lymphatic system and your muscles to clear lactic acid after other forms of exercise.

You can learn more over on my website. But if you are already rebounding and you have let the daily habit disappear - please get back on that rebounder and start with just 1 minute a day and build up... if you have access to my programmes, go there again - you have life time access.

If you don't have access, they are worth considering as an easy to follow programme... retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Be the change you need.
How Rebound For Wellness Can Retune Your Energy From Stress To Success

How Rebound For Wellness Can Retune Your Energy From Stress To Success

Stress comes at you from everywhere these days.
I talk a lot about having a rounded and grounded approach to managing and overcoming stressed energy vibrations.
Exercise is one of those approaches and in particular - Rebound For Wellness.

Have a watch of this video and then head over to my website for more information: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Please help me expand my mission to get women rebounding for their wellness by linking, commenting and sharing this video. You can also SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel
Angels Micheal, Daniel, Ariel, bless you with success, forgiveness and miracles during.

Angels Micheal, Daniel, Ariel, bless you with success, forgiveness and miracles during.

During this Little Bit Of Soul Time I reflect on the gifts of forgiveness, the miracle of forgiveness and the miracle of being able to retune past hurts so you can get on with living in the vibration of success.

Have a listen, reflect some and then perhaps like, comment and share this video with your friends. You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you can get more of my videos in your feed.

You can get a copy of my book here: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

You can book some online Tapping sessions here: retuningme.com/book-now/

Most of all I hope you find these videos helpful for you as you journey to your soul space.

This Is My Body - How Are You With Your Body

This Is My Body - How Are You With Your Body

Life can throw a lot of challenges and stresses at you. It has at me. your body tells the tale of all it has been through. What tale does your body tell.

I had an amazing soul experience many years ago as I was reflecting on the Easter experience of 'This is my body'.

Watch this video and of course like, comment and share with your friends.
You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get more videos from me @nualaoconnorretuningme8989

I am a Coach and Speaker, you can check me out here:
With Rebound For Wellness Programmes You Might Get To Enjoy Your Exercise Every Day.

With Rebound For Wellness Programmes You Might Get To Enjoy Your Exercise Every Day.

Some years ago, I created Rebound For Wellness Programmes to help get women into daily exercise - that is easy but very effective.

Since then I have had lots of feedback on how the programmes have really made a difference in the lives of many women - mostly in their 50's, 60's and 70's.

The programmes are definitely not made in Hollywood, but they will help you get from no exercise to exercising daily - starting at just 1 minute a day and working up so gradually that before you know it, you will be hooked on this amazingly easy exercise.

You can learn much more about this programme in this video and then over on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

At all times you rebound for your wellness at your own risk. If you are under medical supervision please consult your doctors before rebounding.

Please like, comment and share this video and SUBSCRIBE to by YouTube Channel for more videos that are not made in Hollywood.
Your Mind creates a very powerful energy frequency for the rest of your energy body to tune to.

Your Mind creates a very powerful energy frequency for the rest of your energy body to tune to.

Here @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I like to offer you some different ways of thinking. These are mostly my own thoughts from my many years of living and working in the field of Energy Therapies

Please like, comment and share this video with your friends. To make sure you don't miss my video posts please SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

In this video I am talking a little about the mind, the brain and how powerful our thoughts are.

Did you know that 95% of your thinking is subconscious. This means you are not aware of what you are thinking pretty much all of the time. So how do you know what you are really thinking? You do get many insights into what you are thinking through your feelings, your level of stress and your overall sense of wellness.

I do recommend that you let go of the why questions and look more at the what? What am I thinking, feeling and doing and how can I change this for better wellness...

I also invite you to write down all of your thoughts - about yourself, your friends, family and work colleagues, and everything in between. Focus particularly on the negative thoughts and feelings because this will let you know what is going on in your subconscious mind.

In 1:1 sessions, I work with people to help them retune their subconscious negative scripts to more positive energy frequencies that bring greater wellness and success.

You can learn more about the work I do over on my website: retuningme.com/
The Season of Spring is a Transitional Season 🙏

The Season of Spring is a Transitional Season 🙏

In this video I talk about The Seasons in life and the seasons in nature.

We are transitional beings. Just like the seasons we never stand still we are constantly changing…

Don’t allow stress to block your flow. Don’t allow the business of life to prevent you from enjoying your energy experience on this earth.

Spring is a transitional season. It’s brining us from winter to summer and that can cause upset to your vibrational energy.

Make sure to mind yourself with some good herbs and nutrition during this flow from winter to summer and try to ease off the processed sugars.

I’m available for consultations through my website : retuningme.com
Stressed? Get In Control Of Your Life👌

Stressed? Get In Control Of Your Life👌

Please remember to like, share and comment on this video. You can also Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and get more videos as the arrive on the site.

Stress is all around. How you deal with that stress is dependant on how you learnt to deal with stress as a child and possibly even before that.

Your past and automatics scripts can have you triggering the stress response every single second of every single day.

This will lead to you being caught in a hyper vigilant stressed state and this state will result in illness and failure - eventually.

I have committed my life to helping you retune your past stress scripts and beliefs using a new Tapping System and some other key technologies. Today in this video I give you one round of Tapping. In a 1:1 session, (online or face to face) I give you a lot more.

On this YouTube Channel I also give you a lot of different playlists and videos that will help you to get the most from my channel and perhaps find new ways of retuning your stress to frequencies of wellness and success.

Please let me know how you get on.

You can learn more about me over on my website: retuningme.com/

Meanwhile, keep discovering all I offer here on YouTube and have a stress free day.

I started with just 1 minute walking on the Rebounder, now I am jogging for a max of 20 minutes.

I started with just 1 minute walking on the Rebounder, now I am jogging for a max of 20 minutes.

It is amazing what you can do on a rebounder, when you start very slow and work up.

I am a Kinesiologist and I know the many great benefits that gentle rebounding can have on your wellness.
Back in 2005 I began training in Kinesiology. That was where I heard all about the great benefits of Rebounding.

I went straight out and got a rebounder and began with just 1 minute.

Now I am running online Rebound For Wellness Programmes. They are easy to do, effective exercise programmes for women especially around and beyond the menopause.

But please remember that at all times you rebound for your own wellness at your own risk.

If you would like to learn more, please visit my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Please like, share, and comment on this video and share with your friends. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
What Are You Going To Do Today To Set Yourself Up For Success?

What Are You Going To Do Today To Set Yourself Up For Success?

Success is an energy vibration and so is Stress. What you focus on is what you get. Focus on Stress through stressed thoughts and you will get stress experiences. Focus on Success and the vibration of success and you will get more Success opportunities come into your life.

All you have is today. Let me try and help you set yourself up for success today and everyday.

Please Like and Share this video with your friends and colleagues.
I am an inspirational Speaker and am available to work with all sizes of groups.

You can learn more about what I do over on my website: retuningme.com/

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel
Angels Micheal and Cassiel Bless you with Peace and Success.

Angels Micheal and Cassiel Bless you with Peace and Success.

If there were two blessings that I really need at this time, it's these two - Peace and Success!

The only way is to listen to this video so you can understand all that happened around the time of me pulling these two angels and their blessings out of the pack.

This video was created during COVID - and while I was very stressed, the reality of what is going on in the world right now caused me to put my stressors into perspective. I caught myself on.

What do you need to hand over to the universal energy. Sometimes we need to stand back from our stresses and put them into perspective. Catch ourselves on and then move on.

Take stock of your life - success in my case was to pull back and honour the peace in the stressful situation - I hope you can find light in your darkness and count your lucky stars....

This is not belittling your past stress and trauma but rather to show up and be the strength that you need right now.

Blessings of success in finding the deep peace and letting it shine through your stressful energy.

How Are You Getting On With Your Easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

How Are You Getting On With Your Easy Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

Rebound For Wellness Programmes were created by me for women to help them get into an easy but very effective exercise programme that focuses on your Wellness and not your Fitness - though you will get fitter.

Being a Kinesiologist I am forever hearing women talk about how they were told about the great form of exercise called rebounding, but the experience they had was so negative that they would never go back to it again.

Such comments make me very sad and indeed frustrated. I know how effective Rebounding could be for every single person, especially women of menopause time and beyond.

What frustrates me is the lack of information out there about how effective rebounding is especially on boosting and clearing the lymphatic system and on working every cell, every muscle in the body.

Rebounding is sooo effective that getting on a mini rebounder and going at it too hard and too fast could cos all sorts of old injuries to rear their heads, not to mention cause new ones.

You need to start slow and work up so gradually. This is what I do in my Rebound For Wellness Programmes. You can learn more over on my website: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Please remember that at all times you rebound at your own risk and I can take neither credit or blame for how you do when you rebound.
Are You Approaching Menopause or In The Throws of Menopause? Tap Into Success Could Help You.

Are You Approaching Menopause or In The Throws of Menopause? Tap Into Success Could Help You.

Stress is what puts your body under so much pressure in the menopause. Stress comes in many shapes and sizes - from processed foods and sugar, from to little or too much exercise, from family and work pressures, etc.

Here at @nualaoconnorretuningme8989 I want to tell you that Stress can be managed naturally.

This is why I create programmes and write books and give talks - to help you manage your menopause naturally.

Have a watch of this video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel.

Then get your copy of my book - Tap Into Success on my website: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

You can also book an online or face to face consultation: retuningme.com/book-now/
Here it is - my book Tap Into Success!

Here it is - my book Tap Into Success!

If you want a book that will help you get on top of your daily stresses, then get Tap Into Success.

This is a short book that contains a NEW WAY of Tapping that will bring balance to your mind, body and soul.

This system Taps most of the points in other Tapping systems but does it differently.

Watch the video and then head over to my website to get your copy of Tap Into Success - retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Please like and share and have a browse of my YouTube channel and website and let me know what you think.
Get Yourself Winter Ready With These Natural Wellness Tips

Get Yourself Winter Ready With These Natural Wellness Tips

In this video I talk a lot about the winter energy / environment and how you can help yourself to be winter ready - using natural ways.

Like what you see - please like this post, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel 👌

In the video I talk about nutrition. I just want to say that regardless of what I talk about, you are responsible for your own wellness and any advice given is from my own experience. You choose to follow it at your own risk 🙏🏻

If you are under medical supervision, please consult your doctor before changing your regime or taking nutritional supplements.

There are many forms of Magnesium again finding the right one for that would meet your current needs, that is why I suggest you book a session with your local Kinesiologist.

I give both face to face and online consultations and you can book with me here: retuningme.com/book-now/

If you stumbled across this video in summer time, it is still relevant to you as you can take on some of the advice leading into autumn and winter. I know this is what helps me have a better and healthier winter time.
I Was Rebounding For My Wellness This Morning And Had To Tell You All About It.

I Was Rebounding For My Wellness This Morning And Had To Tell You All About It.

It’s a Sunday morning and what better way to start it than with some time doing gentle Rebound For Wellness.

If you like this video could you click on the like button, you might even share it with your friends and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel - thank you.🙏🏻

This video is me telling you of lots of the benefits of gentle Rebounding - you see you don’t have to be pounding the roads or climbing mountains to be getting the daily exercise your body needs for wellness.

Yes, it’s very true that, because you live in a human body, you do need to provide it with some Daily Weight Bearing Motion.

We call that exercise. There is a Hugh difference between exercise for your wellness and fitness regimes. Fitness is a fad! It is set by the latest trends but may not be what you need.

Would you believe that most people who exercise intensely actually put their whole body under too much stress causing all sorts of issues.😞

You don’t t need to be doing a high level of exercising for you to get a high level of benefit when you begin to Rebound For Your Wellness.🤗

As a Kinesiologist I learnt all about the benefits of Rebounding back in 2005 during my training. I have been rebounding since then, and I have even gone and completed some training in Rebounding so I could really understand the benefits and how to rebound properly and safely.😉

NASA Scientists found Rebounding to be 68% more effective than running or walking. 👌

Rebounding works every single cell in your body. 👌

It works your Lymphatic System. 👌

Rebounding on a bungee sprung rebounder can absorb up to 89% of the impact that running or walking will cause to your joints. 👌

Rebound For Wellness Programmes offer you easy to do exercise programmes that begin with just 1 minute - you can do 1 minute, right? 👌

You can learn more about the Rebound For Wellness Programmes on my website - retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Menopause Success - The Natural Way.

Menopause Success - The Natural Way.

This video is connected to my Menopause Success page over on my website: retuningme.com/...ess-the-natural-way/

I have been sailing through my menopause the natural way using Kinesiology, Tapping, easy Rebounding exercise, and lots more natural ways.

I combine all my experiences and expertise in Vibrational Energy Healing to offer you natural energy solutions to your menopause stresses.

If you like what you see, please subscribe to my Youtube channel. You can also follow me on Insta and FB @retuningme.

To book 1:1 sessions with me you can click this link: retuningme.com/book-now/
Just 5 Minutes Rebounding Can Help You Recover From Exercise Faster

Just 5 Minutes Rebounding Can Help You Recover From Exercise Faster

Before You read any further, could I ask you to like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to help me spread my Easy and Effective Healing Ways that bring greater Wellness - Naturally.

I got a bad virus over 30 years ago and from it I was diagnosed with a 'Post Viral Illness State' - another word for this is ME, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia.

One of the consequences of this is that I can fatigue very quickly especially if I over do things like exercise too much. You can imagine my delight to have found rebounding back in 2005.

One of the benefits of rebounding is that it helps boost lymphatic drainage - which in turn helps clear toxins out of the body quickly. When you exercise too much, too fast you will have a build up of lactic acid in your body.

Rebounding helps me to recover from exercise. Even just 5 minutes gentle rebounding can do this. You see, even gentle rebounding is very effective for the body. You can learn more about this and the programmes I created for people over 40 here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
My Natural Menopause Experience

My Natural Menopause Experience

Please subscribe to my Channel @Nuala O'Connor @RetuningME to keep me fuelled with support as I seek to offer natural wellness vibrations for you to retune to.

October is Menopause Awareness month - for me every day is menopause awareness day, because every single day I am conscious of what I eat, the exercise I take, the water I drink, my sleep and most of all my stress levels and my nutrition!

At 54 I’m pretty much through the worst, but time will tell.
I have come through pretty well so far thanks to a good natural wellness programme that I created for myself.

I knew I needed to have a good wellness approach because of my past experience with post viral illness and post traumatic stress.

I also wanted to use only natural energy resources.

I rebound for my wellness (certainly not for fitness)

I cycle too and walk a little cos my joints and muscles don’t like me walking too much (that’s the post viral fatigue that can raise its ugly head)
I drink 2 litres of water daily and take a chicory alternative to coffee.

I avoid All Forms of dairy at all times! Think growth hormones in the cows milk not to mention I just can’t digest it properly!

I stay away from alcohol most of the time, but do engage and take some nutrition to help me process that. Another hot flush inducer!

I take P5P50 - the broken down form of B6. I also take magnesium, zinc, vitamin e and D3 with A and K2. I also take some herbs. Every woman will have different nutritional needs so why not go visit a Systematic Kinesiologist who will help you find natural balance through the menopause. (retuningme.com/...ess-the-natural-way/)

I generally eat fresh and organic when possible. I take little or no red meat, some turkey and fish.

I have come through stages of aching muscles, joints, sleeplessness, fatigue, anxiety, and of course the hot flashes. But I do believe my symptoms have been relatively mild thanks to my natural wellness approach.

I also use Two Meridian Tapping and other energy therapies.

I defo draw on my own experience as well as much training when working with other women who are over 40 (some just over 40 and some way over 40🥰)

I’m really interested in knowing what natural techniques help you manage your menopause naturally?

Lots Of Bungee Rebounders To Choose From

Lots Of Bungee Rebounders To Choose From

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, as it keeps me incentivised to do more.

In this video I browse google for bungee sprung rebounders and just mention a few that come up. They range in price from over €400 to under €100.

I can't recommend any of them except the one I use. Do a little research and genuinely seek the one that fits your pocket at this time.

Bottom line is you need a rebounder. Perhaps you feel you are not sure if this way of exercising will stick for you. the cheaper option may get you into rebounding, and then when you are more sure of your self and your commitment to rebounding you can treat yourself to something better.

I would also welcome your own experience of using the rebounder you have, You can comment here, or let me know on Facebook @retuningme or by emailing me: nuala@retuningme.com
Bringing My Positive Energy Pendants to the RDS from 16th-18th September 2022, Stand 140.

Bringing My Positive Energy Pendants to the RDS from 16th-18th September 2022, Stand 140.

I am so excited to be bringing @RetuningME Positive Energy Pendants to Stand 140 at the Mind Body Experience being held in Hall 4 of the RDS from 16th - 18th September 2022.

I’ll be muscle testing your Positive Energy Pendant into your energy system to help raise your vibrations.

The pendants plate made f on recycled miron violet glass which has around 60% infrared vibrations and 40% ultra-violet vibrations.

When daylight hits these pendants the further enhance the vibrations around them.
When your wearing one of these pendants your vibration will be raised, especially when I lock the pendant into your energy system.

I love taking old ways and transforming them into New Technologies to give you a rounded and grounded wellness and experience.

Wellness is your ultimate success. When your are truly well your are vibrating and higher frequencies and the universe gifts you with more and more opportunities to keep vibrating at these wellness frequencies which will bring more and more success into your life.

I’ll also be selling my book - Tap Into Success and signing it just for you. In this book I bring you step by step through another new technology - Two Meridian Tapping.

This system is yet again a coming together of many energy trainings and practices.
It helps bring a balance to stresses energy and retune old negative thoughts to new positive ones that will again help to raise your energy vibrations for more and more success.

So if your in Dublin, Ireland from 16-18 September why not come visit me on Stand 140 in Hall 4 - it’s free admission and there are talks and yoga and other great things happening all day long through the weekend.

See you there at stand 140👌
Get In Control Of Your Stress With Tap Into Success

Get In Control Of Your Stress With Tap Into Success

Tapping has been around for over 5000 years.

It’s when you tap on specific parts of your body to bring about a retuning if your energy.

Tap Into Success contains a new Two Meridian Tapping System that helps you to rebalance and retune all of your vibrational energy for great frequencies of balance, wellness and success.

This is not EFT - It’s Tapping!
However I am a Tapping Coach and was trained in Modern Energy EFT and Matrix Reimprinting using EFT.

You can get your copy of my book Tap I to Success over on my website: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Please subscribe to my channel and of course share these videos with your friends.
The Opposite of Stress Is Success!

The Opposite of Stress Is Success!

Stress lowers your immune system.
Stress prevents you from being able to digest your food.
Stress keeps you up and night.
Stress leads to failure in relationships and work projects.
Stress causes illness.

Stress has a vibrational frequency that lowers your energy.

Success on the other hand has a higher vibration.
Success is the opposite of stress.
When you feel successful you raise your vibration.
You feel successful when you think you are successful.
You are already successful in so many things, you just aren’t seeing it or celebrating it.

In my book Tap Into Success, I help you to retune your stress for vibrations of success.
In Tap Into Success I guide you step by step through this process.

Life can be so much better.
Life can be successful.

Get your copy of Tap Into Success by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel
Chanting ‘I truly Bless Myself With Love’ by the energy of the sea🙏

Chanting ‘I truly Bless Myself With Love’ by the energy of the sea🙏

Please like and share this video with your friends - it is filled with pure positive vibrations and blessings of love, peace, joy..

by Subscribing to my YouTube Channel you help me to stay motivated on my mission to create as many creative ways of Retuning our stressed vibrations to frequencies of wellness and success.

There are so many natural healing vibrations available to us all of the time, the sea, the wind, the sun, the moon, birdsong, wells, streams, herbs, and of course our thoughts and our voice.

A lot of the time we are not conscious of the affect the vibrations around us can be having on us. Neither are we aware of the harm our own subconscious and unresolved negative stressed thoughts can be having on our energy and our health.

I seek to create as many options for retuning as I can, in the hope that you and I can actively retune our always vibrating energy to the highest possible frequencies we have for wellness and success.

This chant is one such option... I was on my way to a stained glass day with my very special friend Pauline Quigley when the universe guided me to the beach at Brittas Bay where the energies were just waiting to retune me and it was nothing short of spectacular.

I had to create some chanting videos - I was chanting away by myself on the beach anyway, so why not share a part of the experience with you.

You too can share this on with your friends and family because we all could do with some Retuning.
Chanting my gratitude with the healing sound of the sea energy, under the healing super moon 🌙

Chanting my gratitude with the healing sound of the sea energy, under the healing super moon 🌙

Please like and subscribe 🙏🏻

@Nuala O'Connor @RetuningME I am all about energy.

Every single moment you are being exposed to lots of different energy vibrations.

Some of those are very healing, like the energy coming of the waves of the sea.

Some vibrations in your environment are causing your energy stress - this will lower your vibration can could cause illness.

I want to offer you as many experiences of positive energy as I possibly can. This is one of those positive experiences.

Under the last super moon of this year and by the sea, I felt called to do a little chanting.

I truly am grateful, I truly am blessed.

I can find it very challenging to focus on being grateful or blessed when I am stressed, tired, overwhelmed.

Yet, when I tune my energy to the vibration of gratitude and blessing, this is what I will attract from the universe.

I hope you find this video helpful to your energy as you walk your soulful journey on this planet earth.

Please support me by liking this vide and subscribing to my channel.

You might also like to share this video with your friends.

To learn more about me and the work I do, go to retuningme.com
Two Meridian Tapping - Demo video with no scripts.

Two Meridian Tapping - Demo video with no scripts.

Found this video helpful?

Please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel so I can continue reaching out to those who need these wellness tips and technologies.

Feeling the need of some Stress Management and Success Energy Coaching?

You can book your first session here: retuningme.com/book-now/
Women, why do you need daily exercise and what’s my best daily  exercise routine (I’m over 50!)

Women, why do you need daily exercise and what’s my best daily exercise routine (I’m over 50!)

Getting Creative With Grief and Loss @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

Getting Creative With Grief and Loss @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

Chanting ‘I Truly Bless Myself with Love’ by the Sea

Chanting ‘I Truly Bless Myself with Love’ by the Sea

Chant I truly Am Grateful with Sea Energy

Chant I truly Am Grateful with Sea Energy

‘I truly am Divine’ Chant with healing sun and the healing sound of waves🙏

‘I truly am Divine’ Chant with healing sun and the healing sound of waves🙏

When Divinity gifts me with such an opportunity as this, it just totally nourishes my soul.

I was rather early for a workshop on Saturday, so I decided to go slightly off course and have a quick walk by the sea.

It was just so beautiful and calm. I was so blessed to be able to have this time. Then I came across some rocks which provided ample shelter from the slight breeze, the perfect place to do a little chanting and praying.

I could feel the energy retuning in me as I chanted by the sea with waves, birds, sun, air...it was the perfect sacred moment for me and I am truly grateful for it and to be able to share it with all of you.

Please excuse the early morning husky voice!

You are welcome to use this chant as long as you honour the creator (me) and perhaps subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

You can learn more about the work I do on my website: retuningme.com/
What Are You Doing To Connect To your Soul Space This Summer Solstice?

What Are You Doing To Connect To your Soul Space This Summer Solstice?

I’m really big on creative energy and taking all opportunities to celebrate our natural life. My whole YouTube channel @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME is so full of natural healing vibrations and natural wellness ways.

What we focus on we get. With all the negativity in your life, the challenge is to focus on as much positive energy as you can and allow that energy to really boost you up.

Summer solstice is the time of year to celebrate light and how light over comes darkness and that can be very difficult for us all at times.

Energy flows where your attention goes and right now there are lots of negative things to catch your attention.

Perhaps you could manage to sit in the light for a whole each day, walk in the light. Go visit an ancient site and connect into the great natural energy.
Or just make a time to sit with a friend and enjoy good company.

Remember vitamin D is a natural consequence of the longer brighter days and by getting outside around mid-day you can help you body naturally synthesise vitamin d.

Vitamin d keeps your immune system working better, don’t we all need that.

Please like and subscribe to my channel and perhaps visit my website at RetuningME.com/
How Does Your Garden Grow? @RetuningME

How Does Your Garden Grow? @RetuningME

5 Minutes Amazing Sea Energy

5 Minutes Amazing Sea Energy

Take 5! Just take a break from the hustle and bustle and allow yourself to rest into this video.

It’s 5 minutes of sea energy. Like most things, the sound is never as good on a video as it is in reality.

I always find that the universe gives us all that we need to rebalance and restore our energy through natural sources.

The sea is one of those natural sources… please enjoy these precious 5 minutes.

As you sit, perhaps with your eyes closed, breathe in the sea energy allowing the waves to just wash through your spine, energising every vertebrae and nerve, washing away all tension and stress.

All dis-ease to be transformed to pure ease.

Rest in your souls space.

Replay as often as you like.

Please subscribe to my channel and share with your friends.

We all could do with some soul nourishment and de-stressing.

Some Sea Energy For Your Healing @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

Some Sea Energy For Your Healing @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

More Water Energy @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

More Water Energy @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME

Stress really disrupts your vibration and leads to illness - that’s a medical fact.

We are very aware that our thoughts and beliefs trigger stress responses in our energy - if we believe something to be a threat then we will trigger a stress response.

Equally if you believe you can’t cope you will trigger stress responses…

But are you also aware that what you eat and drink and if you over exercise you can also trigger stress responses in your body?

Whatever causes the triggering of that’s stress response, you need to find ways that help you calm and clear heavy vibrations - I call this retuning.

Why retuning? Well, vibrations don’t go anywhere. They are here all the time. But the frequency they vibrate at, that can change.

Your thoughts create your vibrations. What you eat affects your vibrations. The exercise you take affects your vibrational flow and the slee you get… everything you think and do has a direct bearing on your health, wealth, wellness and success.

This video is offered to help you just sit back and let the vibrations of the natural water energy retune your energy.

Try to think positive thoughts at this time. Thoughts like
I truly am connected to source
I truly love my life
I truly love myself
I truly am in the energy flow
I truly let the water wash through my stress

You get the idea.

Please let me know what you think of my work and my videos. Perhaps you might share them with your friends and you might even subscribe to my channel.

Many thanks and may the divine energy force flow through you brining healing, retuning and pure joy🙏 @Nuala O'Connor RetuningME
When Stressed I Do Want To Eat

When Stressed I Do Want To Eat

I don't know about you, but when I get stressed, I tend to head for food.

That is a normal and natural reaction and it is going on at a bio-chemical level. It is all to do with the natural stress response. Your body wants energy in so it can keep you on high alert and ready for your stressed reaction.

Tapping has been clinically proven to help reduce food cravings when stressed and to calm the stress response. Tapping can also help prevent the triggering of the stress response in the first place.

In my 8 week online programme I use a new two-point Tapping system to help you balance all your meridian energies so they can in turn retune your neurotransmitter energies.

This can be done so effectively that you can overcome your stressed eating habits and be a much calmer, more positive, happy and focused person. What's not to like about this.

To learn more about my 8 week programme, go to:

Let's get you transforming your stressed eating so you can get on with living your best life NOW!
The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 8 of 8

The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 8 of 8

This is step 8 of 8 on the Journey from Darkness To Light. It would be best to begin with step 1 as these videos form a process that will bring you from the darkness to the light.

I recorded these videos live on Facebook during Holy Week 2022 but the process can be applied at any time to help you journey or retune dark and stressed energy for lighter vibrations of wellness and success.

If you're struggling to make sense of your world right now, and battling illness, stress, depression, anxiety, feeling stuck and lacking a connection to your deep inner Soul Space, then this 8 step process is for you.

The term darkness has been used to describe how it feels to be caught in unresolved trauma and stress.

Depression, Anxiety, Constant Worry, Fears and Phobias are all part of this dark place. I know what it is like to live in this place of darkness. I know how it feels to be caught in darkness for months and years. I also know how to resolve and retune that darkness for vibrations of light and love.

Holy Week can be a great time for taking a journey, especially a journey from darkness to light.

Come with me on this journey. This video is the 8th of 8 videos that will be between 15 and 20 minutes long. Continue to allow yourself to take a step a day, even if you are using this process at another time.

Go gently with yourself as you journey. Today I focus on the vibration of pure potential, pure peaceful, blissful joy. This is your truly divine state and this is where you can be every single day of your life.

Please let me know how you are finding this process of journeying from darkness to light. Perhaps you are struggling to overcome some past trauma and unresolved stressors - Two Meridian Tapping and my process of retuning from stress to vibrations of success could be for you.

You can book 1:1 sessions with me @ retuningme.com/book-now/

You can purchase my book Tap Into Success on my website: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Retuningme.
The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 7 of 8

The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 7 of 8

The Journey From Darkness To Light- Step 6

The Journey From Darkness To Light- Step 6

This is step 6 of 8 on the Journey from Darkness To Light. It would be best to begin with step 1 as these videos form a process that will bring you from the darkness to the light.

I recorded these videos live on Facebook and hence the little piece at the beginning about going into a Vigil to remember two men who had been brutally murdered in Sligo, Ireland some days ago.

If you're struggling to make sense of your world right now, and battling illness, stress, depression, anxiety, feeling stuck and lacking a connection to your deep inner Soul Space, then this 8 step process is for you.

The term darkness has been used to describe how it feels to be caught in unresolved trauma and stress.

Depression, Anxiety, Constant Worry, Fears and Phobias are all part of this dark place. I know what it is like to live in this place of darkness. I know how it feels to be caught in darkness for months and years. I also know how to resolve and retune that darkness for vibrations of light and love.

Holy Week can be a great time for taking a journey, especially a journey from darkness to light.

Come with me on this journey. This video is the 6th of 8 videos that will be between 15 and 20 minutes long. Continue to allow yourself to take a step a day, even if you are using this process at another time. Go gently with yourself as you journey. Today I talk focus on the vibration of love. Please let me know how you are finding this process of journeying from darkness to light.

You can book 1:1 sessions with me @retuningme.com/book-now/

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Retuningme.
The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 5

The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 5

The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 4

The Journey From Darkness To Light - Step 4

From Darkness to Light - Session 3

From Darkness to Light - Session 3

The journey From Darkness To Light - Step 2

The journey From Darkness To Light - Step 2

The journey from Darkness to light - Step 1

The journey from Darkness to light - Step 1

It is that time of year … when the sun is high enough in the sky…

It is that time of year … when the sun is high enough in the sky…

It's that time of year when we Irish celebrate our Cultural and Celtic Routes. But did you know there is another day coming soon that also worthy of noting?
The Spring Equinox is just around the corner and that tells us that the sun is about to rise above 45 degrees in the sky.

This means we can get natural synthesis going in our body once again. Please have a view of this video, and perhaps take up the challenge of getting outside in sunlight around mid-day from 21st March to the 21st September.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to my channel and sharing with your friends.

I would also welcome your relevant comments and thank you not to post spam comments.

Epigenetics International have a really good natural and organic 'Wonder Sun Lotion' you might like to check out. www.epigenetics-international.com/.../

If you have a natural and organic lotion that you use, please tell me about it. nuala@retuningme.com
How do you plan for success in your day? Building jigsaws can teach you a lot about planning...

How do you plan for success in your day? Building jigsaws can teach you a lot about planning...

Like this video, please subscribe to my channel.

How do you plan for success in your life?
Perhaps you are great at planning in your professional life but hopeless at planning in your personal life!

I have some thoughts about planning and goal setting in this short video.. Grab a cuppa and have a listen.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below and like and share this video. I would be really grateful if you could subscribe to my Youtube Channel to grow my organic reach.
Are you struggling to Rebound For Your Wellness?

Are you struggling to Rebound For Your Wellness?

This 3 minutes video talks about some stumbling blocks to getting into Rebounding and then keeping on your rebound For Wellness Journey.

To Check out What Rebound For Wellness is and how it can help women over 50 keep exercising for their wellness, check out this link: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Please like this video and subscribe to my Channel to help me keep incentivised all the way.

Most importantly, if you are not already rebounding, seriously thinking about getting yourself a rebounder and rebounding for your wellness. If you have any questions you can email me at nuala@retuningme.com
One Round of Two Meridian Tapping For Stress

One Round of Two Meridian Tapping For Stress

Two meridian Tapping is a Two Point Tapping (TMT) System created by me (Nuala O Connor @RetuningME). One of my Clients has Described this system as being 'like Tapping on Speed...'

Being a Kinesiologist I asked the question why Tap one Meridian point at a time when you can tap two? And not just any two, but the two that work together - the yin/yang meridians that work to bring balance of all your energies, including your neurotransmitter energies.

TMT is designed to help you calm stressed energy vibrations, bring balance to your whole energy and retune your energy vibrations to better, more positive and successful frequencies.

Tapping retuned my non-trigger panic attacks with lasting effect.
Clients who have followed my online programmes have shared Stories of this tapping doing more for them than years of clinical psychiatry and psychology.

While I don't make any claims about what TMT can do scientifically, I can feed back to you what others have said and I have experienced energetically. That is what we are, before we are scientific we are energy vibrations and energy can be retuned from stressed frequencies to success.

Enjoy this one round and if you feel a small difference after one round imagine what you can feel after a whole session or online programme.

Please subscribe to my channel and leave a comment about your experience of using TMT. You can book your 1:1 session or check out my online programmes over on my website: retuningme.com
Gerry Robert Endorses Tap Into Success & Author Nuala O Connor

Gerry Robert Endorses Tap Into Success & Author Nuala O Connor

Want to know a little more about Nuala and Tap Into Success?

Check out this video endorsement by Gerry Robert, Black Card Books Publisher of Tap Into Success. Gerry is a recognised expert in the field of marketing, sales, branding, personal and professional development and book publishing.

He is the founder and publisher of Black Card Books and has over 30 years experience of book publishing.

Listen carefully as Gerry shares why he thinks this book will be the next international best seller for Black Card Books.

This book was in the pipeline well before COVID, so little did Nuala or Black Card Books know how much it could end up helping others to get back their confidence, their trust in themselves and their sanity.

If you are serious in wanting to Retune your mind, body and soul with lasting effect, then go get your copy of Tap Into Success: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

If you're looking for a speaker or coach for your team, email nuala: nuala@retuningme.com
Tapping can help you overcome your fear, anxiety and overwhelm for good.

Tapping can help you overcome your fear, anxiety and overwhelm for good.

Tapping has been clinically proven to calm the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response and ease stress hormones in the body.

Tapping is the leading treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with lasting effect. That means it never comes back.

Tapping helped me to overcome non-Trigger Panic Attacks for good. Now I am a trained Tapping Coach, helping others to overcome their stressed energy states for good.

I use a new form of Tapping called Two Meridian Tapping. It takes Tapping to a new level.

You can read all about this form of tapping on my website: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Spring into Effective Exercise For Menopause Support with Rebound For Wellness

Spring into Effective Exercise For Menopause Support with Rebound For Wellness

Being a Kinesiologist and Energy Coach I know the importance of Effective Exercise for Menopause Support. That is why I am urging you to Spring into Effective Exercise for your Menopause Support. I'm 53. I rebound for my wellness pretty much everyday.

Rebounding has been proven to be 68% more effective than jogging, or walking. The rebounder absorbs most of the impact and gets your lymphatic system pumping. Rebounding gives you the weight bearing motion that is essential for bone and body wellness.

There are women in their 70's rebounding for their wellness, having started at 1 minute and worked their way up to 20 minutes daily.

Rebound For Wellness Programmes are easy and effective and start you rebounding at just 1 minute daily. You can check them out here: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
It Can Be Hard to Stay Positive In January and With Good Reason😉

It Can Be Hard to Stay Positive In January and With Good Reason😉

Are you struggling to be positive?

Are you easily irritated and do you feel low in yourself?

Did you know that January is one of the hardest months to stay positive?

There are good reasons for this.

Yes, we are heading towards the brightest day, but there is not enough brightness to offer you any natural vitamin d yet.

Christmas is a time of 'eating sugar' or 'drinking sugar' in large amounts. This puts your pancreas and digestive system under huge pressure and indeed your adrenal glands too. Being under this level of prolonged stress will lower your energy levels and lead to a feeling of depression.

It is cold and wet and dark outside, to get you to stay indoors and rest and sleep, eat little too. That is because you are resting and sleeping, but we don't do that either. We eat loads over Christmas.

First step right now is for you to honour that it is naturally difficult to stay positive right now. Then be your own best friend and allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to breathe. most of all allow yourself to be human right now. This will pass. That is a sure thing. Spring is coming, very soon.

You can try a little rebounding to help boost your energy, clear toxins and your head leaving you more able to be positive. To learn more click this link: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

you can also Tap on your lower mood and you can find out more about this here: retuningme.com/...and-success/tapping/
One Big Obstacle to Rebounding is Finding The Time!

One Big Obstacle to Rebounding is Finding The Time!

One of the biggest obstacles to keeping up your exercise regime is finding the time.

Life gets in the way. That is why I always try to get rebounding first thing in the morning before my day kicks off.

I have my exercise clothes ready, my trainers ready and my rebounder at the ready. I have water there too, so it is at room temperature.

I wake, sip some water, get dressed, visit the bathroom and off I go for my rebound time.

What is the best time for you to rebound?

If I miss my time in the morning I can find it difficult to slot it in to my busy day.

Many people begin the Rebound For Wellness Programmes and are amazed at how easy they are to follow.

They also say that the early advice to set the time and stick to it is the best advice in helping them to keep rebounding. You are only going to need to get as far as 20 minutes rebounding daily. Only 20 minutes and you will have enough weight bearing motion for your wellness - least that is what I have found and so have my clients.

This is because rebounding is 68% more effective on the energy system than jogging or walking. That means less is more. It is also why Rebound For Wellness Programmes bring you to a max of 20 minutes rebounding daily.

For more information please go to: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Why Use Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

Why Use Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

In this video I start off wanting to tell you one thing Rebounding does for Your Wellness, and end up telling you all about my Rebound For wellness Programmes as well as three great benefits of gentle rebounding.

Yes, all you need to do is gently rebound starting off with just one minute and working your way to 20 minutes… exercise doesn’t have to be difficult for you to get huge benefits. With Rebound For Wellness Programmes, exercise can be very easy and enjoyable too…

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Pump Your Breast Lymph System With Just 5 Minutes Rebounding

Pump Your Breast Lymph System With Just 5 Minutes Rebounding

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Rebounding Works Every Single Cell In Your Body.

Rebounding Works Every Single Cell In Your Body.

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion. You have over 80 trillion cells in your body and they all need that little bit of stress to help them function properly. Gentle rebounding offers your cells that challenge. You don’t need to be killing your self exercising, but you do need daily weight bearing motion….

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Rebounding Works Every Cell, Every Muscle, Every vibration In Your Energy.

Rebounding Works Every Cell, Every Muscle, Every vibration In Your Energy.

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Rebound For Wellness Will Help Your Muscles Of The Abdomen And Pelvic Area To Tone Up

Rebound For Wellness Will Help Your Muscles Of The Abdomen And Pelvic Area To Tone Up

Women who have had children (and who haven’t had children) can suffer from a lot of muscle fatigue and issues in the lower abdomen, lower back, pelvis and hips….

Rebounding can help you tone these areas and ease pain - but gently goes it.

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Did I Mention How Good Rebounding Is For Improving Bladder Control?

Did I Mention How Good Rebounding Is For Improving Bladder Control?

Rebounding has so many health and wellness benefits. One benefit that was nearly overlooked is how your bladder control can improve over time.

While no one set out to help women with this weakness, many women have been sharing their delight at not having such a weak bladder since they have been rebounding.

Now please be warned, this improvement doesn’t happen over night. It will come, slowly and surely over a prolonged time of rebounding. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself time, go slowly into rebounding as demonstrated through my Rebound For Wellness Programmes.

The changes will come and I would be delighted to hear them. You can read more about the benefits of rebounding for your wellness and my Rebound For Wellness Programmes over on my website - here’s the link:


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and help me raise my profile and reach more women over 40.
I Get Lot’s Of Feedback From Clients Using The Rebound For Wellness Programmes

I Get Lot’s Of Feedback From Clients Using The Rebound For Wellness Programmes

I get lots of feedback from lots or women who use my Rebound For Wellness Programmes. They tell me about the slow but sure progress they make using the programmes. But they also tell me of how they follow the programme rather than do their own thing, because they see the benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of Rebounding For Your Wellness. Your body needs daily weight bearing motion - this motion is as essential as air, food and water, yet we have turned daily weight bearing motion into exercise and fitness.

We have lost the focus of why we need to be exercising..

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

Rebound For Wellness Is Not Just Another Fitness Programme - It’s Focused On Exercising For Wellness

Rebound For Wellness Is Not Just Another Fitness Programme - It’s Focused On Exercising For Wellness

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

If There Is A Rebounder In Your House Why Are You Not Using It?

If There Is A Rebounder In Your House Why Are You Not Using It?

Rebounding - even gentle rebounding is enough for your body to get its essential daily motion.

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running on a treadmill or walking.

Rebounding pumps your lymphatic system.

Rebounding gets your whole energy system working better.

Rebounding also:
Tones Muscles
Lowers Blood Pressure
Boosts Bone Mineral Density
Helps your body to clear out toxins including stress and menopause hormones
Clears your head
Boosts your mood
Helps improve sleep

The list is endless……

To read more about how you can get into rebounding for your wellness starting with just 1 minute a day, click this link.

Subscribe to my channel to keep learning more about rebounding, Tapping and check out my chanting and healing water sound vibration clips.

What’s the best thing about rebounding for you?

What’s the best thing about rebounding for you?

Rebounding Clears My Head

Rebounding Clears My Head

Why Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

Why Rebound For Wellness Programmes?

I hope you have a sacred and special Christmas 🎄

I hope you have a sacred and special Christmas 🎄

One Round of TMT (Two Meridian Tapping) to help you reduce your stress

One Round of TMT (Two Meridian Tapping) to help you reduce your stress

This video contains just one round of Two Meridian tapping for reducing your stress to a state of calm.

You can read all about this brilliant new Tapping system in my book: Tap Into Success - available by following this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Follow this video and feel the calm begin to enter and change your energy. Then allow yourself to imagine what three rounds of this tapping each day, could do for your stress and your success...

Don't delay, get your copy of Tap Into Success today and get your stress transformed in 2022 - why wait a minute longer - you are worth the cost of this book..

Retune those Stressed Emotional Over-Eating habits with this 8 week Programme.

Retune those Stressed Emotional Over-Eating habits with this 8 week Programme.

Rebound For Wellness Intermediate Programme keeping you exercising daily for your wellness

Rebound For Wellness Intermediate Programme keeping you exercising daily for your wellness

Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme

Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme

Rebound For Wellness Programmes are made to get you exercising for your Wellness everyday for the rest of your active life.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you can walk unaided, you can probably manage the Basic Rebound For Wellness Programme.

These programmes offer you daily weight bearing motion. That’s what your body needs to keep it active and working.

There are three Rebound For Wellness Programmes. You start with the Basic programme. This programme gets you from just 1 minute a day to 20 minutes gentle rebounding on your mini trampoline.

Then you move to the Intermediate Rebound For Wellness Programme which adds that little bit more intensity to your rebounding experience, while still offering gentle rebounding experiences.

Finally you get the Advanced Rebound For Wellness Programme. This does offer you more intense Rebounding but again less intense than other basic programmes.
In this programme you get three different parts to work through.

For more on Rebound For Wellness go to: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Your body will thank you!

Let your friends know about rebound for wellness too, they will defo thank you.

Most importantly make the choice to get exercising for your wellness and not your fitness - get Rebounding For Your Wellness.
Rebound For Wellness Programmes

Rebound For Wellness Programmes

Rebound For Wellness Programmes are made to get you exercising for your Wellness everyday for the rest of your active life.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you can walk unaided, you can probably manage the Basic Rebound For Wellness Programme.

These programmes offer you daily weight bearing motion. That’s what your body needs to keep it active and working.

There are three Rebound For Wellness Programmes. You start with the Basic programme. This programme gets you from just 1 minute a day to 20 minutes gentle rebounding on your mini trampoline.

Then you move to the Intermediate Rebound For Wellness Programme which adds that little bit more intensity to your rebounding experience, while still offering gentle rebounding experiences.

Finally you get the Advanced Rebound For Wellness Programme. This does offer you more intense Rebounding but again less intense than other basic programmes.
In this programme you get three different parts to work through.

For more on Rebound For Wellness go to: retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

Your body will thank you!

Let your friends know about rebound for wellness too, they will defo thank you.

Most importantly make the choice to get exercising for your wellness and not your fitness - get Rebounding For Your Wellness.
Overcoming Stressed and Emotional Eating - The Natural Way - with RetuningMe.

Overcoming Stressed and Emotional Eating - The Natural Way - with RetuningMe.

Emotions and Stressed Eating are a real sign you are over stressed.

More important is the foods that are being eaten when stressed.

Foods like chocolate bars, sweets, pastries, cakes. Then there’s the sugary drinks, energy drinks and caffeine!

You don’t have to be overweight to be a stressed eater. You just have to be stressed!!

Stressed eating can change.

Check out this 8 week programme on Retuning your Stressed and Emotional Eating:
5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Wellness - Naturally

5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Wellness - Naturally

Wellness is when you can manage stress easily and naturally each day.

In my Online Programme - 5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Wellness - Naturally, I will help you to get into 5 everyday positive habits that will naturally boost your wellness.

When you are well you can surf the waves of stress that come your way.

The secret ingredient to this programme is a New Advanced Tapping System that will help you to change those negative put down thoughts that are preventing you from living your best life.

These thoughts are keeping you stressed and that’s why you can’t keep you habits and promises- you’re too stressed.

To learn more about this programme go to: retuningme.com/online-programmes/
Retuning Anxiety For Calm - Your Uktimate Success

Retuning Anxiety For Calm - Your Uktimate Success

Anxiety is a sure sign that your whole energy system is overstressed.

This Retune Anxiety for Clam - 6 Week Online Programme will help you to get your stress and anxiety under control.

The best part is that it’s All Natural.

To book your place on this programme go to https:// retuningme.com/...e-programmes/anxiety
What is Long COVID and how retuning your stressed energy states can help.

What is Long COVID and how retuning your stressed energy states can help.

Long COVId is the nee way of saying you have a Post Viral Illness.

I’m listening to many, many people explain symptoms I had over 20 years ago.

The only things that truly helped me over the years were all natural.

Have a listen to how stress was preventing me from getting back to my best self..

I wish I’d learnt what I needed to learn all those years ago.

Now I know what wired for me, I’m sharing them with you.

To book a session with me please go to retuningme.com/book-now/
Healing Waves of Howth Head

Healing Waves of Howth Head

You are an energy being.

Stress lowers your energy vibration.

There are so many natural energy vibrations around us that can help to retune that lowered stress vibration - the sea is one such natural vibration.

This video contains just 2:30 minutes of beautiful wave energy.

Remember that deep unresolved stressful experiences, normally from childhood are what keep you triggering that stress response.

You can book some Advanced Tapping Sessions with me, to help you retune that stressed energy with lasting effect.

Then let the sea do its amazing retuning job.

Healing Sea and Wind Energy from Howth, Co Dublin.

Healing Sea and Wind Energy from Howth, Co Dublin.

Stress can really disrupt your energy systems.

There are so many natural energy vibrations that we can tap into for help when it comes to retuning stressed energy.

For 2:30 minutes allow yourself to sit back and go with the flow of the waves.

Letting go any tension and stressed thoughts so you can retune to your best frequency for wellness.

To learn more about the work I do, visit retuningme.com/
Advanced Rebound For Wellness Programme- 10 minute running video

Advanced Rebound For Wellness Programme- 10 minute running video

Hi, My name is Nuala O Connor and I’m 53. I tell you my age because I want you to know about one of the things that keeps me so fit and well.

Rebounding is, for me, one of the best forms of exercise to do for my wellness in mind, body and soul. I was introduced to rebounding over 15 years ago and I have been using it ever since. About 5 years ago I started to get injured when playing sport and it came down to muscle fatigue and menopause. Exercise became something I couldn’t do and weight began to pile on.

It dawned on me one day that I wasn’t doing the one form of exercise that would probably be most beneficial - rebounding. I pulled the rebounder out, dusted it down and got stuck into exercising for my wellness. By that, I mean I didn’t go mad into rebounding, I couldn’t, due to my sore hips and heels, cramping muscles…

I started with just 1 minute daily and worked up. The benefits I began to to notice were amazing.
Firstly I could exercise. Yes only for a minute at first, but it was exercise. Each week I built up minute by minute, not changing the gentle bounding technique but rather increasing the time on the rebounder exercising.
I talk more about the benefits of rebounding on me website - retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

You can check out my programmes - starting with the basic and building you up to the advanced.

Go at your own pace, you may not go past the basic programme or you may go all the way to the advanced programme. You decide what works for you.

In this video I am going to be running for 10 minutes, well more like a nice slow jog, because that is all you need to be doing on the rebounder to meet your wellness needs.

Go at your own pace, if three minutes proves to be enough, perhaps go get the two minute video, or five minute running video..

Let me know how you are getting on with this programme: nuala@retuningme.com
What is Rebound For Wellness and How Can These Programmes work for you?

What is Rebound For Wellness and How Can These Programmes work for you?

Hi, My name is Nuala O Connor and I’m 53. I tell you my age because I want you to know about one of the things that keeps me so fit and well.

Rebounding is, for me, one of the best forms of exercise to do for my wellness in mind, body and soul. I was introduced to rebounding over 15 years ago and I have been using it ever since. About 5 years ago I started to get injured when playing sport and it came down to muscle fatigue and menopause. Exercise became something I couldn’t do and weight began to pile on.

It dawned on me one day that I wasn’t doing the one form of exercise that would probably be most beneficial - rebounding. I pulled the rebounder out, dusted it down and got stuck into exercising for my wellness. By that, I mean I didn’t go mad into rebounding, I couldn’t, due to my sore hips and heels, cramping muscles…

I started with just 1 minute daily and worked up. The benefits I began to to notice were amazing.
Firstly I could exercise. Yes only for a minute at first, but it was exercise. Each week I built up minute by minute, not changing the gentle bounding technique but rather increasing the time on the rebounder exercising.
I talk more about the benefits of rebounding on me website - retuningme.com/...ebound-for-wellness/

You can check out my programmes - starting with the basic and building you up to the advanced.

Go at your own pace, you may not go past the basic programme or you may go all the way to the advanced programme. You decide what works for you.
Chant - I truly am Grateful, blessed, sorry, forgive myself, need your help, love myself

Chant - I truly am Grateful, blessed, sorry, forgive myself, need your help, love myself

I use a version of the Ho’oponopono scripts (I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you) in my Tapping work.

This chant is a Version of the scripts I use.

I truly am grateful
I truly am blessed
I truly am grateful
I truly am blessed

I truly am sorry (x4)

I truly forgive myself (x3)
I truly am blessed

I truly need your help …

I truly am blessed …

I truly love myself …

I truly am blessed ….

The chant changes in the middle…

I truly am grateful, truly am grateful, truly am grateful and blessed

You’re welcome to follow and chant along. You are also welcome to use and share. Please honour the creator - Nuala O Connor @RetuningME

You can read about why I use ‘I truly …’ in my book - Tap Into Success: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Chant - I truly am Grateful

Chant - I truly am Grateful

The words of this chant are words that I like to chant all the time. The tune can change and you will find that this playlist can contain different versions of chants with these words as the main theme.

What better words to be chanting:

I truly am grateful
I truly am blessed
I truly believe in me
I truly am blessed
I truly love myself
I truly am blessed
I truly am filled with joy
I truly am blessed
I truly love myself
I truly am blessed

Chanting is truly a healing way. I chant aloud when I can, but more often than not, I am chanting in my head - it prevents me from heading off into a negative or paranoid thinking route…

Try it for yourself.

You can read all about why I used positive ‘I truly…’ scripts for Tapping and chanting in my book: Tap Into Success: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

You are welcome to share this chant and to use it. Please honour the creator - Nuala O Connor.
Chant - I Truly Bless Myself With Love

Chant - I Truly Bless Myself With Love

Chanting is like the icing on the cake of energy work.
I will always use my advanced 2-point Tapping System to help calm the stress levels, and retune the vibrations.
Then off I go - chanting, sometimes with drums and shakers and sometimes with the guitar.

This chant - I Truly Bless Myself With Love offers you the invitation to bless yourself before you move on to bless others.
Quite often we have this false teaching that we are at our best when we are giving all the time. But the person who gives all the time without meeting their needs first will run out of energy to give.

You will get fatigued.

People who get used to your giving of your energy to them - all the time - will expect it - all of the time!
They will not be interested in returning that gift of energy to you.

You can meet your own needs first - tap into the Divine energy flow and replenish your vibrations. Have meaningful relationships that go both ways.

Be the compassionate and caring person that you offer to so many, be this to yourself first.

The words of this chant:
I truly bless myself with love (x4)
I truly bless myself with peace (x4)
I truly bless myself with joy (x4)

I truly bless the world with love (x4)
I truly bless the world with peace (x4)
I truly bless the world with joy (x4)

Your are welcome to use and share this chant. Please honour the creator.

Copyrighted 8th Sept 2021 by Nuala O Connor @RetuningME
Chant - I Truly Am Divine

Chant - I Truly Am Divine

Chanting is something we can do all the time.
Every time you speak, hum, sing, shout, cry, yawn, you express energy.
Sometimes you can hear the sound of the vibrations you make and sometimes you can’t.
We take everything into our vibration through our senses.
You can be your own best friend and make sounds that will retune your energy and the energy of the universe to positive frequencies for healing and wellness.

Chanting positive scripts is one way to do this.

This chant - I truly am Divine offers you the gift of realising your deep connection with Divinity.
Negative thoughts and believes about ourselves blocks us from connecting with our Divine energy.

The words of this chant:
I truly am Divine
Divinity enshrined
Connected to the source
I truly am complete

There is a dance with the words as the chant develops.

I love chanting. But it is something I find difficult to do when my energy is stressed.
I have discovered that after a little Tapping - using my new advanced techniques, I free myself up and chanting is like the icing on the cake of my energy.

Instead of allowing your head to fill with more and more negative thoughts all the time - chant.

I truly believe that when we sing using positive words and scripts, we help to retune our vibrations for our wellness.
Wellness is your greatest success.

Chanting with the energy of Wind and Sea

Chanting with the energy of Wind and Sea

This is the first time I have been brave enough to chant with the energy of the sea and wind.

Some might say that the wind is a distraction.

That blowing sound could take from the sea and chanting experience.

I tend to see it another way.

I see the wind as yet another source of healing vibrational energy to help you and me retune any stresses we might have right now.

I believe that we are an energy beings connected to Divinity.

Our energy can get thrown out of sync by so many other energies. Positive thinking, chanting, singing, playing music, being present to the natural colours and sounds all around us, are all ways that can help us retune stressed energy for wellness.

This video offers you my first recording of chanting ‘I truly…’ positive scripts with added of natural sea and wind sounds.

Please enjoy, chant along, share with your friends and if you share with a group, please let them know that this chant was created and copyrighted by me - Nuala O Connor - @RetuningME.
The Natural Healing Energy of Rainfall

The Natural Healing Energy of Rainfall

I have a rainmaker. I use it to help clear the energy in myself, my treatment room and my clients.

There is nothing that beats the real sound of falling rain.

There is nothing like sitting in a tent on a wet day listen to the sound of the rain, it’s like Mother Nature beating a drum of energy just for me.

This video was taken when I was at Our Lady’s Grotto in Mellery, Co. Waterford. It was amazing to sit and allow myself to be cleansed and retuned.

The invitation that comes with this video is to sit a while and allow the rain drops flow gently through your energy, clearing any stresses you have encountered in your day…

I offer you other ways of retuning in my book: Tap Into Success - retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Healing Water Vibrations of Ireland

Healing Water Vibrations of Ireland

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

This short video brings you the healing flowing waters at Our Lady’s Grotto at Mount Mellery, Co Waterford. I truly am always in awe of the sacred, energy’s I sense when I visit Mellery. I can feel the energy of the prayers that are prayed by the many people who visit this healing place.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/


Make sure you don’t miss any of my recordings - Subscribe to my channel.
Healing Water Energy from South East Ireland

Healing Water Energy from South East Ireland

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

This short clip was taken off the Irish Coast in Co Waterford.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Natural Healing Water vibrations from Ireland

Natural Healing Water vibrations from Ireland

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Natural Healing Flowing Water Sounds from Ireland

Natural Healing Flowing Water Sounds from Ireland

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

Natural Healing Water vibrations of Ireland

Natural Healing Water vibrations of Ireland

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Two Minutes of Healing Energy from our Irish shores

Two Minutes of Healing Energy from our Irish shores

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

The energy that’s comes from the sea offers an even deeper vibrational connection - all yourself to just go with the flow of this amazing energy.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Healing Water Sounds For Retuning Your Mind, Body and Soul

Healing Water Sounds For Retuning Your Mind, Body and Soul

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Natural Healing Water Vibrations

Natural Healing Water Vibrations

Natural positive vibrations like the vibration of natural flowing water can really help you to retune your stressed vibrational energy for wellness.

We live in a world that if filled with vibrational energy. But not all that energy helps you to re-energise and retune.

I have always found healing water sounds to be natural positive vibrations that can help retune blipped and stressed energy.

I talk more about retuning for wellness and success in my book: Tap Into Success.You can get your signed copy by clicking this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
Daily Wellness Takes Daily Practice

Daily Wellness Takes Daily Practice

Are you tired of being tired?

Do you find that your needs always managed to get pushed to the bottom of the list?

Your wellness matters!

Your wellness is important!

Daily wellness takes you having daily wellness habits.

I have created an online 5 week programme that will help you to get into 5 easy daily wellness habits.

Click here to learn more.
Chanting Positive Scripts To Raise Your Energy Vibration

Chanting Positive Scripts To Raise Your Energy Vibration

Did you know that there are easy ways to help you rebalance your energy.

You can retune negative scripts to positive ones just by changing the thought you think.

Tapping helps you to retune negative thoughts at a much deeper level and with lasting effect.

When you can’t Tap, you can Chant. Just saying a positive phrase is a great beginning to changing and retuning your vibrational energy from stress to wellness.

Chanting helps to raise that vibration even further. Chanting phrases really lifts my energy.

Have a watch if this video and see what chants you can make for retuning your own energy.

Of course Tapping will get into an even deeper negative script and retune it for lasting effect. You can learn more about that in my book: Tap Into Success. My book can be purchased at retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/

For more on my work go to retuningme.com
Retune Your Stressed Thoughts - Naturally

Retune Your Stressed Thoughts - Naturally

Stressed thinking creates stressed energy. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to be stressed.
Try the new advanced Tapping System in my book Tap Into Success and get retuning your stressed energy for wellness, success and joy straight away.

For more information click this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
1 Minute if natural flowing water to help you rebalance your energy🙏 @RetuningME

1 Minute if natural flowing water to help you rebalance your energy🙏 @RetuningME

You have over 50 trillions cells in your body and they are all filled with tiny strings of vibrational energy.

These strings can get knocked out if balance easily.

Natural vibrational sounds like flowing water or sea energy can help you Rebalance and retune your energy.

Take just one minute to allow this water energy to help your energy rebalance.

If you like these videos please subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends.

For more information on what I do visit retuningme.com
1 Minute of Natural Flowing Water @RetuningME

1 Minute of Natural Flowing Water @RetuningME

You are a vibrational being filled with trillions of tiny strings of vibrational energy.

That energy gets knocked out of balance, stressed and did-eased.

You can naturally allow your energy to rebalance and natural flowing water is one way of doing this.

Allow yourself to let this flowing water energy retune your stressed energy.

For more information on what I do, please visit retuningme.com
1:15 of healing water energy @RetuningME

1:15 of healing water energy @RetuningME

You are an energy being. Your energy is constantly being knocked out of balance each day.

One great way of brining your energy into balance is by being in natural vibrations like flowing water, natural sounds and colours…

Other natural ways are using tuning forks, oils, colour therapy, Tapping, Kinesiology, energy healing, etc.

For more on how you can rebalance your energy naturally visit retuningme.com
One minute of natural healing water vibrations @RetuningMe

One minute of natural healing water vibrations @RetuningMe

You are an energy being and the best for of energy healing or Retuning comes from energy sources like flowing water🙏.

Please like and share and perhaps subscribe to my channel.

You might also like to visit retuningme.com
Natural Healing Water Sounds from Glendalough, County Wicklow

Natural Healing Water Sounds from Glendalough, County Wicklow

I was a walking in Glendalough when I was struck by the amazing powerful sense of being retuned by healing sounds of nature.

This video is just 1 minute long.

Just take that minute to be in the amazing energy of healing waters.

Allow them to flow through you retuning your energy to vibrations of light and love🙏

To learn more about RetuningME click this link: retuningme.com
Natural Healing Water vibrations from Glendalough, County Wicklow, Ireland

Natural Healing Water vibrations from Glendalough, County Wicklow, Ireland

I was a walking in Glendalough when I was struck by the amazing powerful sense of being retuned by healing sounds of nature.

This video is just 1 minute long.

Just take that minute to be in the amazing energy of healing waters.

Allow them to flow through you retuning your energy to vibrations of light and love🙏

To learn more about RetuningME click this link: retuningme.com
Natural Healing water sounds from Glendalough, Co Wicklow

Natural Healing water sounds from Glendalough, Co Wicklow

I was a walking in Glendalough when I was struck by the amazing powerful sense of being retuned by healing sounds of nature.

This video is just 1 minute long.

Just take that minute to be in the amazing energy of healing waters.

Allow them to flow through you retuning your energy to vibrations of light and love🙏

To learn more about RetuningME click this link: retuningme.com
Just 1 minute of healing vibrant retuning water energy from Glendalough, Co Wicklow

Just 1 minute of healing vibrant retuning water energy from Glendalough, Co Wicklow

I was a walking in Glendalough when I was struck by the amazing powerful sense of being retuned by healing sounds of nature.

This video is just 1 minute long.

Just take that minute to be in the amazing energy of healing waters.

Allow them to flow through you retuning your energy to vibrations of light and love🙏

To learn more about RetuningME click this link: retuningme.com
Just 1 minute of retuning with water energy from Glendalough, Co Wicklow.

Just 1 minute of retuning with water energy from Glendalough, Co Wicklow.

I was a walking in Glendalough when I was struck by the amazing powerful sense of being retuned by healing sounds of nature.

This video is just 1 minute long.

Just take that minute to be in the amazing energy of healing waters.

Allow them to flow through you retuning your energy to vibrations of light and love🙏

To learn more about RetuningME click this link: retuningme.com
Why is Rebounding an effective weight loss tool?

Why is Rebounding an effective weight loss tool?

I had an email from someone who had just completed my Rebound For Wellness Basic Programme.

She wanted to know if it was buying the better rebounder that had started her weight loss or was it down to her now rebounding for 20 minutes daily.

My answer is it’s down to both and perhaps there’s more factors.

I say this because during the Basic and Intermediate Rebounding Programmes I am always encouraging you to drink water, eat healthy and add some good nutrition into your diet.

Check this video out and then go to my website to learn more: RetuningME.com/...ebound-for-wellness/
Summer Solstice - A time to recharge and retune your Energy

Summer Solstice - A time to recharge and retune your Energy

For more on what I do please visit RetuningME.com
This is my morning Wellness Routine. It sets me up for Success.

This is my morning Wellness Routine. It sets me up for Success.

Are you - like me - in your fifties and trying to find your own best practices to help you manage your menopause journey with ease?

I find my morning routine really helps set me up for the rest of the day.

How do you feel when you wake in the morning? What are your first thoughts?

That thought and feeling sets your energy time for the day.

This video talks about Wellness Habits I have to set myself up for Menopause Success every single day.

What do you do to set yourself up for success?

If you’d like to know more about Rebounding for your Wellness click this link:

Perhaps you would like to book a 1:1 session for an on line or face to face consultation:

I get my nutrition - including my Colon Cleanse, vitamins and minerals - from Epigenetics-International:

You can purchase my book in paperback form on my website:

You can also email me with any questions on 00353863594177
I’m Celebrating my Birthday by giving you 20% off products and services on my website.

I’m Celebrating my Birthday by giving you 20% off products and services on my website.

What a great idea, give you something to celebrate as well as me. The discount code you want is ‘birthdaybash’ all lower case and all one word.

Go over to retuningme.com/ and check out the Online Programmes, Book a Session and Tap Into Success Tabs, click what you want, the at the checkout you enter ‘birthdaybash’ into the discount code box and click ‘apply code’ then the discount should be applied to your total.

If for some strange reason this doesn’t work please emails me at nuala@retuningme.com

With a deal like this we all have something to celebrate. You can book sessions on the calendar for months ahead with this offer.
Have you got a grounded and rounded approach to your Wellness and Success?

Have you got a grounded and rounded approach to your Wellness and Success?

In this video, that I prepared for my blog/vlog I talk about the need for having a wellness plan, one that keeps you tuned into your body, your mind and your soul.

Have a watch and don’t forget to like and share with your friends.

You can see the programmes I currently offer here on my website: retuningme.com/online-programmes/

And to get your copy of my book: Tap I to Success, click this link: retuningme.com/...p-into-success-book/
A little video talking to you about the importance of having a great immune system.

A little video talking to you about the importance of having a great immune system.

When you are stressed you are reducing your vitamin C levels and you are preventing your digestive and immune systems from working.

Watch this video to help you focus on getting a much better immune system.

Then go to my website and check out my programmes retuningme.com/online-programmes
Drinking Water Through The Menopause Helps with Symptoms

Drinking Water Through The Menopause Helps with Symptoms

I’ve noticed that when I drink enough water each day, I feel so much better.

That’s any day of course, but especially now as I journey through the menopause.

Check out this video and share it with your friends - especially those going through the menopause.

A Reflection on ‘This Is My Body’ that you might find interesting!

A Reflection on ‘This Is My Body’ that you might find interesting!

Your time on this earth is dependent on you having a body that works well.

It works well when you treat it well.

How do you treat your body?

How is your body?

Do you care for your body with your exercise, good drinking water, sleep, positive thoughts and beliefs?

Are you proud of your body?

All things I’ve struggled with in the past, but not anymore!

Have a watch if this video and if you’d like to work with me in changing how you treat your body, please visit retuningme.com
A Lesson In Hope

A Lesson In Hope

Here’s a story of how Hope and visualisation got rewarded.
Stress can cause You to Have a Very Bumpy Menopause Experience

Stress can cause You to Have a Very Bumpy Menopause Experience

Watch this video that I posted on my blog about stress and how it might be causing you some serious menopause issues.

Then get my book and get Tapping to reduce the stress and retune your whole energy for wellness and success.

Life is for living.

You need to be doing everything you can to help yourself have a smooth transition through the menopause and Tapping can help you to lower your your stress levels with ease.

For more on my book and to get your copy, go to retuningme.com/...ap-into-success-book
Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Faith🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Faith🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Faith blessing you with Beauty and Serenity🙏

Angel Faith is the healing Angel that helps you retune those shoulds and oughts to a sense of personal choice which bring true freedom - freedoms to be in that peaceful place within.

No stress, no critical judging thoughts, just pure beauty🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy 🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy 🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel the Healing Angeks of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Today Angel Ariel blesses you with Purpose, Angel Raphael blesses you with Knowledge and Angel Daniel blesses you with Sweetness.

May your day be blessed with a deep understanding of your souls purpose on this earth and may you know how beautiful you are 🙏❤️

Please like and share

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy 🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy 🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Cassiel blessing you with love and Angel Raphael blessing you with Divinity🙏

And me, Nuala O Connor blessing you with some words of inspiration as they come to me by way of invitation for soul nourishment.

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angels Michael, Sarah and Celestina and me, Nuala O Connor, author, Coach and Energy Therapist.

Today the Angels are daring you to take action for Prosperity🙏

Please watch l, like and share and I’d love to hear your comments too.

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy🙏

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Today we have Angel Michael blessing you with success, Angel Celestine blessing you with Prosperity and Angel Cassiel blessing you with peace.

Wow, wow, wow, what amazing energy is rising in me even writing this part of the post.

Let’s feel into the vibrations of success, peace and prosperity right now.

It is all reaffirming that the prosperous journey to Success can actually be a peaceful one🙏👌👍

A Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy and me Nuala O Connor

A Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy and me Nuala O Connor

Welcome to a little bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy, and me, Nuala O Connor offering my little bit of inspiration on the blessings offered.

Today we have Angel Michael blessing with Daring, Angel Faith blessing you with Faith and Angel Ariel blessing you with Inspiration.

Daring to believe in the Insoiration you are.

@retuningme - https:retuningme.com
My New Two-point Tapping System is Now in Paperback

My New Two-point Tapping System is Now in Paperback

For quite a while my clients have asked if they could find my new advanced Tapping system anywhere because they wanted to read about it.

Well now you can all read about it in my new book Tap I to Success.

Success is an energy.

Stress blocks the flow of success.

We were born to be successful.

In this book I guide you through how to use Tap Into Success for your wellness and success.

But more than that, I offer you a free place on a live group consultation session where you get to ask questions and hear me talk some more about this this system works.

I’ll tel you how best to use it for your highest good - your success.

It’s time to show up for yourself and retune your vibrational blips to the energy of wellness and success and this book is a very good first step.

To get your copy go to retuningme.com/...ap-into-success-book
After Giving Birth Your Body Can Take Quite a While To Recover. Rebound For Wellness Helps

After Giving Birth Your Body Can Take Quite a While To Recover. Rebound For Wellness Helps

Have you recently given birth?

Do you feel your body has gone too soft!

A hormone called ‘relaxin’ is very active in women who are about to give birth.

This hormone relaxes your ligaments and muscles to help with the birthing process.

But once the baby is born the relaxin levels can remain in the body for up to 5 months.

Rebounding helps the body to get rid of hormones that are no longer needed.

Rebound For Wellness programmes also help to slowly and gently get your body back.

Rebounding will also help to tighten the bladder sphincter bring more bladder control again.

To learn more about Rebound For Wellness Programmes go to: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Tapping to Retune Past Unresolved Stress so You can get on with Living Your Best Life of Love🙏

Tapping to Retune Past Unresolved Stress so You can get on with Living Your Best Life of Love🙏

It’s amazing how you can pick up on stressful situations. You and I, we are hard-wired to do this! But we do it most when we are already stressed.

Tapping and this Advanced form of Tapping help you to retune past unresolved blips in your energy so you can get on with living your best life.

Here’s just one round of TMT. To learn more and to book your own sessions go to retuningme.com
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angels Ariel and Cassiel.

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angels Ariel and Cassiel.

Angel Ariel blesses you with Purpose and Angel Cassiel blesses you with love.

Isn’t that your true purpose-to love unconditionally. Truly loving yourself first and then allowing that love to flow through your soul energy to others and the whole universe 🙏

For more on the work I do go to retuningme.com
Do you Suffer from Bladder Control Issues?

Do you Suffer from Bladder Control Issues?

Do you have incontinence issues?

Are you afraid to leave the house because of a fear you will have ‘an accident’?

According to the World Health Organisation over 200 million people worldwide have this problem.
Most won’t leave the house.

Rebounding can help improve your bladder control. It won’t change over night. Up to 15 minutes daily will make a difference.

Welcome to A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Daniel and Angel Ariel.

Welcome to A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Daniel and Angel Ariel.

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Daniel blessing you with Kindness and Angel and Ariel blessing you with Miracles🙏

Sometimes what seems like a simple act of kindness by one person can be a miracle to another.

How truly kind are you to yourself?

That is an indication of how truly kind you can be to another!

It’s those past unresolved scripts that can prevent you from being truly kind to yourself.

Resolve those scripts through Tapping and you open a whole new world for yourself.

Click this link to learn more about what I do: retuningme.com

Please like and share this little bit of SoulTime with your friends.
Are you getting enough Vitamin C?

Are you getting enough Vitamin C?

In this video I talk a little about the work and research of Patrick Holford on Vitamin C and our need for vitamin C for reducing adrenal fatigue but also to help us fight viral infections of any kind.

For more on this you can read my post on my website retuningme.com/blog/
Want to hear why Rebounding is the best exercise for women over 40?

Want to hear why Rebounding is the best exercise for women over 40?

Exercise is important for everyone.

But when we hit mid-life, which is around 40, we need to be exercising more than ever.

Rebounding provides you with all your exercising needs and it is not hard work.

Well, it is not hard work if you follow the Rebound For Wellness Programmes that I have set up.

They are designed to get you exercising starting with just 1 minute daily and then keep you exercising for your wellness.

All we need to do is exercise for our wellness and the fitness will come.

For more on this visit retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Imagine if you got up just 15 - 20 minutes earlier each day and Rebounded for Your Wellness

Imagine if you got up just 15 - 20 minutes earlier each day and Rebounded for Your Wellness

Rebound For Wellness offers programmes that are focussed on getting women over 40 Rebounding and exercising for their wellness.

Exercise doesn’t not have to be difficult.

Exercise can be very achievable.

Yes you need daily weight bearing motion and that can all be got through Rebound For Wellness

At all times you Rebound at your own risk - you do everything in life at your own risk including not exercising!

SO why not visit my website and check out some thoughts I have about rebounding and then let me know what you think.

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Cassiel blessing you with love!

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Cassiel blessing you with love!

Firstly I hope you can forgive me for the unsteady hand with this video, I explain that at the beginning of this short video on self-love and the invitation to let yourself off the hooks of self-criticism and self-loathing... so you can feel better in yourself and with yourself.

Have a listen, maybe don’t watch! It might make you dizzy!!

Blessings of love to you this day

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Michael blessing you with Safety

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Michael blessing you with Safety

Safety can bring up lots of images in your head - putting on a seatbelt before driving, or following the Green Cross Code when crossing the road. Being safe is something you want to teach your children as you were taught.

But what about the times when you didn’t feel safe as a child.

They happen and if they don’t get resolved and retuned then they lead to dis-ease in your energy field.

This dis-ease will eventually become disease in your physical and mental body.

Retuning the dis-ease can happen at any time.

I use a combination of what I see are the best parts of all the therapies I have trained in to help you resolve and retune those past blips in your energy field so you can feel truly safe and get on with living your best life NOW.

For more on how I can help you resolve and retune your energy, go to retuningme.com
Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Ariel Blessing you with Inspiration🙏🏻

Welcome to a Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Ariel Blessing you with Inspiration🙏🏻

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Ariel blessing you with Inspiration.

Inspiration is about breathing in... You do it all the time.

But what are you breathing in with your breath?

Every thought you think, every sound you make creates a vibration.

The invitation today is to breathe in blessings, connect with your soul’s mission

Enjoy the video.

To find out more about what I do, please go to retuningme.com/
Over 40? You need to be exercising! Here’s a very effective exercise programme.

Over 40? You need to be exercising! Here’s a very effective exercise programme.

Rebound for Wellness is all about getting women over 40 exercise for their wellness.

That is all our body needs. Enough exercise that will get us and keep us well.

But of course exercise isn’t the only thing we need.

We also need to have a good eating regime, water intake, thought pattern, etc...

I call this having a 360 degree wellness plan.

But let’s get you exercising for your wellness.

Here is the link to my Rebound For Wellness programmes.

They are designed to make exercising easy again.

All you need is a rebounder and this programme and you begin with just 1 minute daily...

For more on what rebounding can do for you, click this link: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
On The Importance of Thoughts and Stressed Thinking!

On The Importance of Thoughts and Stressed Thinking!

Your thoughts create your physical reality!

For more about this go to retuningme.com/
Kinesiology Helped Me Recover From a Post-Viral Illness Some 20 Years Ago. Now Let Me Help You.

Kinesiology Helped Me Recover From a Post-Viral Illness Some 20 Years Ago. Now Let Me Help You.

Kinesiology got me through a post viral illness some 20 years ago.

Now I can help you do the same.

Kinesiology worked so well for me I had to go and train in it.

You may have heard about kinesiology.

You may know some one who has used this amazing therapy before and it helped them.

Or, you may never have heard about it.

It uses a muscle feedback system to find and fix energy imbalances.

Kinesiology uses natural ways like; nutritional and dietary supports, water drinking and many other energy balancing tools to help you get back to wellness.

You can learn more on my website retuningme.com/...etuning-for-wellness
Always be safe when you are rebounding

Always be safe when you are rebounding

It is really important that you rebound safely. That is another great reason why starting with just now minute daily and building up is such a great idea.

I have created some programmes that will get you and keep you rebounding for the rest of your active life and you dont have to be over doing it in any way, just taking it all at your own pace.

Click this link to know more: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Gabriel Blessing You With Foresight

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Gabriel Blessing You With Foresight

Allowing yourself to trust your own inner knowing can be tough when you were never told you were good enough or mattered enough or you’re opinion counted for something.

But that can all change right now.

For more on how you can tap into your inner self and get to a place of trusting yourself go to:
Over 40?   Always struggling to meet your exercise needs?

Over 40? Always struggling to meet your exercise needs?

If your over 40 you need to be exercising for your wellness.

But! You don’t need to be killing yourself to meet your physical needs to daily weight bearing motion.

I have found that rebounding works very well as a weight bearing exercise but with low impact on my joints.

I am 53 and I am fitter, more toned and definitely mentally more alert and I put it down to rebounding.

I also take some good supplements eat a pretty good diet and drink water.

If you would like to know more about how you can get rebounding for your wellness click this link:
A Little Bit of SoulTime With Angels Daniel, Cassiel and Celestina.

A Little Bit of SoulTime With Angels Daniel, Cassiel and Celestina.

Picked out Forgiveness this morning and with it came Grace and Joy.

Initially I thought, not forgiveness again. It didn’t take long for me to see the message in these three cards:

Forgiveness - true forgiveness of anger and resentments that build from unresolved past hurts and events brings grace and joy to our soul energy.

Please have a listen to this video and then if it speaks to you, you might like and share it with your friends...

If you are being triggered with past emotional trauma that you need help with then book a session with Nuala at retuningme.com
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Raphael blessing you with opportunity 🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Raphael blessing you with opportunity 🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Raphael blessing you with opportunity.

Fear can be the main reason why you may not manage to take the gift of opportunity when it comes your way each day.

Opportunity comes to you all the time but you can be so caught in various stress cycles or just not be in touch with your soul energy that you miss the opportunity.

Raphael helps you to clear away guilt and anything that causes you to disconnect from the Divine within. He helps us retune to a child like innocence- where we let go of guilt and blame and just be, even for a second or two.

Combining this with some Tapping time to help you retune to your ability to see and seize the opportunities that come your way.

When you truly forgive yourself for continuing to hold on to past hurts, you can be free to live in the present moment.

To book one to one sessions or to join one of my programmes visit my website:

Whatever exercise you do, it’s important to keep yourself muscles working well.

Whatever exercise you do, it’s important to keep yourself muscles working well.

Whether you’re rebounding for your wellness or not, it’s still good to do a little work on keeping your upper leg muscles working.

Here’s a few tips on how to do that effectively-at your own risk of course😜

You can use a tennis ball for Working all the muscles of the butt like the gluts and psoas...

Let me know how you get on.

Please like and share with your friends cos they might need to hear this.

For more on how you can rebound for your wellness go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Celistina, blessing you with Friendship.

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Celistina, blessing you with Friendship.

When I saw this card coming out of the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy Bag of Blessings, I could feel the gratitude rise in my for all the true friends that I have in my life.

The friends who love you unconditionally - as you are. The friends who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.

But there is a greater friend - yourself. I often encourage clients to show up for themselves each day and be their own best friend.

This means, being able to sit at the feet of your own life and to like the life you live.

To reach in and be compassion to yourself first and then reach out to another. This leads to an even better and more authentic friendships in the long run.

Another phrase I use is: The only person we can fool all of the time is ourself!

Are you fooling yourself right now? Are you telling yourself scripts that will prevent you from living your best life - honouring your soul’s mission?

For support in helping you to listen to your soul’s yearnings and to heal the hurts that are preventing you from truly loving and trusting yourself click on this link:

It’s a rare thing for me to rebound in the evening time...

It’s a rare thing for me to rebound in the evening time...

Rebounding just boosts my mood and energy regardless of when I get to do my 20 minutes.

When do you rebound?

Perhaps you’ve never heard of rebounding.

It’s the best exercise experience I know and I’ve tried a few!

If you’re over 40, then head over to my website and check out my Rebound For Wellness Page..

What Is Stopping You From Rebounding For Your Wellness?

What Is Stopping You From Rebounding For Your Wellness?

If you’re over 40, you need to be getting daily weight bearing exercise.

Rebound gives you all of this plus a lot more....

Improves your lymphatic drainage as well as boosting the whole lymphatic system.

Improves muscle tone

Improves blood vessel tone

Improves bone mineral levels

Lowers Blood Pressure

Clears toxins from the body

Improves bladder control

You feel lighter

You are more positive

You may even lose weight!

So why aren’t you rebounding?

Yes you need to get a rebounder and you need a programme and you can find out more about this over on my website: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness

Please like and share this video cos everyone needs to hear how brilliant Rebound For Wellness can be for them too and it all starts with just 1 minute a day on my Rebouning programmes.
Introducing You To The Healing Angels of Integrated Energy That I Will Be Using During My SoulTime

Introducing You To The Healing Angels of Integrated Energy That I Will Be Using During My SoulTime

This video introduces you to the 9 Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

I will be using the blessings these Angels gift us with each day as a resource for my Little Bit of SoulTime. You can view them here or in Facebook by following my paste Facebook.com/retuningme

More importantly SoulTime is about taking time to honour and nurture your soul. A necessary part of Wellness 🙏
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Celestina blessing you with Joy

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Celestina blessing you with Joy

The healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy offer blessings each day with Nuala O Connor and today Angel Celestina offers the blessing of Joy.

Angel Celestina is the Healing Angel of the Throat, neck and lungs (throat chakra).

She offers the Healing gift of self expression helping you clear any blips in your energy field that are preventing you from self expression. This is not just about words.

How often do you swallow back and grin and bear something rather than speak your truth.

Knowing your own truth is focused on you and is not about speaking what you think is the truth of another.

For me, the challenge is to say joyful and uplifting words in truth about yourself and others🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Daniel - Blessing g you with Forgiveness 🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Daniel - Blessing g you with Forgiveness 🙏

Daniel comes to offer you an invitation to forgive yourself.

We are so hard on ourselves pretty much all of the time. This leads us to then transfer that out onto others.

Expectations, shoulds, oughts, all lead to more and more need for self-forgiveness abs they all come from unresolved hurt or from habits we picked up from big people when we were small.

Not about blaming self or others but more about getting out of this place and forgiveness is a very good starting point.

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Sarah - Blessing you with Ease🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Angel Sarah - Blessing you with Ease🙏

A Little Bit of SoulTime - Angel Sarah blesses you with ease.

I talk a lot about how unresolved past hurts and stresses can cause us dis-ease in our energy field which, if left unresolved, will lead to disease in our being.

Angel Sarah invites you to take some time to retune any dis-ease in your mind, body, soul so you can be at ease in your energy flow.

When stressed this isn’t going to happen.., so let’s do a little de-stressing to bring more ease and flow.

Please like and share and for more on what I do: https:retuningme.com
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Nuala and today Angel Gabriel Blesses You With Trust

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Nuala and today Angel Gabriel Blesses You With Trust

Welcome to a Little Soul Time with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Soul Time offers you an invitation to take some time to feed your soul energy.

Today, Angel Gabriel blesses you with Trust.

For more on my work please visit://retuningme.com
A Little Bit Of SoulTime with Angel Gabriel Who Blesses You With Foresight

A Little Bit Of SoulTime with Angel Gabriel Who Blesses You With Foresight

Welcome to a Little Soul Time with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Soul Time offers you an invitation to take some time to feed your soul energy.

Today, Angel Gabriel blesses you with Foresight.

For more on my work please visit://retuningme.com
A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Michael blessing you with Daring!

A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Michael blessing you with Daring!

Welcome to a Little Soul Time with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Soul Time offers you an invitation to take some time to feed your soul energy.

Today, Angel Michael blesses you with Daring.

For more on my work please visit://retuningme.com
A Little Bit of SoulTime with Nuala and The Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy

A Little Bit of SoulTime with Nuala and The Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy

Welcome to a Little Soul Time with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Soul Time offers you an invitation to take some time to feed your soul energy.

Today, Angel Faith blesses you with Serenity.

For more on my work please visit://retuningme.com
A Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy - Angel Casiel

A Little Bit of SoulTime with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy - Angel Casiel

Welcome to a Little Soul Time with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

Soul Time offers you an invitation to take some time to feed your soul energy.

Today, Angel Casiel blesses you with Love.

For more on my work please visit://retuningme.com
A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Sarah blessing you with Abundance

A Little Bit of Soul Time with Angel Sarah blessing you with Abundance

A Little Bit of Soul Time offers you some time to reflect on your soul journey with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy.

For more on what I do please visit: retuningme.com/
A Little Bit of Soul Time - Angel Daniel blesses you with kindness.

A Little Bit of Soul Time - Angel Daniel blesses you with kindness.

Soul Time offers you the invitation for contemplation with the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy. Today it’s Angel Daniel 🙏

For more on my work, please visit retuningme.com
A Little Bit of Soul Time: Angel Daniel blesses you with homecoming

A Little Bit of Soul Time: Angel Daniel blesses you with homecoming

Soul time is an invitation for you to spend some time in contemplation- offering you some soul nourishment.

A Little Bit of Soul Time - Angel Raphael Blesses you ...

A Little Bit of Soul Time - Angel Raphael Blesses you ...

The Healing angels of Integrated Energy Therapy offer many blessings. These little soul time experiences are to offer you a little time for soul nourishment.

Tapping to retune to our souls mission

Tapping to retune to our souls mission

This Tapping cam from my soul time with Angel Ariel and the blessing of unity. For more on Two Meridian Tapping go to retuningme.com/
A little bit of Soul Time With Angel Faith blessing you with balance.

A little bit of Soul Time With Angel Faith blessing you with balance.

Soul time is an invitation to take a little time to nourish your soul.

I’m using the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy and the blessings they bring...

For more on my work go to retuningme.com
A Little Bit of  Soul time with Angel Ariel

A Little Bit of Soul time with Angel Ariel

Soul time is offered as an invitation to take a little time to nourish your soul..

I use the Healing Angels of Integrated Energy Therapy and today Angel Ariel blesses you with Unity.

Two other cards also came out and you’ll hear all about it in the video.

Soul time is brought to you by Nuala and RetuningMe. retuningme.com
Do you have a set time for your Rebounding?

Do you have a set time for your Rebounding?

Like most things in life when we don’t plan it, it doesn’t get done.

Women need to be exercising through the menopause and especially they need to get that lymphatic system working...

For more on how you can start rebounding safely go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
How Rebounding Exercise Can Help You Cope Before, During and After The Menopause.

How Rebounding Exercise Can Help You Cope Before, During and After The Menopause.

Rebounding has been my main form of exercise for many years. But it has really come into its own over these last years as I move through the various stages of the menopause.

For more got to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Rebound For Wellness - Some Safety Tips

Rebound For Wellness - Some Safety Tips

Rebounding has been the best and most successful form of exercise that I have done over my life.

But it needs to be done safely so that it can always be the best form of exercise with no mishaps or accidents.

Of course accidents can always happen! But, a lot of them can be avoided with good attention to health and safety.

If you rebound you might want to follow these tips and if you have not yet started your rebounding journey, you can refer to these tips when you do.😉

For more about Rebound For Wellness and the Rebound For Wellness Programmes, please go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Rebound For Wellness Is A Great Way To Help You Get Your Exercise

Rebound For Wellness Is A Great Way To Help You Get Your Exercise

NASA found rebounding to be 68% more effective that jogging on a treadmill.

They also discovered rebounding:

Is a Low-impact Sport
Boosts Lymphatic Drainage
Works every cell in the body
Works Muscles
Improves Muscle Mass

Rebounding makes exercising so easy.

There doesn’t need to sweat and tears for you to reap the great benefits already listed.

Rebounding also improves Bine Mineral Density Levels.

For more on how you can Rebound For Your Wellness go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Trauma Resolved in 4 Weeks

Trauma Resolved in 4 Weeks

I made this 7 minute video after the fourth session with a client who was dealing with past trauma that had been triggered thanks to COVID lockdowns and work.

Four sessions later and she is talking about a new level of spiritual awareness with all triggered trauma well resolved.

Tapping works. There are so many gold standard studies on Tapping for resolving PTSD, anxiety, depression, stressed states, addictions, sleeplessness, food cravings and physical pain. These studies tell us that Tapping not only works as well as therapies like CBT and EMDR, but it works better!

If you are struggling to stay well at the moment. If you mind is stuck in negative thinking patterns, then get yourself a Tapping Coach and get resolving the issues that are holding you back from living your best life.

Stress can be transformed. How you manage your stress will change when you resolve and retune your past trauma and other emotional blips from your life.

For more information on TMT - a new and advanced form of Tapping please visit my website - retuningme.com
Kinesiology works to Balance any the affects that stress is having in your mind, body and soul.

Kinesiology works to Balance any the affects that stress is having in your mind, body and soul.

Kinesiology is 💯 focused on rebalancing your energy system so that you can get in with Living Your Best Life.

This video gives you a little information about how Kinesiology Works and perhaps how it can work for you.

For more information please go to retuningme.com
Just Over 9 Minutes of Rebalancing Sounds From The Sea

Just Over 9 Minutes of Rebalancing Sounds From The Sea

I don’t know about you, but there are times when just sitting by the sea totally rebalance the stress levels. This recording has those beautiful healing and hypnotic sea sounds for just over 9 minutes. So, find a space for yourself to be able to sit back, breathe, relax and enjoy.

Is stress ruining your life - causing you to lose control of your emotions? Do you find that your digestive system isn’t working as well as it used to? Perhaps your sleep is all out of balance.

At RetuningMe the number one priority is Retuning all Stressed Energy for Wellness and Success.

Click on this link to find out how we could help you get back to Living Your Best Life.

Stress doesn’t have to ruin your life. Get R-e-t-u-n-e-d so you can Surf the Waves of Stress that come your way - with ease.
Trauma doesn’t have to cripple tour life. Traumas can be resolved and retuned.

Trauma doesn’t have to cripple tour life. Traumas can be resolved and retuned.

I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to continue to be ruled by trauma.

When you go back and revisit a past trauma or unresolved even from childhood, you can retune your thinking patterns in a way that is so empowering.

You can get on with living your best life again.

You can find the place of calm and stillness that exists deep within your being.

For more information visit retuningme.com
Searching for Signs of Spring in Winter - outside in nature and inside Yourself.

Searching for Signs of Spring in Winter - outside in nature and inside Yourself.

We are so lucky to have so many great inspirational messages that just offer us hope and a reason to keep on going. I find that nature talks to me every single day, no matter what season it is.

I hope you can see the tiny buds that are on the branches just a day or so after the leaves fell from the very same branches - a real reminder to us that spring is already on way. What better encouragement to keep going through the winter times in our lives - knowing that spring is on the way..

For more on what I do, please visit retuningme.com
Rebound For Wellness - Sometimes exercise can be easy with Rebounding

Rebound For Wellness - Sometimes exercise can be easy with Rebounding

In this video I tell you all about rebounding. I also give you some discount codes, but please be patient as they are not always active. These Rebound For Wellness videos are to get and keep you rebounding for your wellness for the rest of your active life.

For more go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness and to see if there is a discount code available email me on nuala@retuningme.com
Moments Of Sunshine - are quite often there, but do you see them?

Moments Of Sunshine - are quite often there, but do you see them?

Sometimes all we need is that little reminder to help us turn our thoughts from negative to more positive frequencies.

In this video I talk to you about finding and celebrating all the moments of sunshine that come in and out of your life.

For more on what I do, please visit retuningme.com
Wellness Planning - A great Way to actively Plan for your Wellness on a daily basis.

Wellness Planning - A great Way to actively Plan for your Wellness on a daily basis.

You have stress coming at you from every angle and all of the time. You need to be your own best friend. Wellness Planning is about showing up for yourself each day. I bet you show up for countless others, but what about yourself?

For more information on Wellness Planning visit retuningme.com/wellness-coaching/
Another motivational video about Rebounding for your Wellness with RetuningMe

Another motivational video about Rebounding for your Wellness with RetuningMe

Rebounding has been found to be 68% more effective than running on a treadmill.

Rebounding has improved bone Mineral Density levels and lowered blood pressure.

Watch this video to learn more about Rebounding and perhaps a way of rebounding that could work for you.

For more about Rebound For Wellness Programmes go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Rebound For Wellness Explained - You will be glad you watched this video.

Rebound For Wellness Explained - You will be glad you watched this video.

In this video I talk about the benefits of Rebounding and tell you a little about two Rebound For Wellness Programmes that I have on my website: retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness

Watch the video and then go over and visit my website and explore Rebound For Wellness a little more. You'll be glad you did.
Rebounding - Have you Tried it yet? Watch this video to learn about this great form exercise.

Rebounding - Have you Tried it yet? Watch this video to learn about this great form exercise.

Rebounding can meet all your exercise needs and much, much more. For more information, go to retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness
Rebound For Wellness Video

Rebound For Wellness Video

Introduction to Rebound For Wellness - programmes that provide easy exercising for our overall wellness. For more information please go to www.retuningme.com/...und-for-wellness
Retuning - A New Way that Resolves Old Beliefs, Actions and Habits

Retuning - A New Way that Resolves Old Beliefs, Actions and Habits

Quite often we can get caught up in language and meaning and lose the opportunity for resolution and healing.

We are put on this earth to live our best lives but for many reasons we have experiences that we can’t seem to find resolutions for at the time and they tend to cause blips our vibrations.

It’s these blips that come in the form of negative beliefs and habits that can prevent us from getting on with the job of living our best lives.

So, I help myself and others to learn new habits that help us resolve and retune past and present stresses so we can surf the waves of stress that come our way. To me, when we can surf the stressors then we can get on with living our best lives every single day.

What needs retuned in your life?
For more information on what I do, visit retuningme.com
Do you really want to change your negative thinking?

Do you really want to change your negative thinking?

My name is Nuala O Connor and I would like to help you change your mind negative thinking. I call this retuning for wellness.

We have these thoughts and believes in our automatic subconscious memory and they are playing away in there. So how do we retune them?

There are so many things we can do to work on retuning our negative thinking patterns.

One is by literally changing what we are thinking right now. Add some tapping to that and you can retune yourself while energy vibrations to that frequency.

Watch this video and give this short, fast technique a try.

I have a new advanced tapping technique called Two Meridian Tapping. You can try that too. Search for it here on YouTube.

Or contact me to book tour own session www.retuningme.com
Rebound For Wellness my best exercise plan since I turned 40.

Rebound For Wellness my best exercise plan since I turned 40.

Given all the benefits of rebounding, I’m so glad that I rebound daily. Rebounding is 68% more effective than running. Rebounding improves bone strength and bone mineral density.

For me, rebounding keeps me feeling well in mind and body. It works every one of the 50 trillion cells in my body.

Rebounding clears my head, tones my muscles and I am always energised after my rebounding time.

Because rebounding boosts the lymphatic system and works every muscle, it is really important to start slowly and build up to 20 minutes.

For more information on Rebound For Wellness go to www.retuningme.com/...und-for-wellness
Rebound for Wellness Intermediate Programme Week 10

Rebound for Wellness Intermediate Programme Week 10

Rebounding provides us with a weight-bearing, low-impact daily exercise programme that helps us keep Well. For more information go to www.retuningme.com/...nd-for-wellness/
23 September 2020

23 September 2020

Alternative rebounding to use when you need it

Alternative rebounding to use when you need it

Rebound For Wellness Intermediate Programme Week 7

Rebound For Wellness Intermediate Programme Week 7

Rebounding is 68% more effective than running - that’s what NASA scientists found out 40 years ago.
For more information go to www.retuningme.com/...und-for-wellness
Tapping works for Food Cravings

Tapping works for Food Cravings

Do you find your craving sugary foods?
Could be a sign your triggering a subconscious stress response and your body needs energy for the flight or flight response.
Tapping can help calm that down and retune the food cravings with lasting effect. www.retuningme.com/...ng-food-cravings
Rebounding the best form of exercise for over 40’s

Rebounding the best form of exercise for over 40’s

Are you struggling with getting enough exercise?

Here’s what I do - I rebound for my #Wellness.

When it comes to a form of exercise where less is more you can’t beat #Rebounding.

Watch this video telling you some of the benefits of rebounding for your #wellness.

Then go to my website retuningme.com/rebound-for-wellness and get my 20 week Rebound for Wellness Basic Programme.

I also tell you a little about the two main types of rebounders.

Rebounding can do so much for your wellness.

It’s works every cell in my body.
It’s been found to be 68% more effective than running if in a treadmill. It’s good for:
Blood Pressure
Bone Mineral Density
Muscle tone
Strengthening blood vessels
Lymphatic drainage

It’s also brilliant cos less is more when it comes to rebounding.

Every woman could use this their exercise for menopause support.

I encourage rebounding for the rest of your life!

You rebound at your own risk!
If attending a medical practitioner, please consult before rebounding.

Tell them this programme begins with just one minute gentle walking motion daily for the first week, bringing you through to 20 minutes daily gentle rebounding at 20 weeks.

The beauty about having the programme is you can take it at your own pace.

If you feel you need three weeks at week four, you can take three weeks.

Access doesn’t stop after 20 weeks.

For more information and to get my 20 week Rebound for wellness programme go to www.retuningme.com/...und-for-wellness
Anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life!

Anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life!

Are you feeling anxious? Do you dread having to get up in the morning? Have you felt so overwhelmed with panic that you just can’t breath properly and think you’re heart is going to come out of your body? When it comes to anxiety there is nothing better than Tapping.
Six years ago I had non trigger panic attacks. All of a sudden and out of nowhere I would feel so panicked and sick that I wanted to run and hide somewhere. That’s the flight part of the stress response. Where other things had worked before they weren’t working now.
But Tapping did and with lasting effect. Here’s just one round of a new two point tapping system. Try it for yourself. Like and share this with your friends and let’s get the stress levels down. www.retuningme.com
Stress - How do you manage it?

Stress - How do you manage it?

Stress is part of our everyday life. Our health is based on how we manage stress.

I had a very long day in front of the computer yesterday and it’s left me tired! To help me cope with sitting in front of the computer I drank plenty of water, got outside regularly, tapped, did some rebounding and stretched a lot.

What do you do in your day to help you cope with the stresses you are under.

Do you get irritated easily? How is your sleep? Do you go between states of anxiety and depression? Are you struggling to get out of bed and face each day? These are all signs you are stressed.

A little wellness focused planning goes a long way when it comes to helping us deal with stress.

Perhaps think about how you move through your daily journey. Are you including little habits to help you cope? Little habits for wellness.

Today is a new day and time for a new way. Start today and put some wellness habits in place now.

We reap what we sow. Sow some wellness into your day. You’ll be glad you did.

Share this with your friends and get them thinking about their wellness. It’s the best gift you can give them.
Three #wellness habits you already do.

Three #wellness habits you already do.

Are you struggling to cope these days? Do you wish you could just wave a magic wand and make your life better? Here are just #Three things you already do in your day. But with a slight change of focus they can become life savers! Like and share to get everyone making their day more manageable. www.retuningme.com
Retune Stress The Natural Way

Retune Stress The Natural Way

Sick of struggling to get out of bed due to #Anxiety or #Depression?
Tapping turned my life around.
I had non trigger panic attacks.
Tapping retuned them in weeks.
Try this new advanced way of Tapping. Go to www.retuningme.com and book your own sessions or even better get yourself on one of my retuning programmes.
#ForgivenessFriday the Two Meridian Tapping Way

#ForgivenessFriday the Two Meridian Tapping Way

It’s #ForgivenessFriday time to let yourself off the hooks you keep yourself on. Always good to acknowledge that we are human and we are hard on ourselves.. and perhaps others. www.kinesiology4u.ie
Retuning darkness to calm.

Retuning darkness to calm.

Just one round of TMT (Two Meridian Tapping) to help lift your darkness, calm anxiety and bring you into a better balanced state. www.retuningme.com
Monday morning - the right day to have a positive thought.

Monday morning - the right day to have a positive thought.

It is well documented that our thoughts create our reality and attract our experiences. Every sound of every word has a vibration. We set our vibration today by the thoughts we think today. Choose to think a positive thought first thing each day and see what happens. Choose to Tap that positive thought right into your whole energy field and be prepared for change. Like what you experience in this video? Share it with your friend and get them retuning their energy. Want more? Want to have your own focused retuning sessions then go to www.kinesiology4u.ie and book your one to one online sessions. Or contact me at info@kinesiology4u.ie
Did you choose to set yourself up for success today?

Did you choose to set yourself up for success today?

What we think is what we get. Are you choosing to set your mind to a positive frequency when you wake each day or are you choosing to remain negative?? Tapping helps to retune our subconscious thoughts with lasting effect. I’m proof of that. This video contains just one round of Two Meridian Tapping, a new and advanced way for retuning your whole vibration to positive ways. Try it for yourself and if you’re stuck in the rut of negative thinking book some sessions and let’s get you retuned to more positive ways. www.kinesiology4u.ie
Reasons to be Grateful from the Garden

Reasons to be Grateful from the Garden

Some Two Meridian Tapping for retuning worry and anxiety to calm, peace and joy.

Some Two Meridian Tapping for retuning worry and anxiety to calm, peace and joy.

Are you waking in the morning worried about just about everything? Do you tend to overreact about the smallest of things? Is anxiety stopping you from getting things done? I know exactly what this is like. Having suffered from non trigger panic attacks some years ago, I understand how stress works. More importantly I now have tools and techniques that help me surf the waves of stress with relative ease. Two Meridian Tapping is one of those tools. This is a short taster session I did live on FB. Try it out, even this short video will help you retune your stress to wellness and success. Share it with your friends. Book your own 1:1 sessions at www.kinesiology4u.ie
Tapping on Monday 29th June to Set the Energy For the Week

Tapping on Monday 29th June to Set the Energy For the Week

#MondaysMerits retuning stress to success focused thinking and starting our week off on a positive. Quite often we forget that we have co tell of our thoughts and we can tune our whole vibrational energy by the thoughts we think. Stressful thoughts trigger a stress response. What are you thinking as you begin your Monday. Remember most of our thoughts are subconscious but we do have insight. For more information on Two Meridian Tapping or for one to one session to retune your specific thought patterns, go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
#ForgivenessFriday 26th June 2020 (Live on FB)

#ForgivenessFriday 26th June 2020 (Live on FB)

Everyday I think we need to spend a little time, forgiving ourselves for the pressure we put ourselves under each day. That is why I always make my Friday videos about #Forgiveness. This video is one of my Monday to Friday 8am Live Tapping Sessions on Face Book that I offer free. I do this because I want as many people as possible to work on calming their stress responses and retuning their subconscious stressed thinking states. Then we can surf the wave of stress rather than be neck deep in the sea kicking like mad to just keep ourselves alive. Life id for living and enjoying, get tapping and get living. This is a new form of Tapping called Two Meridian Tapping. For more information go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
Nuala O'Connor   Tap Into Success Book Trailer

Nuala O'Connor Tap Into Success Book Trailer

A short video produced by my Publishing Company about my upcoming book - Tap Into Success. To pre-order your copy, go to www.tapintosuccessbook.com.
Retuning Overwhelm and Stress to a Positive Vibration of Joy

Retuning Overwhelm and Stress to a Positive Vibration of Joy

Waking up feeling tired and overwhelmed? Not sleeping properly? Exhausted all the time? Feeling the need for lots of food to try and boost your energy? These are all signs that you are triggering a stress response probably subconsciously and probably all the time. Tapping helps to calm that triggering right down. Two Meridian Tapping, the tapping system used in this video helps to balance all our energy systems (meridians) which in turn helps to retune our hormones and neurotransmitter energies. Try it for yourself. For more information on TMT go to www.tapintosuccessbook.com or to book your own 1:1 sessions go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
Tuesday - Tapping to retune fear, worry and anxiety.

Tuesday - Tapping to retune fear, worry and anxiety.

Worry, fear, anxiety - can literally take over our lives blocking us from being able to think clearly and draining the energy from our body. Tapping can retune these states, bringing a clearer focus and renewed energy. Try this taster Tapping session using a new form of tapping called Two Meridian Tapping. You can find out more about TMT and pre-order your copy of my book on how to use Two Meridian Tapping to set yourself up for success in health, wealth and just about anything really, at www.tapintosuccessbook.com
#ForgivenessFriday - time to stop stressing myself and make a choice to be happy with who I am.

#ForgivenessFriday - time to stop stressing myself and make a choice to be happy with who I am.

#ForgivenessFriday time to let ourselves and others off the hook. We tend to put ourselves under so much pressure when what we really need is to be our own best friend. Tapping on making a choose to be happy with ourselves. Want to do some personal work on raising your vibration to a happy one, even at this stressful time in our world? Go to www.kinesiology4u.ie and book your session now.
Can’t cope? Fed up with feeling fatigued? Try Two Meridian Tapping.

Can’t cope? Fed up with feeling fatigued? Try Two Meridian Tapping.

Can’t cope? Can’t seem to find the energy to keep doing all that this ‘lockdown’ state has put on your life? That is stress fatigue. Tapping helps to clear out those stress hormones that are going nowhere cos we aren’t actually running away or fighting. It also helps to refocus the mind, body and soul to higher vibrations. If you feel you need more than this little focused tapping, book some 1:1 online sessions and get retuning your life to wellness and success. www.kinesiology4u.ie
#WednesdaysWisdom Find and Focus on The Positive

#WednesdaysWisdom Find and Focus on The Positive

#WednesdaysWisdom #FindThePositive #MakingItHappen #FocusOnPositive What better way to begin Wednesday than to find and focus on the positive energy around us. This will take our focus off stress and retune it to successful ways. Remember what we focus on is what we get - cos where attentions goes energy flows. Having difficulty finding and focusing on the positive try some 1:1 online sessions. Go to www.kinesiology4u.ie for more information.
Tuesday: Tapping to feel connected to breath, to source, to life.

Tuesday: Tapping to feel connected to breath, to source, to life.

What we focus on is what we get. I don’t know about you, but when I focus on the news, more often than not I get stressed! Tapping this morning to enable us begin our day focusing on the positive. Tapping has been proven to reduce stress hormones and calm the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response. It has also cleared clinical markers for post traumatic stress disorder in soldiers, cleared stress related digestive issues, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, fears and phobias as well as pain in the body. Let’s tap on feeling and being connected to our breath. Our breathing keeps us literally connected to life - breath of life, I believe connects me to Spirit, to source, to the Divine. I hope you feel connected to and energised by your source of life after this video. Like it and share it with as many people as possible so they too can reduce stress and connect into their source. If you have major stressed emotions that you can’t seem to shift and they are causing stress related dis-ease in your body go to my website and book some sessions of Two Meridian Tapping to resolve this and get living your best life. www.kinesiology4u.ie
Setting Your Mind To Gratitude

Setting Your Mind To Gratitude

We are energy beings with the ability to retune our energy to the frequency we want. We can do this through the foods we eat, fluids we drink, exercise we take, sleep we get and most of all the thoughts we think. Given that around 95% of our thoughts are subconscious it can be difficult to know what we are thinking or what thoughts need changed. But that is something to work on in a longer session. Regardless of what has gone before, every single thought we think subconsciously was once a conscious thought. In this video I talk about deliberately and consciously setting your thoughts to the positive frequency that you want and today I’m setting to the frequency of gratitude. I’m boosting that thought into my frequency using Two Meridian Tapping. Enjoy, like and share. If you have difficulty staying positive or have dis-ease in your body then contact me and we can set up some sessions to help you change and retune that stressed state.
Anger - some Talk Tapping and breathing time

Anger - some Talk Tapping and breathing time

Anger is like any other emotion, it is energy in motion. But somehow it seems to get turned into something negative especially when it’s miss guided and used against others in a hurtful way. Joking me for some talk, tapping and breathing.
Retuning Sleeplessness with TMT

Retuning Sleeplessness with TMT

How is your sleep? It can be so hard to switch off the thinking mind at night, especially when we are stressed. Tapping today to help retune stress around not sleeping. Tapping retunes stress hormones with lasting effect. www.kinesiology4u.ie
Retuning feeling of overwhelm and can’t cope to calm

Retuning feeling of overwhelm and can’t cope to calm

To admit we are finding it hard to cope is the first step to changing that thought and it’s related feelings. Every thought we have sends messages out into our energy system. So it is important that once we realise the verbalise the negative state we find ourselves in, we set about changing that state for the sake of our overall health and well-being. There are many ways to help us stay focused in the present moment. Tapping helps us retune that feeling of overwhelm to whatever positive thought or feeling we now want to have in its place. Try it for yourself with this video and let me know how it goes. Tell me what challenges you face and let’s work on getting them retuned for greater wellness and success.


Letting ourselves of the hook of high expectation that we put ourselves on through our subconscious thoughts and beliefs. So let’s work on forgiving ourselves and working our way to self-acceptance and love.
Retuning states of overwhelm with ease.

Retuning states of overwhelm with ease.

When we feel overwhelmed we kick off a stress response in us which results in a loss of focus and purpose. Tapping can calm that stress response, retune the stress hormones and refocus your thinking. To pre-order my book Tap Into Success go to www.tapintosuccessbook.com
Tapping to reduce stress and promote wellness

Tapping to reduce stress and promote wellness

When we are stressed we are tense and our breath is shallow and that little bit faster. Tapping helps to ease the tension, allowing the breath to slow and become that little bit deeper. Try it for yourself with this video. One I recorded live in FB 16th April 2020. For more information go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
Tapping for HOPE in darkness

Tapping for HOPE in darkness

Tapping is a technique that evolves the gentle tapping of energy points and pathways on the body. Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce stress hormones and calm the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response. Tapping also retunes conditions like PTSD, anxiety and depression, reduces food cravings and addictive behaviours. In this video I use a new and advanced form of tapping called Two Meridian Tapping to help retune all our energy pathways to the positive frequency of hope. Hope means so many different things to different people. Hope relies on a positive energy of some sort. That’s why I say HOPE is Holding (onto)Our Positive Energy. For more information of Tapping and Wellness go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
Tapping for self-forgiveness on Good Friday

Tapping for self-forgiveness on Good Friday

It’s Good Friday in the Christian Tradition. I believe Good Friday is when we get to reflect on our own lives and the times we have literally crucified ourselves and others with our thoughts, words and actions. In my experience, we generally do this because we are subconsciously hurting. By tapping on truly forgiving myself, regardless of what has gone on in the past, I am accepting that today is a new day and an opportunity for a new way of being more compassionate to myself. For more information go to www.kinesiology4u.ie
Ten minutes of Sea Energy. @retuningme.com

Ten minutes of Sea Energy. @retuningme.com

No matter how bad the day has been or how low my energy is, a time by the sea always seems to retune my vibrational frequencies to states of peace and calm. So, for what it is worth, here is just 10 minutes of sea energy.
Just over three minutes of retuning sea energy @retuningme.com

Just over three minutes of retuning sea energy @retuningme.com

Allow yourself to sit, breathe through your nose and let the sea retune your energy for just a little over three minutes.
Reflecting on the gift of service on Holy Thursday.

Reflecting on the gift of service on Holy Thursday.

Quite often we fail to see that as we are we are gift and that we are good enough. All that we do is the best we can do and is good enough. We are our own harshest critic when we could be our own best friend. Tapping in this video for self forgiveness, self love and self acceptance. For more on TMT and Nuala O Connor go to www.tapintosuccessbook.com
Two Meridian Tapping - retuning that feeling of nothing being good enough.

Two Meridian Tapping - retuning that feeling of nothing being good enough.

Tapping helps us to retune past negative thinking patterns to new positive thoughts. It also reduces stress hormones and calms the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response. This tapping video shows a new tapping technique called Two Meridian Tapping and offers a way to resolve and retune scripts of not believing in or accepting ourselves as being good enough. Happy Tapping.
Taping for calm, peace and breathing with ease.

Taping for calm, peace and breathing with ease.

Tapping on acupressure points has been clinically proven to reduce stress hormones and calm the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response. Two Meridian Tapping also retunes our meridian energy pathways and their related neurotransmitter energies. TMT is a new and slightly more advanced form of tapping. I’d love to hear your feedback as you give it a go. You can find out more on Two Meridian Tapping at www.kinesiology4u.ie
Two Meridian Tapping for retuning stress

Two Meridian Tapping for retuning stress

Stress lowers our immune system and increases cortisol levels in the body. Tapping acupressure points while focusing on a positive affirmation has been proven to reduce stressed states and stress hormones with lasting effect. Two Meridian Tapping is an advanced acupressure tapping system that taps all the yin/yang meridian (energy pathways) together in a certain order, brining even more harmony to our mental, physical and soulful being. This video specifically focuses on retuning stress.
Tap Into Success - Two Meridian Tapping

Tap Into Success - Two Meridian Tapping

Welcome to the brand new two point tapping system called Two Meridian Tapping (TMT). A system that helps to retune your mind, body and soul to the frequency of success - whatever that may be for you.

Let stress be a thing of the past with TMT. By tapping on two different but related energy pathways called meridians at the same time and in a certain order, you are bringing balance to your energy system.
Two Meridian Tapping for Calm

Two Meridian Tapping for Calm

Tapping to reduce stress, retune meridian energy pathways and their rested neurotransmitter energies to the vibration of calm, then following in to ease of breath finishing with some quiet breathing time. This. Idea was decided live on Facebook.
Cover version of The Voyage

Cover version of The Voyage

Singing this on 1st April upon request in memory of Dan Morris and what would have been Dan and Aine’s 18th Wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary in heaven Dan, thinking of you and the boys today especially Áine.
Tapping to help us Breathe with ease

Tapping to help us Breathe with ease

When we get stressed we can forget to breathe! Here is a tapping video that leads into a short time of just breathing with ease. The tapping technique used in this video is Two Meridian Tapping, a new technique of tapping two different but related points together at the same time.
Taking some time to breathe.

Taking some time to breathe.

This is a love video from FB where I invite you to take some time to breathe. Advancing from just placing your hands on your solar plexus and breathing through your nose while thinking of something your grateful for, to breathing to the count of five.
Taking a Little Time to Breathe

Taking a Little Time to Breathe

Taking Time To Be

Taking Time To Be

Tapping to retune stress

Tapping to retune stress

Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce and clear stress hormones. It also calms the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response. Two Meridian Tapping also brings balance to the Yin/Yang meridians and their related neurotransmitter energies. In this video we are tapping to retune stress to positive states of wellness like calm and gratitude seeing our blessings in life. For more information contact Nuala at info@kinesiology4u.ie
Two Meridian Tapping - retuning stress to Wellness

Two Meridian Tapping - retuning stress to Wellness

Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce stress hormones and calm the parts of the brain that trigger the stress response in the first place. Out thoughts play a key role in determining whether we are stressed or not. Most of those are subconscious, in fact around 95% are automatic subconscious thoughts that lead to automatic subconscious actions and habits including triggering the stress response. Tapping helps to not only retune our vibrational energy frequency but also reset our thought which will change our habits... In this video I am tapping to retune from stress and worry to wellness - which in my book is success🙌 I hope you enjoy Two Meridian Tapping.
Two Meridian Tapping for calm

Two Meridian Tapping for calm

Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce stress hormones in the body. Two Meridian Tapping is like an advanced form of Tapping. Stress is the enemy of wellness. In this video we’re tapping to retune our energies to a calmer vibration. Enjoy 😊
#MondaysMerits - 16th December 2019

#MondaysMerits - 16th December 2019

Monday can be a day we focus on negativity - it’s Monday! I have to work! I have to go to school! I hate Mondays! Well what we think is what we get, so let’s consciously change our thoughts and so change our energy and wellness this and every Monday. Happy Monday
#ForgivenessFriday pre Christmas advice on sugar intake!

#ForgivenessFriday pre Christmas advice on sugar intake!

Another Forgiveness Friday reflection - the day of the week that I invite you to reflect on your day, retune your thoughts and refocus on being your own best friend. PS. Don’t forget that sugar weakens the immune system😉


I see Friday as a day to take time, reflect and retune. We are our own best critics when we need to be our own best friends. Let yourself off the hook.
Two and a half minutes of Sea Energy

Two and a half minutes of Sea Energy

Take time to breathe. This is a short video to totally capture your senses of sight and sound. Allow this experience to wash over your mind, body and soul - retuning your stress to a state of calm for just two and half minutes.🙏🏻
Tapping to raise your vibration to the frequency of blessing.

Tapping to raise your vibration to the frequency of blessing.

Jesus Take Me As I Am

Jesus Take Me As I Am

An amazing reflective prayer that I have had the privilege of singing at many sacred events, the latest being my mother’s funeral - on her request. Hope it brings you some blessing at this time.
In memory of my mother Pat O’Connor

In memory of my mother Pat O’Connor

Many years ago, my mother asked me to put a reflection she had written to music. Then she asked me to sing it at her funeral, which was in January. It’s Mother’s Day here in Ireland, so I thought it very fitting to share this piece in her memory🙏
# MondaysMerits.

# MondaysMerits.

Catching yourself on 🥴 when you are focusing on the negative...


So often we put ourselves down. Life is hard enough! Besides when we put ourself down we tend to do it to others as well. Forgiveness Friday is all about letting yourself and others off the hook.


Focusing on all that is positive in our Monday🙏
Two Meridian Tapping focusing on gratitude

Two Meridian Tapping focusing on gratitude

What we focus on is what we get. Sometimes it’s good to count our blessings. I always say the to the grateful heart more (of what you are grateful for) is given. Enjoy retuning to the frequency of gratitude through three rounds of Two Meridian Tapping🙏
Two Meridian Tapping for strength

Two Meridian Tapping for strength

This video shows how to use Two Meridian Tapping to feel strong. You might be conscious that you are lacking in your own belief in your own strength and ability to cope at this time. Try this Two Meridian Tapping video of just three rounds of Tapping and see how you are. Happy Tapping🙏
Two Meridian Tapping - retuning energies to a calm frequency.

Two Meridian Tapping - retuning energies to a calm frequency.

Tapping has been scientifically proven to reduce stressed states and stress hormones with lasting effect. Two Meridian Tapping is a new and advanced way of tapping.
Monday’s Merits - Finding the Merits in your Monday

Monday’s Merits - Finding the Merits in your Monday

Our thoughts are impacting our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health all the time. Make the conscious effort to focus on the positive by finding the merits in your Monday.
Basic Energy EFT Tapping  with Nuala O Connor

Basic Energy EFT Tapping with Nuala O Connor

This video is about Basic Energy EFT Tapping with Nuala O Connor. www.thehappytappers.com
Introducing Tap Into Success

Introducing Tap Into Success

This video introduces the Basic Energy EFT Tapping system used by Nuala O Connor. www.tapintosuccess.com
A short video capturing the healing vibrations of the sea.

A short video capturing the healing vibrations of the sea.

Took this video to try and capture the healing energy of the sea. It’s only 3 minutes and 16 seconds long. Allow yourself to sit back and relax as the healing energy from the sea washes over your being🙏
Tap Into Success - Basic Tapping Protocol

Tap Into Success - Basic Tapping Protocol

Hi this is my Basic Tapping Protocol. I hope you find it helpful. More to come. N
Easter Hallelujah LPOC

Easter Hallelujah LPOC

Lucy Pitts O'Connor creates another cover version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah for midnight Mass in Ballenaleck. Fr Ray, the singing priest hasn't heard this one yet!!!!!
Hallelujah - Easter Version - LPOC

Hallelujah - Easter Version - LPOC

Lucy Pitts O'Connor has created yet another thematic version of leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, which Fr Ray, the singing priest has yet to hear!!!

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